Endless Dantian

Vol 3 Chapter 766: Blue Dragon Halberd

For Nie Yun, the most important thing is to find a special breath that can be derived from Dantian, an evolutionary talent, the more talents the stronger the strength.

Although in the previous life, he often entered and went to the Treasure Pavilion of Huayunzong, but at that time there was no nameless method and he didn't know that there was something special to make it work. Therefore, experience has no reference value at all and can only be re-induced.

As soon as the body flickered, Tianyan Dantian and the thief talent were running at the same time, and Nie Yun's wings of wings fanned and flew forward quickly.

The eyes of the sky probe into danger, and God secretly searches for treasures, and the two talents are exerted together, so as to ensure that there will be no fish leaking the net and gain greater benefits.

With these two kinds of reliance, you do n’t need to search like everybody for every thing you encounter. If you want to know whether something is precious or not, you can fully judge the strength of the treasure with the talent of God.

Treasures that are strong, treasures are certainly precious, and those that are weak have no value for further research.

In this way, the speed of advance is very fast, a few breaths have flown hundreds of kilometers, and a long river formed entirely by martial arts appears in front.

Inside the river, various martial arts constantly evolved, emitting a bright light.

After changing the treasure house of Yunzong, various treasures will be sealed in it for a long time. No matter the treasures or martial arts, they have their own wisdom. Coupled with the strong surrounding aura, they will be unable to demonstrate their skills.

This river looks like a water wave. In fact, it consists entirely of martial arts. Each martial art represents the creator's understanding of Tao and the evolution of Tao.

Everyone has a different understanding, but in the end, they will return to the same path and return to the same goal.

"None of these are right. The level of the trick is too bad, far less than Capricorn Palm, not moving the king boxing, cultivation is useless!"

Flying through the air, only one glance, Nie Yun knew that these martial skills were too low. Not only does it not help you, there are also disadvantages.

It's as if the words you originally wrote look good, and make you copy the ugly characters. It won't take a long time, and the original good characters will be affected.

Nie Yun now has a very deep understanding of the avenue, plus previous experience. It is comparable to the strongest in the peak of Dantian Acupoints. This kind of understanding, if you forcibly cultivate these low-level martial arts, will not only increase your strength, but will decrease it, and you will lose more than you gain.

"However. These are not useful to me, they should help a lot for Xiaofeng!"

Although Xiaofeng's strength has reached the virtual reality, their understanding of martial arts and Tao is too low. If these things can be used for them, it will definitely increase their combat effectiveness.

Just do it when you think, with a faint smile on your face, and grab your palm downwards. A river composed entirely of martial arts was lifted out of thin air.

Huge innumerable ideas tumbling in it, each arguing, the idea will defeat Nie Yun's spirit.


With a low whisper, the talent of the Xianyin Master was cast, and the sound of natural sound shocked, and the idea of ​​being alone was defeated, forming a pure martial arts experience.

The unique idea formed by martial arts is very weak. In the face of the bridge environment and the field disciples, they may still be able to shine, and it is not worth mentioning to Nie Yun, a super strong man who has combat ability in the late days of breaking the air. Can be erased casually.

"Here you guys!"

Tamada, the tamed beast, communicates with beasts such as Xiaofeng, and with a little palm, puts these thoughts into their minds with a big hand.

These purified martial arts experiences have the same meaning as the martial arts essence, and can make people combat ability and consciousness. A qualitative leap occurred at the same time.

"Thank you, master!"

The practice of Xiaofeng and others is almost always brought up stiffly, with strength, and little understanding of martial arts. These things come to mind, and immediately make them ecstatic and become a big supplement.

"You slowly realize that you should cultivate well. Although these things are not useful to me, they are all the essence left by the predecessors of Discourse, and they cannot be underestimated!"

Infused this river idea into their knowledge of the sea, and found that Xiaofeng and others have limited acceptance ability and have reached saturation. Immediately not continuing, he was instructed to flap the wings of the Phoenix and quickly fly forward.

Leaped a few rivers formed by martial arts, this time without stopping, hurried forward.

