Endless Dantian

Vol 3 Chapter 770: Nie Yun shot

"Mr. Yun Xuan was right. As a suzerain, even if she did something wrong, she should call a suzerain party to revoke her suzerain, instead of executing it secretly. It seems that this thing is really tricky!"

"Yeah, why isn't that Nie Yun still showing up if you don't feel nasty? At a glance, you know that you are guilty and not a swordsman at all. You said it intentionally to cover up your sin!"

"Abominable, abominable, it's too much for us to be so many people playing monkeys ..."

Yun Xuanlang's words provoked another sensation. All the disciples seemed to have found the "truth" from the words. One by one, they looked at Hongyi and others again, and were full of badness.

Even the many disciples who had stood behind others in red clothes and so on all looked away and began to believe Yun Xuan.

Can't believe it, what she said was so deceptive that even the elders of the red, yellow, blue and black could not refute it.

After all, the abolition of the Patriarchal Sect is a major event that has caused a sensation in the floating continent, and the feelings left by the four elders in the hearts of everyone are that the abolition of flying is abolished, there is no sign of it in advance, and the newly established suzerainty succeeds There is no main hall. Even ordinary disciples do n’t even know what they look like.

"Can't say that, let's take a look first. The elders of the Supreme Master Red, Yellow, Blue and Black have been in Zongmen for so many years. I believe they will never do anything to endanger Zongmen!"

"This matter may not be as simple as we think. I still believe in the decision of the Supreme Elder ..."

"Since it has been announced that Nie Yun is a kendo, it must be true. I don't think the four elders can take such a thing and fool everyone!"

There are also a large number of people who have the greatest trust in the Supreme Master Elders and will not waver easily.

The two camps have their own opinions.

"Mr. Yun Xuan, although we are not suitable to intervene in the sword **** sect, but someone has harmed the interests of other sects, we cannot just ignore it!"

"Huh. The aboriginal lord abolished without any warning. Even if it has little to do with me, I will manage it and give you justice!"

"Rest assured, we will return you innocence, so ignorant Supreme Master, it's time to strike!"

Mi Xue and others heard Yun Xuan's words. He grunted and stood up.

"I am grateful for your predecessors! However, I do not want you to take any action. Anyway, this is an internal matter of our Sword God Sect, even if you occupy the righteousness. Once passed, it will also affect ! "

Yun Xuan straightened her long and straight body, making people feel full of the light of integrity and justice at a glance.

"Okay, but if there is any trouble, we will definitely help each other!"

"We will decide for you and restore you innocence!"

Hearing Yun Xuan's words, Mi Xue and others nodded.

"Hehe!" Yun Xuan nodded again. Looking around for a week, his eyes revealed the meaning of killing the devil, and he said loudly: "You disciples listen to the order, the four Supreme Elders colluded with Yunzong and violated the rules. I am now sentenced to death by the order of the suzerain. These disciples who blindly listen and believe. If you trust me now, you can get rid of all your guilt, and you will still be obsessed. Even if someone says that I am cruel, I will get rid of the hidden dangers of Zongmen! "

"Yun Xuan, it seems that we really look down on you and do such a mean thing. It's so arrogant, thick-skinned, and shameless, it's truly ancient and modern! Very good. Very good, since you are going to kill me, Let me die first! "

Hearing Yun Xuan's series of upside-down remarks, the elder in red felt that the whole person was about to explode. He was so angry that his long beard trembled, and suddenly a long shout was heard and he shot suddenly.

After Nie Yun's mention, his strength has reached a half-step Dantian acupoint. At this time, he shot in the sword **** sect. Although he can not control the Zongmen large array, he knows a lot about the array method, and uses the power of the array method at his fingertips. Jian Mang was about to cut through the ground, sobbing straight with a sob.

"I am more familiar with Sword God Sect than you. Do this to me. This is your own death!"

Yun Xuan sneered, his arms flew, and the whole person levitated, flying like a fairy descending from the sky, and seeing the sword stabbed by the elder in red will come to him. .


A golden light shot out, the space in front of it suddenly collapsed, and the elder in red was referring to the disappearance of the wind in the collapsed space.

"Let me lie down!"

Yunxuan sneered with a stroke to eradicate the attack of the elder in red, with dark eyes with a sensational murder, and the palm of his hand trembled.

The space in front of them seemed to be superimposed in an instant, layer by layer, rolling over towards the elder in red.

She showed super long combat power as soon as she shot, and she was promoted to the peak of breaking through the air. The combat power was even more powerful than the elder Wu Xun who transformed Yunzong, and was even better than the ordinary Dantian acupoint.

"The Misty Thousand-Handed Sword was actually displayed by your palm. You are indeed a genius among geniuses, but it is not so easy for me to lie down!"

