Endless Dantian

Vol 3 Chapter 775: Sporadic time

"Huh? The talent of Xianyin Master has also been promoted?"

Seeing Xianyin Dantian's promotion, Nie Yun froze, but also knew that now was not the time to observe, looking at the elders in red and the like on the ground, grabbed his hands.

A poisonous gas invaded the opponent's body, sobbing for a while, and a few drops of chills were pumped out by him.

Thousands of chills and colds may be troubled by others for a lifetime. For the talent of poison masters, it is just a matter of hand, coupled with the last extraction of thousand magics, they have enough experience, and several people have just been poisoned. With their strength It did not completely invade the internal organs of the internal organs. It was very simple. After a few breaths, people felt that the sea of ​​air was loose and returned to normal.

"The poison on us ..."

"Poisoner talent? Lord, do you still have this talent?"

The elders in red and so on dropped their eyes.

"You solve these disciples and elders who follow Yun Xuan, I will go after Yun Xuan!"

No time to talk nonsense with them, Nie Yun flickered his wings and flew straight up.

"Sovereign, these people already have half the number of Zongmen, how to solve it?" After hearing his instructions, the elder in red asked quickly.

Yun Xuan came to recruit, nearly half of them have arrived at her side, otherwise it would not be possible for the two sides to stand against each other and hold their own opinions. If one or two people learn from each other and even kill, it is okay. It is really difficult to execute.

If all of them are detained, the guards alone will put the entire gate into a deadlock.

"Kill them all, leave them alone, let them know the end of the betrayal sect!"

The Elder Red was thinking about it, and heard the boy's voice slowly pass down from above nine days.

"Kill them all, and don't leave one?" The elder in red jumped his eyebrows and couldn't help it.

It seems that Sword God Sect is going through an unprecedented cleansing ...

"These people can betray the first time, they can betray the second time. It is definitely troublesome not to execute. The suzerain is right, do it!"

"I agree!"

The remaining three elders glanced at each other and said with their teeth.

"Do it!"

The four elders nodded at the same time, looking at the betrayal in front of them. Behind Yun Xuan, the people who wanted to abolish Nie Yunzhang's teaching identity were full of killing intentions, jumped into the crowd and started the massacre.

Without Xuan Xuan and other nine great power-breakers, these people are the most powerful but they are not satisfied with the peak of the virtual realm. The four elders rushed in like tigers into the flock and swam the shrimp nest. A burst of blood splattered and screamed, the entire Sword God Sect became Shura Hell.


"Escape very quickly, even if you escape today, it is useless, you must die for me!"

Flying out of the sword deities. Flying higher and higher, the wings of the Phoenix danced, Nie Yun hurried forward, and soon saw Yun Xuan appear in the field of vision.

The series of things just now is complicated to say. In fact, not much time is wasted, less than ten breathing times in total. However, in such a short time, Yun Xuan has flown millions of kilometers.

Fortunately, Nie Yuntian's eyes were promoted to the second form, otherwise, the time and space above would be distorted, and such a long distance could not be seen at all.

Under the floating land, there is broken space and turbulence. Above is chaotic flow of time and space.

The so-called turbulent space-time is a place where space and time are chaotic. The Wanjie Mountain, which died in the previous life, is at the core of a turbulent space-time turbulence.

Because the time and space here are all chaotic, let alone the powerhouses who break through the air, even the ordinary Dantian acupoint powerhouses are afraid to tear through space and jump unless the strength reaches a certain level. And because they are familiar with the place, they dare to build space passages and shuttle, otherwise. Even if the Dantian acupoint is at its peak, entering the chaotic space and time, it is also a death.

Yun Xuan chose to flee here, which is the best route, and it is safer than fleeing in the floating continent.

After all, the floating continent, even if it flees as fast as possible, as long as Nie Yun can recognize the direction, the tearing space can be found, and more than a dozen breathing opportunities have no use.

The speed of both of them is fast, the higher and higher, Nie Yun feels that the wind is blowing, and the muscles are hurting. The time velocity in front of the eyes is sometimes faster, sometimes slower, the space is sometimes broken, sometimes stable. It was strange.