One of them was attacked by one of the powerful martial arts as he crossed a river, but this attack was useless to Nie Yun and was crushed into pieces.

After the martial arts river passed, it was the mountains and forests formed by Gongfa. Many things on the ground that looked like trees were actually external forms formed by Gongfa. Once touched, a powerful attack broke out.

With the practice methods of the spirit rhinoceros body, the Vajra glass body, and the nine transfer nirvana, Nie Yun was not very interested in these, and flew directly to the place where spirit soldiers and various rare ore were stored in the treasure hall. .

If you must have a special atmosphere, it is definitely not in the scope of martial arts and exercises, it must be here!

Along the way, I saw a few sets of martial arts that made him want to move, and then wrote down, but did not practice.

The practice of martial arts is very troublesome. The higher the depth of the trick, the harder it is to practice. Remember that it is not too late to practice, and there is no need to waste it in these short three days.

Except for martial arts, there is nothing particularly exciting.

For him, this is a familiar place. In previous lives, he did n’t know the nameless method, but all the other methods have been studied. It is really not easy to revisit the place and find the treasure that pleases him.

Entering the area where the spirit soldiers and ore are located, the spiritual communication of the unknown method, Nie Yun flew forward.

"No? No, it's useless ... it's not even ..."

Flying all the way, he quickly flew over thousands of kilometers. He quickly crossed the area where the soldiers and ore were located, but still found nothing, and Nie Yun frowned.

Isn't there anything in the entire Treasure Bank of Yunzong that can make the unknown method work?

This is a bit unusual!

Huayunzong, the first gate in the floating continent, has numerous geniuses and strong luck. There are at least five kinds of ten rare treasures in the world. Why is there no thing that makes the unknown method work?

"Huh? What's that?"

Flying forward, suddenly a blank area appeared in front of my eyes.

There are too many treasures in the area where weapons are placed, and there is almost no such blank space. This situation can only indicate a problem. There is an extremely powerful baby nearby, which prevents other treasures from coming forward.

"What will it be?" Nie Yun was a little curious.


Suddenly, a straight beam of light rushed into the heavens in one direction, and the daylight was generally bright.

"It looks like at least a superb soldier!"

Looking all the way down, Nie Yun already knows the level of treasure light that the unique spirit soldier can emit. Looking at the intensity of this light, this treasure must be able to move forward even in the unique spirit soldier.

"There should be no baby near here? Strange ..."

In the previous life, as the Supreme Elder of Yunzong, this place has also been here before, and nothing strange is found. Why is the sudden light so bright?


Confused, he didn't stop at his feet, and flew in the direction of Baoguang.

"Is a blue dragon halberd?"

At the end of Baoguang, a halberd of about one foot long was obliquely inserted into the ground, and a green dragon on the halberd's handle seemed to fly out at any time, terrifying and terrifying.

Blue Dragon Halberd!

"This halberd is definitely among the best spirit soldiers!" Nie Yun's eyes lit up.

The weapon, such as halberd, is not very flexible, and it is greatly restricted in close combat. There is almost no use in the floating continent. How can it suddenly appear such a high level?

Similarly, the outstanding spirit soldiers ~ www.readwn.com ~ the difference is also very big, just like the ordinary excellent spirit soldiers, Nie Yun can shatter with one finger, but to reach the level of this blue dragon halberd, want to shatter, Basically impossible.

Even masters can cause great damage to him.


Thinking in my heart, I caught the past in front of the blue dragon halberd.


It seemed that someone wanted to subdue him, and the halberd made a sudden turn, and a sudden turbulence suddenly released a sense of despair.

This killing intent came to the face, with a hint of madness, as if anyone wanted to surrender to the other side, they would kill the world and kill all beings.

"Is it ... the madman blue dragon halberd of the madman Taoist? It's really turning into Yunzong!"

Feeling the vicious spirit released from the halberd, Nie Yun first looked at it, then thought of something, eyes widened. (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point (m) to vote for recommendations, monthly tickets, your support is my biggest motivation. Mobile users, please go to m to read.)

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