You can search for "Dou Luo Zhi Endless Fusion Search Novel (" in Baidu to find the latest chapter!Returned to the bedroom to rest, and practiced for a while in the early morning of the next morning. Without being chased by the sun this time, Luo Chuan sorted it out and set off again to the Star Dou Forest.

Before he entered, he took out the White Tiger King and said, "Xiao Bai, check if anyone is following me."

King White Tiger glanced around, shook his head and said, "No."

"Okay, you can go back."

Luo Chuan breathed a sigh of relief. Since yesterday, he was afraid of being followed by Qian Renxue's Title Douluo.

"Title Douluo is also a strong person, so he shouldn't come and stare at me so soon."

Luo Chuan comforted himself, feeling that it hadn't revealed anything that made Wuhun Palace also fearful.

He took the Lightning Bird again to the depths of the Star Dou Great Forest. He found that there were more than ten thousand year soul beasts here, and there were also birds, insects and even plant martial souls. He could see the Titan Great Ape and Azure Bull. The python is doing things very seriously.

The two were training the soul beast team. After seeing Luo Chuan, they immediately stopped and gathered together.

"Guo Teacher, don't ask, I'll arrest some unruly guys as you said, and didn't kill them!"

The Titan Great Ape was the first to speak. Luo Chuan said that he was too many times, and it was almost a psychological shadow.


Luo Chuan's eyes lit up, and within three days, he wanted to come to Daming and Erming to catch a lot of ten thousand year soul beasts.

"Come with me, I dug a big hole to bury them, lest they run away."

The Titan Great Ape beckoned, Luo Chuan followed for half a mile, and he really found a big hole with more than a dozen soul beasts buried in it, only one head was exposed, just like vegetables grown in the ground.

"Your way is pretty good, make full use of the environment."

Luo Chuan exclaimed, "But you can consider setting up a cell to hold soul beasts."

"You teach us."

The Titan Great Ape nodded and pointed at more than ten soul beasts: "Here is a 70,000-year-old soul beast, three heads five to six thousand years old, twelve heads three to four million years old, are you going to kill them all?"

"Slayer, of course you want to slaughter, you call everyone over... do it."

Luo Chuan told the Titan Great Ape some ways.

After listening to the latter, he turned around and shouted, "Come over to this king!"

The sound was like a wave spreading, spreading over a kilometer, other soul beasts heard it and immediately gathered.

Dozens of soul beasts that are at least 50,000 years old have suppressed the atmosphere of the scene a lot, and the Titan Great Ape said: "First, let me introduce you to the newcomers. This is our national teacher. From now on, you must have the same status as mine respect!"

After that, he walked to the buried soul beast and said coldly: "Is giving you a chance to surrender or die?"

"The king...I...I want to surrender."

There was a 30,000-year-old soul beast that couldn't bear it, and spoke somewhat collapsed.

"Pull him out and give Ah Xing a treatment."

The Titan Great Ape nodded in satisfaction, and glanced at the other spirit beasts with cold eyes: "It seems that you are still not convinced. In this case, this king will send you on the road."

He raised his big hand and smashed a head with a bang. It was a 70,000-year-old soul beast.

"This seems to be a honeypot? Wear the legendary flathead brother."

Luo Chuan glanced at it unexpectedly. How could this kind of soul beast grow up to 70,000 years? Shouldn't it be easy to die?

This race is warlike by nature. It is not afraid of encountering tigers and lions, and its anti-venom ability is very strong. It is not afraid of being bitten when eating poisonous snakes. It is either fighting or on the way to fight.Literature under the pen 2020

However, under a large number of people, there are always survivors, and the more powerful the Vietnam War, this flat head brother is like this, is the best among the billions of flat head brothers.

It's a pity that I met the Titans and Great Apes, and the invincible it was also ended today.

Luo Chuan hurried over to harvest energy.

"Ding, congratulations on collecting 800 million energy."

"Ding, congratulations on the collection of Brother Flathead's soul."

"Ding, congratulations on collecting 70,000-year spirit ring."

No soul bone appeared again this time, and Luo Chuan was not disappointed. Soul bones were scarce, of course, they did not appear every time.

Bang bang bang!

The Titan Great Apes continued to make their moves, and their heads exploded like watermelons, and the blood was flying, making many soul beasts tremble with fear.

"Seeing it, this is the end of disobedience!"

The Titan Great Ape grinned and took the opportunity to frighten these men. No one would dare to be disobedient if he wanted to go through this massacre.

Luo Chuan followed and touched the corpse, collecting 500 million energy from one 60,000-year soul beast, and then collecting 300 million energy from the other two 50,000-year soul beasts.

In this way, he collected 1.6 billion energy in one go, which was a little more than the last time he killed the White Tiger King, and he won completely by quantity.

The dozen or so soul beasts were quickly shot to death by the Titan Great Ape. Luochuan touched all the corpses, but the energy he gained was only a little over 100 million.

There is no way, the soul beast reaching 30,000, 50,000 and 70,000 is the three dividing line, one level lower, the energy that can be collected is only one-tenth of the previous level.

The 50,000-year-old spirit beast can collect hundreds of millions of energy, while the 30,000-year-old spirit beast only has tens of millions of energy. Even if there are more than a dozen heads, it adds up to more than 100 million.

With the addition of the remaining 300 million energy, the energy conversion energy he collected in the end just reached 2 billion.

The energy of the soul needs to be decomposed. If it is calculated that the soul's energy is ten times the energy of the collected soul power, he should have 20 billion energy at the moment, which should be enough to integrate with the golden holy dragon.

Instructing the Titan Great Ape something, Luo Chuan returned to Tiandou City, and on the way to decompose part of the spirit, only the flathead brother was left, who received a total of 12 billion energy.

He checked his situation.

Spirit: 1111.5 +

Physical Fitness: 1111.8 +

Repair: Level 44 +

Martial Soul: Eight Wing Angel, Nine Heart Begonia, Third Martial Spirit +, Fourth Martial Spirit +

Energy: 12.17 billion

Pets: Arou, Titan Great Ape, Lightning Bird, Vampire Bat, Black Venom Spider, Shadow Wolf, White Tiger King

His mood did not fluctuate too much, but rather melancholy.

As the Titan Great Apes rule the Star Dou Great Forest, there will be fewer and fewer Ten Thousand Year Soul Beasts that can be killed next time.

The future is a long stream, and it is basically impossible to get tens of billions of energy at once, unless it is a major war.

"Let's talk about the integration of the golden sacred dragon, this time it is enough to make my strength rise again."

Luo Chuan returned to Tiandou City, took a day's rest, and took Shen Jinming to Lanba Academy.

He visited as the second prince of Heaven Dou, even if this Blue Tyrant Academy was supported by the upper three blue electric Tyrant Dragon Sect, he did not dare to neglect, and someone immediately took them to see the dean.

They came to the forest behind the academy, and a lake appeared after passing through. Before they approached, they heard a faint singing, which made people feel sad.

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