Endless Dantian

Vol 3 Chapter 774: Fairy promotion

Two wings flickered, "Boom!" Nie Yun appeared in front of Yun Xuan, punched out, and the air filled with Brahma sounds.

"The heart ape trembles, the silence disappears, the gods are not together, and the troubles, sorrows, death, and invasion of the heavenly invaders. If you can see the Fa as an illusion, you can destroy the demon. If you see the Fa, it is an empty phase, it is a human. You can be a bad annoyance ... "

Brahma sound turned into a huge eye, suspended in the air, at a glance, you will feel dizzy and bloated, and your body will be stagnant.

Great Mercy, Great Compassion, King Fist, King Kong Furious!

什么 "What? You ... how do you have Phoenix Wings! Impossible, this is impossible!"

Seeing Nie Yun blinking before him, Yun Xuan finally changed her face.

She thought that Nie Yun saw her own speed, helpless and helpless, and she also thought that Nie Yun could only let herself go in despair, and she was so angry that she thought of many possibilities, but never thought of this boy There are actually wings of the Phoenix.

不是 Aren't he only the kind of dark wings? How could he have the wings of the Phoenix like himself?

Is n’t it also the Nether Phoenix?

What's wrong, only the women of the Nether Phoenix family can fully exert the power of the Phoenix Wings. Looking at the appearance of the teenagers, the Phoenix Wings are running perfectly without any hindrance. What is going on?

Yun Xuan is really crazy this time.

Before she died, Nie Yunshi exhibited the method of devouring the Supreme Sword Art, which did not make her feel panic, but the sudden appearance of the wings of the Phoenix made her completely fearful from the bottom of her heart.

He has the talent of stealing the master, the talent of the hidden master, the talent of the camouflage master, the talent of the kendo master ... He has the talent of these talents, after all, he can use the talent of the talent to show it, but ... the wings of the Phoenix, this is How could you have the unique abilities of the Nether Phoenix?

Hey, isn't it human?

In fact, Yun Xuan didn't know. The reason why Nie Yun was able to fuse the blood of the dragon and the blood of the Nether Phoenix to form the innate dragon body and the wings of the Phoenix is ​​precisely because of the operation of the unknown method. What happened? Yun was unconscious, and he wasn't even sure.


Yun Xuan was shocked to death, Yun Xuan also knew that the power of the boy's fist was not what she could resist now. Immediately she bit her silver teeth, flashed her wings, and crossed hundreds of meters again.


She runs fast, Nie Yun chases fast, this trick still hits the body.


Yun Yunxuan's face turned white, blood spewed out, and her soul seemed to be stabbed with a knife, with twitching pain.

Wu Da Mercy, Compassion and Compassion, the power of the King's Boxing is comparable to that of the Great Sword Art. He hits him stiffly, even if Yun Xuan's strength is not weak, he can't bear it.

"No more hands, once I'm killed, you can't escape!"

After fleeing, Yun Xuan almost returned to the place where she was standing, near the two masters of the chaos and the remaining five Supreme Elders.

之间 Between the sparks of the fighting just now, the five elders didn't even have time to shoot. Nie Yun and Yun Xuan fought several times. They could only watch with their eyes open. After all, the speed of the two had exceeded their imagination and could not be touched.

"Purple Sky in the Sky, Start!"

I heard Yun Xuan's words. The five Supreme Elders seemed to know the danger of the matter. At the same time, the palm of his hand was raised, and a loud whistle, a mighty breath fell from the sky, covering all the people in the square.

When I was photographed by this force, Nie Yun felt like he was stiff and his movements were a bit stiff.

"Haha, this is the [Locked Array] of the Heavenly Purple Array. Once locked, even the strongest who breaks the top of the sky, the power will be suppressed, even half of it will be unplayable, boy, give me this time. Die! "

"Regardless of mana or muscle, locked by the lock array, just like ordinary people blessed dozens of kilograms of sandbags, walking is difficult, let alone fighting, hum, you never dreamed that we have such a backhand! "

The strong men who saw the two big chaotic signs saw a special wave lock Nie Yun, and at the same time laughed, his body shook, and he greeted him at the same time.

The two of them rushed out at a very fast speed. It seemed that the sky and sky not only slowed down Nie Yun's speed, but also gave them blessings of strength and speed, giving them endless power and light footwork.


The two of them are both the strongest of the top of the empty space, and at the same time punched their fists. Before they came to Nie Yun, the space was distorted.

"Lock the word array? Thought this thing would trap me? Dream!"

Seeing the two men attacking, Nie Yun's eyebrows suddenly raised, "Wow!" The body was covered with dragon scales, the scales vibrated, and the pressure locked on them disappeared instantly.


There was a long hiss, and the dragon-scale fists with unstoppable power came into contact with the fists of the two top peak breaking powers.

Huh! Huh!

Two shell-like figures shot down from the sky. The two guys, without even having a time to send out a scream, inserted into the ground, like saplings.