Seeing her move, in the call of the Elder Red, his right hand was turned over, and a long sword appeared in front of him. He stabbed forward, and the sword turned, and the electric sword-like sword awns went straight to the overlapping space.

Yun Xuan ’s nickname is Qianshou Sword. She can show her swordsmanship as quickly as possible. She has thousands of arms out of nowhere. She is most adept at the supreme swordsmanship, and she has no sword. Concussion is actually the same as Jianzhao, and even more powerful. Just talking about this talent will make many talents ashamed.

No matter how good the talent is, it is a bad idea to leave it sooner or later.

The Elder Red was ruthless this time, and the sword-shaped ice-breaking spikes instantly cut through the space of layers and came to Yun Xuan.


Jian Mang pierced Yun Xuan's body without any hindrance, and passed without any stay.


It felt like it was hitting in the air. The elder in red knew that he hadn't hit the other party. Just when he wanted to dodge, he heard a cold thought passed over.

"It's late now, I'll let you lie down. You didn't lie down just now, let me kneel down now!"

With the sounding of thoughts, the elder in red felt a chill on his back, and a tsunami-like force surged in, hitting him hard.


As soon as the red elder's face turned red, he fell from the air and fell heavily to the ground. His body was like a zombie, and he knelt quite straight.

"Thousands of chills? Well ..."

His face was red and white for a while, and the elder in red sprayed blood again, kneeling on the ground and shivering.

Yun Xuan planted [Qianxin Han poison] in his body while hurting him!

Thousands of cold chills, the same level of poisonous as the demon saliva, can be called the two major unsolvable poisons of the floating continent. Once hit, the sea of ​​air is frozen and cannot exert its strength. It was the poison that caused Qian Qian to be caught.

I did not expect this kind of poison, she still has it!

"Oh, I know it's too late, and you will kneel down with me!"

The elder in red was injured. Yun Xuan's frown was not stretched, but it was colder. At the same time, when the palm was turned over, a huge force was pressed. In the same way, Qi brushed his knees on the ground and lost his face.

The strengths of the three elders, yellow, blue, and black, are so far apart from the elders in red. Even the reds were defeated, and they are naturally not their opponents.


The elders and disciples standing behind them saw their faces tightened when they saw the four Supreme Supreme elders kneeling on the ground. The lungs were about to explode.

Supreme Elder, Zongmen's most noble existence, even kneeled down on the ground, this insult is too great!

"Let them go!"

Suddenly yelling, a figure rushed out of the crowd with the meaning of lore, piercing Yun Xuan.

Although Jian Mang is sharp, its strength is too weak. At the sight of the attack, at most, it is only the strength of the early stage of the virtual realm.

"Come down!"

Yun Xuan didn't look at it. With a backhand slap, Jian Mang shattered and the figure fell to the ground.

Ye Jianxing!

He saw the four elders being humiliated and couldn't bear it anymore, and rushed directly.

"Waste, your uncle is not my opponent, just you? Huh!"

Seeing Ye Jianxing, Yun Xuan gently pinched his hair with her fingers, showing her body, humming, and came to the elder in red in two steps.

"Let Nie Yun bring the sword of Tianquan, I can help you detoxify and spare you not to die, otherwise, I will let you live without death, and ..."

Holding his fingers lightly on the chin of the elder in red, Yun Xuan smiled slightly, revealing a touch of flattering. "Before I die, I will ruin your reputation and become the object of spitting by the people, and I will no longer be able to enter the sacrifice place of Zongmen!"

"You ... you kill me!"

Almost all the sword gods can enter the sacrifice place. They were killed for the ancestors. After being inherited and praised by their descendants, they heard that Yun Xuan was going to ruin his reputation. The elder in red was even more red than his clothes. Alas.

"Oh, kill you? I wouldn't kill you so easily!" Yun Xuan giggled.

"Yun Xuan ~ www.readwn.com ~ Be a man and stay alive. Don't be proud now. As long as the suzerain comes back, all the insults you bless us will definitely be reported back, leaving you with a broken reputation and no place to die!"

Elder Huang Yi remembered the mystery of the boy and hissed.

"Sovereign? Are you waiting for Nie Yun? Hehe, tell you clearly that it is best if he doesn't come, if I dare to come, I will let him die here, no chance to stand up!"

Hearing Elder Huang Yi's mention of the teenager who was making her suffer, Yun Xuan smiled and smiled, her face gloomy like a drop of blood.

"Let me have no chance to stand up again? Great tone, Yun Xuan, I'd like to see, what do you rely on?"

Yun Xuan's words were finished, and a loud sound of a slamming through the gate suddenly exploded, and then a huge palm print burst into the air and pressed straight towards her.

ps: There is something wrong today. I need to go out. I can't come back in the afternoon. The third one is at 12 pm. I apologize! (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point (m) to vote for recommendations, monthly tickets, your support is my biggest motivation. Mobile users, please go to m to read.)

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