Ordinary virtual reality powerhouses, who fly here and continue to fly forward, will definitely die. Nie Yunyi is bold and courageous. With Tianyan as his support, he is not afraid and continues to chase forward quickly.

"Her phoenix wings are the same as mine, and she ran for such a long time. If she chased it, she would not be able to catch up even if it was ten days and ten nights. Can't escape, it seems that we must speed up and try to catch up as soon as possible! "

After flying for a while, watching Yun Xuan's flight speed was almost the same as himself, and the farther and farther, Nie Yun's eyebrows frowned.

If you do not increase the speed to maintain this speed, you may not be able to catch up for ten days and ten nights. The more you go up, the more dangerous it is. The spirit of heaven can also escape, and all its achievements have been abandoned.

She and Mihua were embarrassed to commit adultery. It is not surprising that there is a skywalk in her body. After all, she escaped in the place of sacrifice last time.

Therefore, if you want to kill her, you have to do it in one go, catch up with the fastest speed, and block the surroundings so that she cannot escape.

"Vital energy Dantian, breathe vitality, accelerate!"

Thinking in his mind, Nie Yun mobilized his whole body strength. The thick mana erupted from the soles of his feet and rushed backwards. The body was under thrust and the speed soared.

The spray of his feet is not ordinary mana, but small **** condensed with ternary diamond waves, and the reverse thrust generated by this small ball explosion is very large, as if adding a powerful boost to him Device.

This situation can be exerted on him, even if others know it, it cannot be exerted.

First, the power of the small ball explosion is very great. If there is no third form of defensive talent, I am afraid that I have not caught up with others, and I will blow myself to death.

Second, the ternary diamond wave will be performed.

Third, the body's mana is endless and enough to consume.

All three of Nie Yun's happened to coincide. The shock wave of the explosion doubled his speed sharply, and he was getting closer and closer to Yun Xuan.

"Hum, dare you catch up, I'll let you die!"

After dozens of breaths, Yun Xuan felt the endless murderous power behind him, turning his head and looking, his face was gloomy.

In a low hum, Yun Xuan turned abruptly, from straight up to forward.

She was drawn closer to Nie Yun originally, and this turn, the latter could go straight, and soon the distance was gradually reduced. Within a short time, the distance between the two was drawn to hundreds of kilometers. Just catch up.

Hundreds of kilometers, for them, they can hit each other easily, no longer a distance.


Moving forward for a while, Yun Xuan seemed to have found a place, and suddenly stopped, her eyes tingling.

"Nie Yun, when I do anything, I will leave a backhand. This backhand is actually intended to be left to your master. I was imprisoned and let me suffer insults. I said that I must kill them to relieve my hatred. Well, since he didn't show up, then ... this is your grave! "

With a long cry, Yun Xuan's sharp voice carried a strong hatred.

"Follow me? Leave it to my master?" Nie Yun didn't know what she was going to do, so she didn't take a shot easily ~ www.readwn.com ~ but stopped a hundred meters away from her.


Yun Xuan sneered, the jade hand flipped, and the two jade cards "smashed!" On the palm of the hand, and then a strong spiritual wave fluctuated, and two huge space channels appeared in front of her.

"Space passage? Dantian acupoints peak peak strong?"

Seeing this scene, Nie Yun's pupils shrank.

Although it is not yet in the depths of time and space chaos, the atmosphere of time and space chaos has appeared. Dare to establish a passage here, which means that it is not the ordinary Dantian acupoint powerhouse, at least it has reached the peak of the Dantian acupoint art. The environment is familiar!

No wonder she wants to change her direction and say something to stay behind. She turned out to be an ambush between two Dantian acupoints and peaks here!

Combining the six elders with the Supreme Elders and the strong men with chaos in the sky, they must do both things. Yun Xuan's ingenuity and caution are simply appalling! (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point (m) to vote for recommendations, monthly tickets, your support is my biggest motivation. Mobile users, please go to m to read.)

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