Endless Dantian

Vol 3 Chapter 771: 1 palm beat

This palm print is seventy to eighty long and twenty to thirty meters wide. Before coming to it, it has the power to crush the world.


Seeing the palm print, Yun Xuan's pride disappeared instantly, and she was replaced by a panic. With Jiaojiao, her palms were lifted and greeted at the same time.


Although she is good at swordsmanship, her palms are not weak, and she can see that she has played against the elder in red. At this moment, her palms are flipped, and the space above is superimposed again!

"Three thousand overlaps? It's ... impossible!"

Seeing the power superimposed by Yun Xuan's hands, the elder in red shivered.

I just fought with him a few hundred times at most, but I almost didn't block it. I did not expect that Yun Xuan could stack three thousand times in a row!

Three thousand heavy forces, even if the other party is the same as himself, is also a half-step Dantian acupuncture situation, it will be irresistible and will be killed by shock.


How could she train into such a powerful attack? This power should be no opponent below Dantian Acupoints!

Boom boom!

Thinking in his heart, the elder in red saw the palm prints in the air and Yun Xuan colliding together, as if two mountains were banging against each other. The violent air flow tore the surrounding space into cracks and darkened.

Click! Click!

The huge palm print in the air was not crushed by the 3,000 overlapping strength as imagined, but it became more and more fierce, as if the galaxy fell, unable to stop, and smashed it.

"Break me!"

Yun Xuan raised her eyebrows, her black hair was floating around, and she looked a little embarrassed. Her palms were raised, her body was straight, her strength was surging wildly, and she wanted to resist the whereabouts of the palm print.

Although her power is very fierce, the power of the palm print is even more powerful, like a sledgehammer falling from the sky. Smashed down.

Ding Ding Ding!

With each smash, Yun Xuan's feet went into the ground for one point, three consecutive times, and her half of her knees had penetrated the ground, as if being smashed into a nail on the wall.

After smashing it three times in a row, the strength of the palm print falling did not stop, and continued to crush.

"Bold rats. Lord Yun Xuan, let me help you!"

This series of situations happened between the sparks of electricity and light. When Mi blood and others reacted, they saw Yun Xuan had half of her knees in the ground, and her pupils shrank and rushed over.

These people are all glorious and disgraceful with Yun Xuan. How could she watch her smashed into the ground without being indifferent, and in the shout, came to Yun Xuan and shot at the same time.

Suddenly, the mana of chaos and rain all rushed towards the palm prints in the air.

"Stop it for me!"

Together with Yun Xuan, the two top players who broke the air also came to this moment. Raised his hands with the crowd, blocking the continued attack of the palm print.


With a cold hum, the entire Sword God Sect's large array suddenly turned into operation, like Zhou Tianxing's stars fell, and the power of the formation was blessed on the palm print, and the power increased again and burst.

Click! Click! Click!

Six Supreme Elders, two peaks of breaking the air, and Yun Xuan. Although the nine people attacked with all their strength to prevent the palmprint from falling, they couldn't resist under the last shock of the palmprint, their throats were sweet, and they lay on the ground at the same time.

Nine people did not block the full attack of the palm print, although their injuries were not too serious, their faces were greatly damaged and their morale was reduced.

"Don't you want to kill me? I'm afraid you still don't have that strength!"

Yun Xuan and other talents just stood up. I saw a young volley walking down, raising his eyebrows, with a strong sense of killing in his eyes.

"Nie Yun?"


"One move defeated Yun Xuan's 3,000 overlapping strengths. Will the nine masters fly at the same time?"

"What strength is this?"

See the teenager stepping down from the air. The elders in red, Ye Jianxing and others went into agitated excitement.

Especially the elders in red, when the suzerain left more than three months ago, his strength was only in the realm of territory, not even the overpass environment. For such a short time, I thought that even if he returned, he would certainly not be able to help, but would be held hostage, but Unexpectedly, they met again and saw such a shocking scene.

Although Mi Xue and others are only in the early days of breaking through the realm, Yun Xuan and the two men with gloomy faces are the real peaks of breaking through the realm. The three of them joined together. In the early days of Dantian Acupoint, the strong men may fight a battle, but they will be defeated. Injured by Nie Yun with one palm!

