Endless Fusion of Douluo

Chapter 105 The Plan to Acquire Shrek Academy

You can search for "Dou Luo Zhi Endless Fusion Search Novel (www.soxscc.com)" in Baidu to find the latest chapter!With strong spiritual power, the soul power in Luochuan's body is better hidden, even Zhilin did not notice Luochuan's abnormality.

"Teacher, I didn't expect you to come in person."

Luo Chuan salutes. Although this strength is not as strong as Dugu Bo, he is also a rare Contra in the Heaven Dou Empire. He, the prince, must also be treated politely.

"Second Your Highness, you are here, how can you not come to see it, besides, this is also a key point of our college reform, our Board of Education also attaches great importance to it."

Zhilin Soul Douluo smiled and said, this behavior was very much supported by them. Compared to cultivating a group of nobles, they prefer to cultivate the strong.

"If you can get the teachers' attention, I think this branch will develop quickly."

Luo Chuan affirmed, and then asked: "I wonder if the college will still screen students over?"

"Not for the time being. After all, many facilities here are not fully equipped. We plan to formally select a group of special students who are willing to work hard and become strong next year."

Zhilin said: "From now on, students from branches like yours, your Highness, will be higher than Tiandou-level students. We call them the seed-level, which means that you are all the seeds to become strong in the future."

"It sounds pretty good."

Luo Chuan nodded and thought for a while and said, "Teacher, this branch still lacks some teachers. I have some good candidates. I wonder if I can suggest it?"

Zhilin was slightly surprised. It was the first time he heard that a student wanted to choose a teacher by himself. He smiled: "This academy was founded by the royal family. Of course, your Highness has the right to make suggestions. I just don't know which teacher your Highness would like. Is it in the college?"

"Well, no, I want the college to recruit Yu Xiaogang."

Luochuan started his next plan.

"Who is Yu Xiaogang?" Zhilin Soul Douluo didn't remember who it was for a while.

"Um, that's the master who proposed the ten core competitiveness of Wuhun."

"It's him."

Zhilin Soul Douluo suddenly frowned and said, "This man's theory is quite interesting, but it's just a theory. It hasn't been fully proved whether it is useful or not. Even the Spirit Palace does not wait to see him."

He actually wanted to say that the master's theory is a joke in many people's eyes. It is very risky to invite to be a teacher, but because of the prince's face, he did not belittle it.

"Teacher, all major families and major forces only study their own martial arts, but this master has used various martial arts to study together, forming a more general theory, which is just suitable for our kind of academy."

Luo Chuan pointed out the value of masters, that is, universality!

In fact, in terms of martial arts research, the major families and forces have conducted in-depth research on their own martial arts, but most of them only study themselves and do not care about other martial arts.

The master broke this barrier, stood on the shoulders of his predecessors, studied all the martial arts, collected various materials, and summarized some common characteristics of the martial arts, which was a breakthrough.

Zhilin Soul Douluo saw Luo Chuan's determination, and said: "However, his cultivation level does not meet the requirements of our academy. Due to the vicious mutation of his martial soul, he will not be able to break through the 30th level in his life, and our academy teachers require the least It is also a Soul Sect of more than 40 levels, he is too far away."

"Since the college can make an exception to open up a college here and break the previous teaching model, why can't it recruit a valuable teacher?"

Luo Chuan said lightly, his main purpose of recruiting masters was to replicate the spirit of martial arts and prepare for the integration of the golden dragon.Yunhaixs.com www.yunhaixs.com

Of course, the master still has teaching value, at least it will not lose if used as a teacher, and it will also benefit his next plan, that is, the acquisition of Shrek Academy!

"Since your Highness is so persistent, the old man has nothing to say, just don't know if he is willing to come to this remote mountainous area to be a teacher of the college."

Zhilin Soul Douluo looked a little unhappy, but he didn't want to argue with Luo Chuan, so he should spend a little gold to raise another person, anyway, the royal family didn't need money.

"Or the teacher agrees, I'll go and invite him over in person."

Luo Chuan smiled, waiting to bring the master over, and then contacting Flanders of Shrek Academy, there are many things to do.

Seeing Luo Chuan's very motivated appearance, Zhilin Contra couldn't help shaking his head. What's the use of the theory master? Their academy does not lack such a teacher.

Besides, that Yu Xiaogang was driven out by the Blue Lightning Overlord Longzong, and it seems to have been driven out by the Wuhun Temple. I hope to recruit them so that they won't offend these two powerful forces.

Luo Chuan didn't pay attention to Zhilin Soul Douluo. Since he has created a branch here, he must have the final say as much as possible, otherwise, why is it so troublesome?

He was so hungry, he ate something specially, and then called Shen Jinming over and said: "I have to go there again, you guys follow me this time."

"His Royal Highness, you are going out again..."

Shen Jinming was speechless, his Highness ran around every day, isn't he tired?

"No way, the matter is more urgent, I have to deal with it myself."

Luo Chuan shrugged. He is now going to the Star Dou Great Forest once every three days, looking for Dugu Bo once a week, and occasionally going to the forging room or returning to Tiandou City. He is very busy.

After speaking, he only took Shen Jinming and left the Yunwu Mountain.

In order to speed up, Luo Chuan directly urged the Swan Wuhun to fly, Shen Jinming followed, and the two of them hurried thousands of miles before stopping.

Looking at Luo Chuan who was regaining his spirit power, Shen Jinming was shocked: "This persistence really is not something a great spirit master of more than 20 levels should have, and how do I feel that he is becoming more and more mysterious and terrifying? I can be stressed."

Muttering in his heart, Shen Jinming didn't reveal anything. Those who are personal guards often see the owner's privacy and must keep it secret, otherwise it won't last long.

There were guards, and Luochuan did not use pets. He treated the long journey as a kind of practice and took two days to reach the destination.

Soto City is one of the two big cities in the Barak Kingdom. It is located in the richest Lima Plain and is known as Barak’s Granary.

Shrek Academy is located on the outskirts of this city.

He didn’t go to find the master this time, but came to Soto City first for a reason. One is that recruiting a master is optional and not in a hurry for the time being. The second is a special material he is eager to use. Find it here, and then collect it based on the sample.

In addition, copying Flemish's martial arts was also his goal, and the acquisition of Shrek Academy could not be successful at once, so coming here is more valuable than looking for a master.

"The time has not come yet, I don't know if I can get the cash. This is a key material for making peacock feathers."

Luo Chuan thought to himself, walking in the city of Soto, and soon his eyes fell on a shop sign.

A circular mark is engraved on this signboard with several special symbols, namely sword, hammer, and blue electric tyrannosaurus.

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