Endless Dantian

Vol 3 Chapter 768: Chaos

"Huh? Defensive division talent also reached the third form?"

When he heard the sound, his spirit swept away, and Nie Yun was startled.

Defensive division is the last talent obtained, and the frequency of use is not high, far less than talents such as camouflage and flames, how can it suddenly change, and still be promoted two levels?

Is it because of these dense patterns?

Too weird!

Defeat Dantian can be promoted by copying the dense pattern once with Mana. This time, the Dandan form promotion is probably the easiest.

However, the defense division has been promoted, which is a good thing for him. Having a third form of defense dantian can completely resist the attack of the strong peak breaking through the air. No more injuries.

This ability is simply against the sky. It ’s okay for the other party to attack themselves, but they can use all kinds of crazy tricks to deal with it. Even if the other party ’s strength is strong, I am afraid it will spit blood!

"Such a powerful defense, combined with ternary diamond waves, is terrible!"

The ternary King Kong Bo Shi exhibition will delay a lot of time, with such defense as a buffer, it is indeed the best match.


After training the ternary King Kong Bo, Nie Yun grabbed the crazy blue dragon halberd into Dantian, and continued to fly forward.

The practice of ternary diamond waves has delayed a lot of time, and we must seize the time to find a baby who can be promoted by the unknown method.

After taking away the treasures, Nie Yun speeded up without stopping.

In three days, the talk was very long, and the talk was ridiculous. Nie Yun had not completely walked through the entire treasure hall, and time had come.

Although there were many places to change in the past three days, he was very disappointed in the result. In the treasure hall of Huayunzong, there was no treasure that could run the unknown method!

"Can't talk to Xia Quan again, turn around for a few more days, and look carefully ..."

Somewhat disappointed. Nie Yunzheng was planning to talk to Xia Quan. After turning around in the treasure house for a few days, he looked carefully, and suddenly his palm was flipped, and a messaging jade card appeared on the palm of his hand.

"Yun Xuan, come back!"

Only five words, very simple. But with only a glance, Nie Yun's intentions were flowing.

The rumor was the Elder of the Red God of Sword God Zong, Yun Xuan returned to the King of the Sword God, certainly with the means of victory, it seems that he will be able to pass in the past!


I can't wait to continue looking for things at the moment, and I know how many kilometers to cross with one hand. Back to where I was separated from Elder Wu Xun three days ago.

At this time, Elder Wu Xun had been waiting for a long time, and Jing Hong and Liu Ji had already arrived.

"Well, let's go out!"

Upon seeing him, Elder Wu Xun laughed, cut through the space and took the three of them out of the treasure hall.

"I have an urgent matter to leave Zongmen, and please forgive Elder Wu Xun!"

Out of the Treasure Pavilion, Nie Yun didn't meander. Speak straight.

"Go out? Okay!"

Elder Wu Xun remembered Xia Quan's account, and he did not stop, and nodded.

"Thank you very much!" Nie Yun nodded gratefully, fast, a few breaths out of the sky.

Back to the floating heaven continent, tearing the palms, tearing away the space instantly, jumping straight towards the direction of the sword **** sect.

When it comes. Riding the teleportation array, I only came here for more than ten days. Now I am promoted. With the tearing space to move forward, the speed is extremely fast. Within an hour, I saw the towering gate of Sword God Sect appearing in front of him.

"The sky is purple? It's a big deal!"

Fall in front of the mountain facade. After looking around, Nie Yun's eyes narrowed.

I saw a large array of purple sky formations around the gate of Sword God's Sect. Enclose the entire gate.

The sky purple sky array, although not as good as the sword **** ancestor array, is not weak, and it is fully operational. Once the virtual reality strong person touches, it will stir up energy ripples and issue a lore attack. Mighty.

Even if it is not possible to kill the powerful Naxian Realm, as long as the chain reaction is caused, the person in charge of the formation will be aware of it and completely trap it.

In Jian Shen Zong's great expense to arrange this formation, it seems that the other party is afraid of a fish that escapes the net, or it is aimed at itself!

With a cold hum, Nie Yun flew straight to the gate.


As soon as the body touched the array, a roar of four disciples in blue robes burst out.

"Jian Shenzong is serious, forbid to break free!"

"No matter who you are, get back in!"

All four people held long swords and stared at Nie Yun. It seemed that as long as he dared to break through, he would act without mercy.

These four disciples are the strength of Tianqiao Realm, and I am afraid that they are among the core disciples, but Nie Yun has not been in Jiansong for a long time and does not know him.


Nie Yun knew that everyone was spreading outside the Zongmen, and he was definitely in crisis. He was too lazy to talk nonsense right now, and when he turned his palm, a jade seal appeared on his palm.

Teach India!

It's useless to say anything now, this thing best represents identity.

"Teaching Indian Seal?"

