Endless Fusion of Douluo

Chapter 107 It's Hard to Be a Prince

You can search for "Dou Luo Zhi Endless Fusion Search Novel (www.soxscc.com)" in Baidu to find the latest chapter!Among the powder, golden particles flickered, and he shook slightly, and these particles separated from the powder.

He pinched a golden particle, and with his eyesight, he could clearly see that it was a kind of golden thread curled up and it was very tough.

Milky white light gushes out from the fingers, and after injecting Xuantian Gong into it, the golden ball quickly unfolds and turns into a golden thread.

He squeezed and felt amazing elasticity. Once he didn't expand it with the mysterious power, Gu instantly curled up.

"There is a dragon's whisker needle that specializes in breaking the qi, and it can create a peacock feather."

Luo Chuan muttered, and gently flicked the gold wire, the latter inserted into the wall silently and disappeared.

After doing this, footsteps sounded, and a fourteen or five-year-old boy stepped in.

"Seeing me in such a hurry, do you miss me too much?" Luo Chuan suddenly scorned.

"What do you mean by opening the branch to the mountain?"

Qian Renxue hugged her arms and asked directly.

"Old rules, if you want to know the secrets, give benefits first."

Luo Chuan said lightly: "Give me the collected materials first."

"You really don't suffer at all."

Qian Renxue casually threw out a Soul Guidance Device: "The materials are in it, and there are several that can't be found temporarily."

Luo Chuan thought into it and found that all the rare materials he needed, especially profound iron, which is also very precious in this world.

He smiled and said: "As expected of Wuhun Hall, the efficiency is okay."

"A pile of cold materials is nothing to our Wuhun Temple."

Qian Renxue proudly said, she is qualified to say such things.

Luochuan got a lot of key materials, and he was in a good mood. He said, "Seeing you are so refreshing this time, I will tell you for free. It is estimated that you also know the secrets of the branch. Champion of the Continent Advanced Soul Master Academy Competition."

Qian Renxue was indeed not surprised, and said indifferently: "The department for forging hidden weapons has also passed. The emperor has also given you an army. Is it possible that you are going to kill my big brother and become a prince yourself?"

"You think too much. This is just to research and use hidden weapons."

Luo Chuan frowned, this woman was really suspicious.

Qian Renxue said coldly: "I'm going to look inside."

"You tell my father about this, what do you want me to do?" Luo Chuan was a little impatient.

"He won't let me intervene, otherwise I will tell you?" Qian Renxue's eyes became colder when she said this, and she felt that Luo Chuan was likely to snatch her crown prince.

"You don't understand hidden weapons, of course you are not allowed to intervene, and there is nothing to see there. They are all big men with big arms."

Luo Chuan was reluctant. He could give Qian Renxue some intermediate and high-level hidden weapons in exchange for resources, and even blueprints. As long as they were valuable, he could trade them.

But the forging room was his site, and inside it were all kinds of top hidden weapons he studied, which were enough to hurt Title Douluo, which belonged to him, so naturally he didn't want Qian Renxue to see it.

"Then I have to go in and have a look. If you don't let me see, I will arrange for someone to see it secretly."

After Qian Renxue finished speaking, she turned around and left.

"Hey, woman, stop, you successfully threatened me!"

Luo Chuan was helpless, instead of waiting for Qian Renxue to let Title Douluo go to his place, he might as well let this woman go and see, and the big deal would hide the top hidden weapon.Yaoyao Literature Network www.11wxw.com

"You personally tell the emperor that you are too busy and can't take care of too many things. Let me help manage the hidden weapons."

Qian Renxue looked triumphant.

"Yes, but I want to ask you to provide another material, and this thing for you, take it back and let them collect exactly the same."

Luochuan reluctantly lost the starting board crystal, and also wanted some benefits as much as possible.

"no problem."

Qian Renxue left proudly, finally letting this guy crumble, she was in a good mood.

After Qian Renxue left, Luo Chuan's face darkened, and he secretly said: "Even if she was shown it, it would only be a delay. This woman might still suspect that he would send Ghost Douluo, a titled Douluo who is good at concealment. Explore, maybe I will explore now, no one knows, it seems that I have to prepare something.

He thought of Ghost Douluo in the Spirit Hall, very jealous, the secret of the forging room was second, he was afraid that the secrets of himself and the Titan Great Ape would be known.

Luo Chuan was aware that his situation would change. The better he performed, the more Qian Renxue would value him. Shen Jinming alone might not be enough to ensure safety.

"It is necessary to increase the sensitivity as soon as possible to avoid such strong people from tracking."

He thought for a moment, to have a keen perception, or to raise the purple magic pupil as soon as possible, or to raise his mental power to the titled Douluo level.

"Get more energy as soon as possible. If you want to have a titled Douluo-level mental power, you will need 1 billion energy, and your physique has to keep up, otherwise you won't be able to withstand the strong mental power."

Luo Chuan suddenly had a headache, and he found that he didn't have enough energy.

"Now there are still more than 300 million yuan of energy. It is estimated that it will not be enough to replicate Liu Erlong's martial spirit. You have to go to the Star Dou Forest."

Luo Chuan pondered for a moment. Liu Erlong's martial arts spirit is higher than Flanders. Even if the cultivation base is a few lower, the cost is estimated to be no less than 400 million, and it may exceed the cost of replicating the four-eyed cat and eagle.

"Moreover, even if the spirit is copied, the cost of fusion is more than that of copying the spirit, and it is estimated that it will not be less than two billion."

Thinking of this, Luo Chuan was unable to lie on the bed, how his mother was on a path of no return, the more the flowers grew.

In fact, if he disassembled the spirit of the White Tiger King, it would be enough, but a powerful pet can guarantee his safety, and he can only bear it first.

He only hopes that the soul beast killed by the Star Dou Great Forest can provide him with enough energy to complete this matter as soon as possible, and then practice for a while with peace of mind.

In the evening, he personally met with Emperor Xue Ye and expressed his thoughts.

Xue Ye was a little surprised. She actually asked Xue Qinghe to help, and asked: "This is the power I give you specifically. Are you sure you want to give it to your elder brother?"

"Father, there are too many things. I really don't have enough skills. In fact, I want to win the championship with my teammates. I really don't have much energy to take care of it."

Luo Chuan was extremely sincere and looked a little helpless.

He was really helpless, Qian Renxue's counterattack this time made him a little bit overwhelmed.

"Yes, I have self-knowledge and know how to cooperate with my brothers instead of fighting for power. I am very pleased for my father. I hope you will continue so that you can make the Heaven Dou Empire stronger."

Xueye admired her and became more satisfied with this son.

Luo Chuan was stunned, why something was wrong, he was forced to give up part of his power, as if it made the great emperor look at him higher, and he didn't know whether it was a blessing or a curse?

He estimated that it was probably a disaster, and the more Xue Ye was satisfied with him, the more vigilant Qian Renxue would be.

It's hard to be a prince.


Ps: Added one more, ask for votes to support wow

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