Endless Dantian

Vol 3 Chapter 767: 3 yuan diamond wave

The madman Taoist is an extremely famous character on the floating continent, but he is not a master of Hua Yunzong, but a super strong of Xian Wuzong. He has the 72nd defensive talent and is a defensive division!

It is precisely because he has the talent of a defensive division, and also uses the mad monster blue dragon halberd that has strong melee attack power. Therefore, when fighting, there is only offense, no defense, endless and fierce fame.

This weird way of fighting has achieved his reputation as a madman.

However, no matter how fierce a man was, the siege was dead like a siege. It was said that the mad Taoists were surrounded by a group of demon people of the same level in a small space and tortured to death.

After his death, the blue dragon halberd of the madman lost his trace. In the past, Nie Yun once saw the name on the directory of the Treasure Pavilion. He came here to look for it, but he did not find it. Later he forgot it. Entered and found this thing by accident.

It seems that the previous life became the Supreme Elder, and this thing must have been taken away. As for where it went, there is no record.

"This weapon is suitable for me. I want it!"

Although Nie Yun is a kendo master who is good at using swords, when surrounded by a group of people, the role of this thing becomes prominent.

The weight and length, as well as the madness that it exudes, are extremely aggressive. If there are matching martial arts and group attack effects, it will definitely exceed the ordinary Supreme Sword Art.

"Conquer me!"

Thinking of this, he chuckled, stretched his palm, grabbed the air of defensiveness.

In the face of Nie Yun's strong grasp, the crazy blue dragon halberd was very resistant, but when he felt the defensive atmosphere contained in it, he became well-behaved. The power of madness gradually softened.

The weapon spirit of this weapon also knows that it can exert its strongest combat power only in the hands of the defender. The person in front of him is just missing the opportunity and trying to find it. It is almost impossible, so Nie Yun was recognized directly.


"Good weight!"

Gaining the recognition of the halberd spirit, immediately held it in the palm, felt the weight of the upper halberd, and Nie Yun frowned.

This thing turned out to be ten times heavier than Xuan Yu's sword. Ordinary people are very troublesome to pick up, let alone show.


As soon as the heart moved, the spirit extended into the blue dragon halberd, and he was about to refine it and suddenly found a difference.

"Huh? What is this?"

The blue dragon halberd body is painted with dense patterns, and a seal is arranged deep in the dense pattern. As if something was sealed.

This seal is very secretive, if it is not for the blue dragon halberd spirit to recognize itself, it is almost impossible to see!


Strange in my heart, the flames turned into a thin line, and passed around the seal, burning. Just listening to the crackling sound, a handwriting appeared in the field of vision.

These handwriting recorded a martial arts skill, and after taking a glance, Nie Yun's breathing became rapid immediately.

"Huh? This is the ultimate trick of Xian Wuzong, the practice method of [Sanyuan King Kong Bo]?"

Sanyuan King Kong Bo, the immortal Wu Zong's great tricks, and the same level as the sword **** Zong ’s Supreme Sword Art, only the palm teaching is qualified to practice martial arts, Nie Yun in the previous life saw only people show, not practiced. I did not expect that this crazy demon blue dragon halberd actually has a cultivation method.

Could this crazy demon Taoist ever be the teacher of Xian Wuzong?

An idea came to mind.

Nie Yun knows nothing about the history of Xianwuzong. Although he has heard of the Mad Taoist, he also knows that he is from Xianwuzong. However, it is unknown whether the identity is too elder, supreme elder or suzerain.

However, since the Sanyuan King Kong wave can be sealed in the blue dragon halberd in an intentional way, he must have a high status during his lifetime, even if he is not the suzerain, otherwise he would definitely have been used, otherwise there would never be a complete cultivation method for this trick.

The ternary diamond wave, a kind of use of mana qi, is widely spread in the floating heavens and continents, but it is only a simplified version. When it comes to power, it is not suitable to lift shoes for the full version.

This is the same as Sword God Sect's Destroyed Void and the Great Sword Art. It is a simplified version. Even Mu Shengxue, who was originally from the Qihai continent, has practiced it. The full version, without Kendo, cannot drive success at all.

"Everyone in the world knows that the defense division is extremely strong in defense. The dense tortoise shells formed by rotation can resist attacks, but they do not know that the dense grains on the tortoise shells represent a kind of understanding of the avenue. , Turn it into an attack? "

Looking up at the handwriting, Nie Yun was shocked by the statement in the first line.