When they saw Yuyin, the four disciples were shocked, and each of them saw surprise from the other's eyes. However, instead of letting go, they looked strangely in their eyes and seemed to have some kind of communication secretly.

"Huh, we are not sure if your palm teaches India, it is too much fake now!"

Be a disciple loudly.

"Not sure is it true?" Nie Yun's tone chilled.

Even if the teaching seal is not refined, the ancestral heritage and power contained in it are by no means a magic weapon that can be imitated. The enlightenment of the spirit and belief of the entire ancestral pedigree can be recognized as long as it is not blind. This disciple actually said that the uncertainty was not true. It can be seen that these four people should not be disciples of Sword God Sect.

"Yes, you hand over this jade seal and let us check it. Only after careful inspection and confirmation can we know if it is true or false!"

"Hurry up here, don't fret!"

Two other disciples drank.

During the applause, the three people who spoke quietly surrounded Nie Yun, while the last one quietly hid his palms inside his sleeves, wondering what he wanted to do.

"come on!"

Although their movements are slight, who is Nie Yun? A pair of sky eyes can see through, a snorting cry, a grasp of the palm, a disciple hidden in the sleeve of the palm is pinched, a stroke of the palm, a jade card is pinched In the palm.

It's a jade of communication, this guy wants to send a message quietly!


How could Nie Yun let him pass the news, grab the jade card and pinch it gently, the jade card and the surrounding space were all broken, and the news in it could no longer be passed on.

"Dare to sacrifice in Sword God Sect, do it!"

"The origin of this guy is unknown, kill him ..."

The remaining three disciples did not expect that Nie Yun's eyes were so spicy and he moved so fast, and at the same time he drank, and the long sword in his palm pierced straight, fierce and yin, piercing his throat.

The three are extremely fast and close. In this case, if there is no precaution, even the strong virtual reality will have a little panic, and this panic gap may let them pass the news.


Nie Yun didn't resist the stabbed sword qi at all. As soon as the palm of the hand was pressed, "click!" The disciple in the palm fell down first, and before the sword qi came to his throat, a sharp light shot suddenly.

Huh! Huh! Huh!

Where the light glanced, the three disciples had no time to scream, just like a firework exploding.

Today's strength, when dealing with a few disciples in the bridge, there is no need to take a shot, a look, a word can make him completely die, there is no possibility of turning over.

"This isn't a disciple of Zongmen, but a person with a trace of chaos?"

Looking down at the disciple who just pinched his death, he saw a weird purple pattern appearing on his dead arm. This pattern was weird and could not be removed.

Seeing this kind of thing, Nie Yun knew that these four were not the disciples of Sword God Sect at all, but the people in the chaos.

[Landmarks of Chaos] It is a sinister land on the floating heavens and continents, with a huge area, which is far worse than that of the Qihai continent, but it cannot grow food, and there are no secrets such as spiritual stones. Not suitable for cultivation and survival.

The environment is sinister and the aura is scarce. According to common sense, no one will go there, but the opposite is true. This place is the most famous evil paradise on the floating continent, a place outside the law.

Almost all the guys in Futian who violated the door rules, violated the criminal law, or were spurned by evil, fled there, making this place like a union of evil and an evil world.

It is possible to commit crimes and let the eight major gates go to death and escape smoothly. Although the character is not good, even Nie Yun has to admit that these guys are all geniuses.

The accumulation of so many geniuses has increased the number of people in the chaos of the sky, and even gradually has the ability to compete with the eight major gates.

Of course, this is not to say that they have more powerful people, but that they sometimes surrender to the Terrans, sometimes surrender to the Demons, and survive in left and right swings. Instead, they let the eight major gates cast their jeopards and dare not kill them all.

However, people who are in trouble with the sky also understand that their status and the situation they face will hardly come out. They all crouch in that place and entertain themselves.

As long as you enter ~ www.readwn.com ~, the arm will be automatically painted with purple marks by Tiandao, which cannot be removed for life.

As for where the dense pattern came from and how it happened, it seems to be a huge secret that no one knows.

Nie Yun thought that Yun Xuan might move soldiers to Mihua, and he would ask for assistance from other schools under various names, but he never imagined that he would collude with the people who are in the sky!

Collusion with them is equivalent to collusion with "treacherous people," completely losing their qualifications and dignity.

"Collusion with such people, Yun Xuan, you're looking for death!"

Recognizing the true identities of these people, Nie Yun's face was about to freeze with a low face. With a wave of his arm, a fire burst out, four corpses turned into flying ash at the same time, with five fingers and one shot, a sky burst through the sky. With the humming, "Oh!" Xiangjian God Zongmen's most central sword shrine flew over.

ps: People who go to work on Saturday can't be hurt. In depression, please ask for a few monthly tickets to comfort you. . . (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point (m) to vote for recommendations, monthly tickets, your support is my biggest motivation. Mobile users, please go to m to read.)

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