Endless Fusion of Douluo

Chapter 103 Knowledge Changes Destiny

You can search for "Dou Luo Zhi Endless Fusion Search Novel (www.soxscc.com)" in Baidu to find the latest chapter!"Is anyone here again?"

Luochuan asked casually.

Shen Jinming was slightly surprised. His Royal Highness could actually sense the increase in people, and explained: "One of the three elders of the academy, Zhilin Soul Douluo, is here, and this branch will be under his jurisdiction in the future."


Luo Chuan thoughtfully, Zhilin Contra is the third seat of the Royal Academy Education Committee, regardless of its status or strength, he personally came to take charge of this branch, which shows that he attaches great importance to it.

"It's late at night, I'll visit tomorrow, and rest first."

He didn't find Zhilin Soul Douluo, he ran back and forth for thousands of miles, still a little tired.

In a row of small wooden houses, Shen Jinming led him into his room, which had prepared a neat wooden bed back cover, as well as various toiletries.

After being simple and sparse, he sat cross-legged on the bed, heard the snoring sound not far away, couldn't help but smiled, then closed his eyes and began to practice Xuantian Gong.

He felt a big change as soon as he turned his offensive power this time, and his original Xuantian Gong's speed increased more than ten times.

"Because the physique and spirit have improved, so the speed of urging skills is faster."

When Luo Chuan thought of the reason, he continued to run Xuantian Gong calmly.

Over the past month, his Profound Heaven Skill can be said to have made rapid progress. The first stage only took five days, and the third stage has already been reached in a month.

At this moment, the speed accelerated again, and after midnight, he broke through again and reached the fourth level.

With this heavy blow, the profound sky skill is enough to make people invade from the cold and heat, but his physique is very strong at the moment, and this effect is dispensable.

"The speed has increased so much, it doesn't take long to reach the fifth level."

Luo Chuan showed satisfaction and stopped practicing and fell asleep.

With his strong physique and spirit at the moment, he can fully regain his energy after sleeping for two hours and continue to practice after waking up.

When the day was about to dawn, he walked out of the wooden house and came to the edge of the cliff. He glanced at the huge bluestone above his head, lightly touched his feet and turned into a burst of blue smoke and jumped up.

Standing on the bluestone, overlooking the endless clouds and mist outside the cliff for a while, he sat down and waited for the purple gas to come.

Soon, a layer of purple gas appeared on the horizon, Luo Chuan opened his eyes, and his eyes also turned purple, which looked rather mysterious.

He absorbed the purple energy to cultivate the purple magic pupil, but this time he did not break through.

The Purple Demon Eye is divided into four realms: General Survey, Microcosmic, Mustard Seed, and Vastness. In the past month, he has reached the second realm of Microcosmic. Not only can he perceive subtle things, but he can also see how much soul master's spirit power is.

However, after reaching the realm of microcosm, the speed of cultivation slows down, and he needs to continuously absorb the purple energy to cultivate. Therefore, even if his physical and mental attributes greatly increase, he cannot assist the purple magic pupil to break through. At most, he can absorb more purple energy and accelerate Some speed, but not too much.

No way, the key to this realm is the purple qi, only at the moment of sunrise, he can't cultivate for a long time like Xuantian Gong.

Unless it absorbs more purple qi, the speed can be greatly accelerated.

Seeing the sun gradually rising in the sky, covering the fish belly, and the purple gas gradually disappearing, Luo Chuan was slightly disappointed.

If he could absorb these purple qi all day long, let alone all day, just a quarter of an hour longer, his cultivation speed would be doubled.

Seeing the rolling clouds, his eyes moved: "Hmm! Wait, I seem to have a way!"

He suddenly remembered a point of knowledge that the rotation of the planet caused day and night changes, and the same is true for this Douluo star. He couldn't absorb purple gas here, and he could fly away like the back of the sun, waiting for the sunrise on the other side!918 novel www.918xs.com

Thinking of this, he became excited, and immediately urged his swan spirit to fly towards the sun.

Shen Jinming appeared on the edge of the cliff, watching Luo Chuan leave with some helplessness, "What is this highness going to do? Isn't it boring to fly around all day?"

"Captain Shen, do you want to follow?" Lun Hai asked behind.

Shen Jinming thought for a while, shook his head and said: "No need, there are no dangerous beasts around here, just let the palace go down."

Luo Chuan quickly flew west for a few miles, and when he looked back, he saw a hint of purple, and he couldn't help but exclaimed: "Haha, knowledge changes destiny, the ancients sincerely don't deceive me."

He continued to fly a few distances, and stopped practicing when the sky was full of purple meaning.

With the operation of the exercises, the purple magic pupil absorbs the purple energy again and improves.

In the past moment, the purple qi in the sky diminished, Luo Chuan simply took out the lightning bird, a little embarrassed: "You have to work hard again, wait for you to fly away from the sun, don’t have to go too fast, listen to my arrangements, let you more As soon as possible."


The Lightning Bird yawned and nodded.

Luo Chuan sat on the lightning bird, let it fly, and flew west for a few breaths, and soon purple gas appeared.

Then, Luo Chuan stared at the purple air in the sky and said: "The speed is a little faster, and lower, um, just like that, keep flying at this speed."

After confirming that Zi Qi was always in his sight, Luo Chuan began to practice.

For different places, there will be purple air coming from the east at sunrise. He only needs to move in another direction to keep himself in the state of sunrise.

Strands of purple qi were constantly absorbed by him. If he didn't move, he could only absorb a stick of purple qi, but now he can continue to absorb it.

Before long, his eyes became warmer, and the purple meaning became more intense.

After more than two hours, the time he spent cultivating the purple magic pupil was ten times as long as usual, and the lightning bird flew thousands of miles away.

But he still didn't stop. Since he thought of such a good way, how could he practice enough at once.

The Lightning Bird was panting, even if he was a bird, he was exhausted even if he was flying so far with a person.


The sound of ocean waves suddenly appeared in Luo Chuan's ears, his eyes moved slightly, and he turned to look, and a blue sea appeared in the distance.

He was stunned for a moment and looked at the nearby coastline. He was a little speechless: "I actually came to the beach. If I say that, I can't continue. The ocean is much more dangerous than the land."

Calculating the time, it was almost three hours before he left Yunwu Mountain, and the flying distance exceeded thousands of miles!


The Lightning Bird suddenly screamed, unable to maintain its flight, and fell to the ground weakly.

Luo Chuan's expression changed. This guy has reached his limit. He hurriedly said, "Thanks for your hard work. Go back and rest first."

When the thought moved, in the white light, the lightning bird was taken back into the pet space, he urged the martial soul, four pairs of wings appeared, and remained motionless in the air.

It was far away from other people here, and he didn't need to hide anymore. For the first time, the eight-winged angel was revealed, covered in golden light, and looked holy and noble.


Ps: Haha, everyone didn't expect the protagonist to practice the purple magic pupil like this.

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