The defense division's defensive tortoises can leap forward. What if this defensive power can be turned into an attack?

This is the problem of the spear and the shield. The shield can defend, but sometimes it can also be used as an attack weapon, which can have a huge impact in battle. The spear is the same, although it is good at attacking, it can also defend.

The dense division of the defense division is so powerful. If it can be transformed into Chen attack, how powerful should it be?

In a word, it gave Nie Yun a sensational and gigantic feeling, and a new world slowly appeared in his eyes.

At the time of the killing of the demon-winged cloud armor and beast king, the dense pattern on its tortoise shell was very similar to the defensive tortoise shell. However, a careful study of this dense pattern representing the defensive power has greatly increased the dark power of good at attacking. Attacking and defending is not a simple existence, but it has some necessary connections. Now it seems that it is!

Not only did some people realize this in advance, they even turned it into a real trick!

Since offense and defense can be switched, do the Buddha, the demon, the man, and the demon also have this common ground.

Of course, these do not mean to think now, to resist the shock in my heart, Nie Yun continued to look down.

"Yuan Zhe, Shi Ye, San Yuan, represents offense, defense, potential and Yuan Jing, Yuan Qi, Yuan Shen. When fighting, the Jing Qi is concentrated, the breath is strong, and the gods are in harmony. It is for San Yuan! It is the unique skill created based on the defense of the tortoise shell's dense pattern. The mana is formed into a special radon in the manner of the dense pattern and converges into a group. Once touched, it will immediately release power beyond imagination ... "

The following is the practice method of ternary diamond waves.

"Based on the defensive tortoise shell, if you are not a defensive division, it is almost impossible to complete cultivation, but as a defensive division, it is much easier to cultivate ..."

The dense pattern on the defense tortoise shell is difficult to understand, and it is almost impossible to draw it with mana, but as a defender, the dense pattern will naturally form in the body as soon as the defensive air moves, and then you only need to copy the mana according to the dense pattern. Once again, it's extremely simple.

It can be said that this trick of the three yuan King Kong waves is tailored for the defense division! There is no difficulty in cultivation!

After reading all the cultivation methods, Nie Yun's eyes became brighter and full of fiery.

The first ancestor of Xianwuzong was a defender. The ternary Vajrayana was researched based on the dense pattern on the tortoise shell. Nie Yun is also a defender. It is the same as practicing Supreme Sword Art and owning Kendo Dantian. Just put it all together and practice this trick!


When you think about it, if you focus on turning the defensive air, a mysterious dense pattern is formed in the body. Carefully control the mana and slowly rotate along the dense pattern. After a while, you will be in the palm of your hand, forming a round ball of radon. .

These radon gas kept spinning, and the dense grains on it were surrounded. Before it was hit, it emitted a strong power. It seemed that once thrown out, it would produce a violent explosion, the power was comparable to the attack of the Supreme Sword Art.

"Sure enough ..."

Seeing the practice of ternary diamond waves with the talents of the defense division, and easily practicing, Nie Yun jumped up.

The ternary diamond wave ~ www.readwn.com ~ means of long-distance attack, to blow out radon gas bubbles, even if it is hundreds of thousands of miles away, has a strong attack power, learn this trick, long-distance attack is not afraid!

Because of his physical strength, he always likes to fight in close quarters, and long-range attack is considered to be a short board. With this move, the short board is eliminated, and the long-range attack is extremely powerful. The combat power is equivalent to doubled.

Of course, although the power of the ternary diamond wave is not weak, the time for condensing is much slower than that of the Supreme Sword Art. In the case of tense fighting, it is not suitable for casting.

"Even if it is so, it is very strong. To fight against others, throw a group of ternary Vajra waves first, and then perform Supreme Sword Art, Capricorn God's Palm, and Fang Wangquan ... Hey, these tricks will be hit in an instant , Even the strongest in the top of the sky can drink a pot! "

With a laugh, Nie Yun was about to throw the condensed ternary Vajrayana into the air and exploded, and suddenly felt that the defense of Dantian was suddenly shaken.


With a crisp sound, the defense Dantian also turned pale blue. (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point (m) to vote for recommendations, monthly tickets, your support is my biggest motivation. Mobile users, please go to m to read.)

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