Although they are also the pinnacle of breaking the air, the strength of these two people is incomparable with the elder Wu Xun of Hua Yunzong, and even Jing Hong is not comparable. It is at most similar to Liu Ji. How could it be Nie Yun's opponent? .

Yunhua Yunzong is a martial arts sect. He specializes in combat. Nie Yun still needs a little effort to defeat Elder Wu Xun, but it is more than enough to deal with these two guys.

"Dragon scale? Congenital dragon body? This ... Impossible, you have the wings of the Phoenix, why would there be a congenital dragon body?"

Seeing this scene, Yun Xuan felt that her cognitive view had completely collapsed.

As a ghost Phoenix family, she naturally knows that the Dragon family and her are deadly opponents. Buddhas and ice and fire are common. It is impossible for juveniles to have the wings of the Phoenix. According to the truth, everything of the Dragon family is impossible to use, and the current situation is, He even condensed the innate dragon body ...

Aunt, what the **** are you?

For a moment, Yunxuan had the urge to die.

Metamorphosis, really kinky.

"Nie Yun, it's fine. It seems that I still look down on you. I can't kill you today, but I will die in my hands sooner or later! Later there will be a period!"

Yun Xuan cursed in her heart, and Yun Xuan knew that she would not be killed today. She was very fortunate. It was impossible to kill the young man in front of her. Immediately hissing, his wings fluttered, and she flew straight up, getting faster and faster. Before half a breath, he flew out of the Sect of the God of Swords and completely disappeared from his eyes.

"Want to leave? Do you think you have left today?"

This woman Yun Xuan has been stirring the wind and the rain for a long time. If she is not killed, there will be more trouble in the future. How can Nie Yun let it escape? With a long hiss, the wings of the Phoenix are also shocked and fly up immediately. .

"Stop me!"


I flew not far away, and felt that the air that smashed the heavens and the earth was blown down by the air. Numerous forces gathered on him and were shocked by this force. Nie Yun was like a sturgeon that had penetrated the mud. I can only watch Yun Xuan go further and further.

天天 紫霄 大 阵, completely start!


He looked down at the five other elders who presided over the formation, and Nie Yun's eyes revealed Chi Lulu's intention to kill.

五个 These five people are not enough to succeed, but even to believe Yun Xuan's words, it is truly unforgivable!

"Remove the sky purple sky array!"

There was a long hiss, and Nie Yun's voice was cold.

"Withdraw from the battle? You dream!"

"I advise you to still die this heart, have already offended Mi Shenzong, do you want to be the enemy of our other five main gates?"

"I don't want to bring disaster to Sword God Sect, let's stop here today, otherwise, you will just wait for the anger brought by the six major gates together!"

I heard the scolding, the five elders snarled at the same time, and their heads were cramped.

"This is your own death!"

Seeing Yun Xuan escaping further and further, he gradually flew directly above the sky. It seemed that if he let it fly for a while, even if he had the talent of a tracker, he might not be able to catch up.

"Sect Lord, no! Already offended Mi Shenzong, we can no longer offend other sects, we really want to kill them, the sword **** sect is absolutely dead!"

"Think twice, do not be reckless ..."

"You represent the Sword God Sect, kill them, and really break with other sect gates, there is no possibility to repair ..."

Seeing the murderous flashing in his eyes, the elders in red and other people yelled at the same time as the heart twitched.

"They're right, don't want to die, just stop!"

"Come down immediately, respectfully admit the mistake ~ www.readwn.com ~ we may be able to relieve the suspicion and recognize you as the lord!"

"It's up to you how you choose. It's up to you to want to be the enemy or friend of the Eight Great Sects ..."

"Although we can't beat you, we also have life-saving measures. It's not easy to kill us. Stop now and don't get in trouble. You can't bear it!"

Hearing the shouting of others in red clothes, the elders of the five Supreme Masters also shouted.

"How do I choose?" After hearing their shouts, Nie Yun paused and seemed to be thinking about it, but blinking, a sharp howling sound pierced the clouds, with a thick fairy sound. "Since you're looking for death, all Lie me down! "


As if the shout that pierced through the ages rushed from distant time and space, with a voice that trembled the soul, the five elders, together with the masters of the chaos that had just planted on the ground, were shaken by the sound, their eyes were black, and even the opportunity to react No, just passed out, lying on the ground like a corpse.

"Come in!"

Seeing that they were fainted, Nie Yun grabbed seven people and grabbed them into a flying spirit soldier.

Now he is going to hunt down Yun Xuan. After leaving Zongmen, once these people wake up, they will be embarrassed by red clothes and other people. The trouble is not small, so they must be resolved first.

Coma is unable to enter Zihua Dongfu. You can only temporarily put it into the flying spirit soldier, kill or stay, wait until later, there is no time to deal with it now!


Wu Gang just put the crowd away, and Nie Yunzheng wanted to chase Yunxuan, and felt that a roar of avenue rang in his body. Xianyin Dantian trembled suddenly, and it became pale blue in an instant.

仙 音 丹田, advanced to the third form! (To be continued.

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