To what extent has his strength reached?

In fact, Nie Yun's own strength has not reached such a level. It is at best possible to fight with Yun Xuan. It is almost impossible to win. The reason why this happens in one palm is because he is a swordsman. When he returns to the gate, he calls directly. The power of the Zongmen battle.

The Guardian Sect of Sword God Sect can block even the onslaught of Dantian Acupoint Powers, and it is not difficult to increase the power to overwhelm these people.

Of course, it is definitely impossible to make it impossible to move like trapped in the virtual reality powerhouse. After all, the powerhouse who breaks through the airspace already has control over the space. Even if it is controlled, it has the ability to leave smoothly. No No effect.


The elders in red and others were so excited, Yun Xuan almost fainted. He just finished talking and killed him as soon as he was young. I didn't expect that such a thing happened in the blink of an eye, which is equivalent to a slap. He slammed his face fiercely, loud and loud.

It seems that as long as this teenager appears, he will either lose face or fail, and never succeed!

"He is our suzerain?"

"So young! Strong!"

"It would be a good thing to defeat Yun Xuan in one move. It is definitely a good thing to be ruled by such a powerful man!"

Many disciples who saw this scene looked at each other and did not wake up from the shock.

I have never seen a suzerain before, and thought that the suzerain ’s strength was not good. Now it seems that this idea is very wrong. It is not so bad. It is too good. This kind of strength is stronger than the Supreme Elder. Too much.

It was heartbreaking and magnificent to fight back the nine strongmen in one stroke.

"You are Nie Yun?"

Recovering from the shock, Mi He's blood-red eyes stared at the boy in front of him, his face grimly.

Although the latter stunned them with the palm of his hand, in his opinion, it is the power of manipulating the large array by virtue of the palm of his teaching, not his own strength. After all, from the breath Nie Yun exudes, it is just the pinnacle of the virtual world This kind of strength, in his eyes, ants are not counted!

Only Hong Yi and others know that Nie Yun has not refined his teaching and teaching.

"You dare to come. Now, in the name of the Eight Sects Alliance, we will abolish your unspeakable Sword God Sovereign and re-establish Yun Xuan as Sovereign. As a party, you can come and cooperate with nature is the best! "

"The Eight Great Sects have the same spirit, and the Zongmen Alliance is qualified to deal with the wrong practices of the Sword God Sect. Therefore, you, the Sword God Sovereign, have been abolished. If you agree, you must agree. If you disagree, you must agree. The hand-in-hand teaching and the seal of handover were all very happy. If you didn't hand it over, it was tantamount to confronting the other six of us, and we have the right to obliterate you! "

He wants to understand this. The Supreme Elders of the other two ancestors behind him also think that his face is convulsing, and his tone is not polite.

The Eight Sects Alliance was a rule established when jointly dealing with the demon. It was composed of the Supreme Elders of the eight Sects. Once there is a problem in one of the Sects, as long as more than half of the members make a decision, they can be sanctioned. .

The intensity of sanctions is also determined through negotiation.

This rule, ~ www.readwn.com, is not a secret in the Eight Great Sects. The purpose is to prevent people from mixing in and making wrong decisions, which will damage the interests of the entire human race.

The decision of the alliance must be followed, otherwise, it is equal to the other sects. Once this happens, the other sects are fully qualified and reason to jointly punish them.

Unexpectedly, as soon as these people saw Nie Yun, they moved out the eight major gate alliances.

"The internal affairs of Sword God Sect do not bother you, who is the Sovereign, it is not you who cares. If you are at ease here with nothing to say, we are welcome to Sword God Sect. If the nonsense is continuous, don't blame me for being ruthless, please Go out, in order to avoid being unpleasant ... please close your mouth for me! "

Although they were angry at their shameless words, they represented the six sectarian gates after all, and arrogantly opposed them. They would only plunge the Sword God Sect into extinction. Therefore, Nie Yun tolerated the anger, the words were not humble, and the cold humming carried The majesty of the Lord of One Religion.

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