Endless Fusion of Douluo

Chapter 106: A Tempting Condition

You can search for "Dou Luo Zhi Endless Fusion Search Novel (www.soxscc.com)" in Baidu to find the latest chapter!This kind of sign is usually found in the Wuhun Hall, and Luo Chuan walked in without stopping.

The light is a bit dim, the shop is not big, some goods are hung on the wall, and there are shelves on three sides and people sitting on one side, making it a bit crowded.

A tall middle-aged man wearing black crystal glasses already looked at them, with a slightly solemn expression: "What do you two want to buy?"

Luo Chuan glanced at this man, with wide cheekbones, a hooked nose, a flat face, and a hooked chin, just like the sole of a shoe, with a hint of cunning.

"Look first."

Knowing that the other party was alarmed by Shen Jinming, Luo Chuan didn't rush to say anything, his eyes moved on the merchandise, looking for key materials to pay.

Shen Jinming at the back looked at the shop owner in surprise. He didn't expect that the owner of such a small shop was actually a soul sage. Most of his Highness did not come to buy things, but came to find this person.

Ever since, the appearance of Luo Chuan's next browse of goods seemed to be pretending to Shen Jinming.

Flender is also wondering about Luochuan's identity, only big forces can be worthy of a soul saint as a guard, right?

Perceiving Flander's dignity, Luo Chuan smiled secretly. He brought Shen Jinming with him, just to set off his own wealth and make the other party take it seriously, otherwise he was a teenager, and it would be difficult for him to trust the other party.

After looking around, Luo Chuan set his eyes on a piece of golden ore, picked it up and said, "How much is this?"

"Ten thousand gold coins."

Luo Chuan couldn't help but glance at Flander at these words. It seemed that with a guard, he could easily be regarded as a fat sheep.

He smiled faintly: "At this price, it's no problem to buy all of your shop, am I just that good?"

"Ordinary people come at a price. You are not an ordinary person. You must give a price worthy of your identity."

Flanders said meaningfully.

"It makes sense. Okay, I'll give you ten thousand gold coins."

Luo Chuan picked up the stone and said, "Shen Jinming, give me money."

A large bag of gold coins, comparable to a large basin, was taken out by Shen Jinming and placed on the table with a bang.

Flender glanced at Luo Chuan in surprise. He knew that he was slaughtering a fat sheep, but this man was willing to be slaughtered. Could it be that he was really rich?

He opened the bag with some disbelief, the golden light reflected, and his eyes were almost bright.

Determined that it is not a counterfeit currency, he suspiciously said: "Are you sure you just bought it like this?"

Luo Chuan smiled and said, "Of course, this is my sincerity, Dean Flander, now we can talk about the next thing."

Flander, who was lovingly stroking the gold coin, frowned: "Do you know who I am?"

"Let’s introduce myself first. I am Xue Luochuan, the second prince of the Heaven Dou Empire, and I want to buy Shrek Academy this time."

Luo Chuan stretched out his hand.

"Second Prince!"

Flender shook his body and was a little surprised. He thought that Luo Chuan's identity was unusual, but he didn't expect to be more noble than he thought.

"Why, Dean Flander doesn't even want to hold one?"

Luo Chuan joked that this is power, even if his cultivation is not enough, it is enough to shock a soul sage.

Flender twitched and had to shake hands with Luo Chuan.

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The consumption was much higher than expected, and Luo Chuan still gritted his teeth to make a copy, otherwise it would be more difficult to find a chance to contact.

After letting go, Flanders frowned and said, "The second prince wants to buy Shrek Academy? I'm sorry, our academy is not willing to be affiliated with any forces."

"Let me finish talking about some things."

Luo Chuan said: "My teacher is Qin Ming, he is a student of your Shrek Academy, I also learned from the teacher that your college has financial difficulties, and I am willing to help. I don't ask you to be loyal to the royal family."

"Qin Ming."

Flander's expression relaxed a bit, so that the two sides still have a relationship. He muttered: "I don't ask for allegiance to the royal family. Isn't this a pie in the sky?"

"Of course I also have a request, that is, our royal family will give priority to recruiting students who graduate from the college in the future!"

Luo Chuan continued: "No matter which college a student teaches, he will always go to work in the future. Whether he inherits his family business or works for others, he cannot always be a student. Good birds choose wood and live there. I believe Most students will be willing to work for the royal family."

Flander showed a thoughtful look. This was really a very tempting condition. As long as Luo Chuan didn't force his students, he could say anything.

After all, after students graduate, they will indeed go to work, like Qin Ming has been a teacher at the Royal Academy, so there is no conflict.

"Acquisition is fine, but you can't interfere with our teaching work."

Flender made another condition.

"Well, just like our Royal Academy has a board of education responsible for teaching, Shrek Academy also adds a board of education, a total of five places, I will occupy one, and you will keep four. Even if I want to interfere with teaching, half of you must agree How about it?"

Luo Chuan did not directly agree, why should he have a certain influence, otherwise he bought an uncle?

Flender turned his eyes and said, "I haven't sent a decision on this matter yet. You can ask me to go back and discuss it with others, how about it?"

"Of course it's okay. If you agree, the college expenses will be on my head in the future, and your teachers and salaries will be equal to those of teachers at the Royal Academy."

Luo Chuan smiled heartily: "At the Royal Academy, a teacher like you can get thousands of gold coins a month."

These words made Flender's eyes almost fall out of gold coins. He admitted that these conditions in Luochuan were really attractive, and he couldn't find many reasons to refuse.

He resolutely said: "I will go back and discuss with them!"

"I will let the security guard contact you. If we agree to my acquisition, we will then agree on the news contract.

Luo Chuan walked out of the shop and said to Shen Jinming, "You will stay here these two days. I will go back to Tiandou City!"

"Your Highness, be careful."

Shen Jinming nodded.

Luo Chuan once again rushed to Tiandou City without stopping.

Qinghe Palace, Qian Renxue was not there, Luochuan took a rest and took out the ore he had bought before.

This is a hair crystal, and it is the best plate crystal in hair gold, which contains hair gold like hair, which can be made into a dragon's whisker needle that breaks the qi.

Glancing at Ban Jing, white feathers appeared on his body, and he quickly turned into an eight-winged angel. He stretched out his hand and came out with a sword clank.

The cold light flashed, with a click, the slab crystal was divided in half, and the fracture was extremely smooth.

He slashed a sword again and divided it into four pieces, one of which would be collected by the Forging Bureau, and the other one would be given to Qian Renxue.

No way, people in this world don't know how to find such things without taking a sample.

He put away the Eight Winged Angel Martial Spirit, picked up a piece of gold, and squeezed his palm vigorously.

The squeezing force comparable to the strength type soul sage fell on the plate crystal, and he smashed the plate crystal into powder!

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