Endless Fusion of Douluo

Chapter 104 The Sixth Pet: White Tiger King

You can search for "Dou Luo Zhi Endless Fusion Search Novel (www.soxscc.com)" in Baidu to find the latest chapter!Looking at the sea, he thought of Sea God Island and Sea God Heritage.

"No hurry. Compared with the god of the sea, the god of Asura is more valuable. To inherit the god, the god of Asura is also given priority."

Luo Chuan shook his head and turned to take out the vampire bat.

The latter was a little uncomfortable during the day and even yawned.

"Fly east, don't get the wrong direction, or I won't be able to go back."

Luo Chuan fell on a vampire bat. He was not interested in wasting time on the road. Wouldn't it be fragrant to cultivate it?


The vampire bat screamed like a mouse, then waved its wings and flew back.

It's just that its speed is much slower than that of the Lightning Bird, and its cultivation base is lower. It takes less than half of the flight to fly in two hours, and it makes itself half tired.

"Forget it, you are not suitable for flying long distances either, go back."

Luo Chuan felt that when he returned at this speed, he couldn't keep up with the heat and had to put it away.

Originally wanted to take out the Lightning Bird, he suddenly remembered the white tiger spirit he had collected yesterday, his eyes moved slightly and landed on the ground.

[You are signing a pet, need to spend 100,000 energy, do you want to continue?]

Without hesitation, he signed the White Tiger King as a pet. The Tiger King, who did not submit to the Titan Great Ape, became his pet after his death, and he had to say that his fate was ill-fated.

"A soul beast comparable to a titled Douluo. If you collect its soul when it dies, it shouldn't dissipate too much power. I don't know how much strength it can retain after signing as a pet."

With the color of expectation, it summons it.

A gorgeous white beam of light descended from the sky, and a vigorous and majestic body appeared, with white hair and gold patterns, and a mighty temperament. It was the White Tiger King.


It roared and shook the mountains and forests, and many wild animals were frightened.

Looking at Luo Chuan with a complicated expression, he lowered his head and said, "Master."

Luo Chuan nodded, opened the White Tiger King's panel, and his situation jumped out.


Level: Level 83

Potential: Mythical Beast

Description: This is a powerful soul beast, unruly, and has the potential to become a beast, worthy of serious training.


Luo Chuan squinted his eyes. He was originally equivalent to a spirit beast of the ninety level. He collected it in the first time. He did not have considerable strength or dropped a large rank. It seemed that this was a rule.

His gaze fell at the end, his pupils shrank slightly. This should be the first time the system reminded him to cultivate the spirit beast. It seemed that the quality was indeed excellent, at least higher than Arou.

"Mythical beasts must also have a god status. The God Realm doesn't allow soul beasts to become gods. Is it possible with me?"

Luo Chuan has carefully tasted these introductions, but now he is not sure.

He opened the mouth and said: "You will be called Xiaobai from now on. You are powerful. Even if you walk on land, you should be fast. Help me move first."

The land is much more complicated than the sky, and most of them are still blocked by soul beasts, so he chooses the more powerful White Tiger King instead of another walking beast, Shadow Wolf.

"Well, master." Jiujiu Chinese www.99zwxs.com

King White Tiger leaned over and let Luo Chuan sit on it.

This tiger king is as high as two feet tall, equivalent to two stories high, more than ten meters in length, and has a soft back, which is equivalent to a large bed, which allows several people to lie down and sleep.

With a swish, the White Tiger King turned into a white light and shot out, like a gust of wind entering the forest, flying across the mountains, very fast.

Luo Chuan compared it. The White Tiger King was faster than Lightning Bird. This was an advantage brought by strength, and no one dared to stop him when he moved forward in the forest.

Even though the distance on the ground was stretched a lot, the White Tiger King was still faster in the air than the Lightning Bird, and it was also very stable and comfortable to sit on.

Asking the White Tiger King to go in the right direction, Luo Chuan sat cross-legged on his back to practice. This time, only one hour later, he came to the Yunwu Mountain.

"Yes, you go back, you don't have to go the road ahead."

Luo Chuan patted the tiger's back, the latter steadily stopped in a gust of wind, his breath was still very uniform, and he was not tired.

He looked at the calm white tiger king, and said with interest: "Don't you have anything to say?"

"The winner is the winner, there is nothing to say, thank you Master for letting me continue to live."

The White Tiger King shook his head, he didn't resent the Titan Great Ape, this was the heart of a king.

"Yes, there is a strong demeanor, as my sixth pet, I will help you restore your cultivation."

Luo Chuan smiled faintly, and clicked + at his level. The first time was 83,000, the second time was 840,000, and the third time was 8.5 million.

While breathing, the White Tiger King went up to level 3 in succession, reaching level 86!

Feeling the recovery of a lot of power, the White Tiger King was not calm anymore. He stared at the master with wide eyes, and the waves in his heart were raging.

Level 3 is equivalent to more than ten thousand years for him. It can be raised up between every gesture. Is this a god's method?

It was extremely excited: "Thank you, Master!"

This time it was truly grateful and subdued by Luo Chuan's ability, completely agreeing with this master.

"It's nothing."

Luo Chuan said faintly, with a calm expression: "Continue to practice, and when you recover some more, I can continue to improve you. If you do it again at most two times, you will be able to regain your strength before your death. It will be easy to surpass the Titan Great Ape in the future!"


The White Tiger King’s eyes were bright, and he was really excited this time. Although it admitted that the Titan Great Ape was stronger than him, he was still not convinced after all. He wanted to fight the Titan Great Ape under the same age limit and see who He is the real king of the forest.

"Of course, not to mention that compared with the Titan Great Ape, you have the opportunity to be a fierce beast and a sacred beast. Go back and practice. Your level is very high. If you want to improve one level, I am afraid it will take a lot of time."

Luo Chuan took it back without thinking too much. In a short period of time, it was difficult for the White Tiger King to upgrade to level 1.

Although they are all considered to restore their own cultivation base, the other five pets can recover several levels in a month, but that is more than 30 levels of recovery, while the White Tiger King is more than 80 levels.

According to his estimation, he was very satisfied if he could recover to level 1 in a year, so that it would take two or three years to upgrade it to level ninety-five-sixth level comparable to a hundred thousand-year soul beast.

"With this pet, I won't be afraid even if I encounter a Contra in the future, but unfortunately there is still no titled Douluo by his side, so I have to continue to endure Qian Renxue."

Luo Chuan muttered, thinking in his eyes: "However, other things don't need to be low-key!"

When he flew back to the cliff, Shen Jinming and others were relieved when they saw it.

This Highness flew out for most of the day, and they were really suffering, for fear of any accident.

Luo Chuan waved to them to indicate that he did not need to come, and walked slowly to the side of the stream, and found that many houses had been built here. An old man in black robe was watching the workers finishing the foundation.

"The veteran of the Board of Education, Zhilin Contra."

Guessing roughly who it was, he hurriedly restrained his breath and walked over.

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