You can search for "Dou Luo Zhi Endless Fusion Search Novel (" in Baidu to find the latest chapter!The master smiled bitterly: "I'm very satisfied to have an opportunity to apply the theory, and your college has requirements for the cultivation of teachers. If you can hire me, it would be an exception to come."

"Master is really smart. Since there is no requirement, this matter is set. I have something to do. I will leave first. You can wait for someone to come to you."

Luo Chuan waved his hand, took a step, thought of something, and curiously said: "Oh, I actually have a question I really want to ask you, Master, how did you make women like you back then."

The master was stunned for a moment, this bend was a bit big, and he didn't react.

He puzzled: "This question... is important?"

Luo Chuan Yizheng said: "Of course, I'm still young, this requires experience and advice from seniors."

The master suddenly showed the color of memories, thinking of Bibi Dong and Liu Erlong, and said in anguish: "I don't know too well, maybe it's my talent or my sincerity. Anyway, I'm together naturally."

Talent and sincerity...

Luo Chuan didn't know what to say. He wrote down these two things, thinking that he still had a handsome face. If he had these three elements, he wouldn't be single.

"You are still young, don't worry about this." The master reminded.

"Well, I know, thank you, Master, for your advice, I'll leave first."

Nodded to the master, turned around and left, leaving the master looking sad at the sky.

The Lightning Bird ran for a day during the day, and Luochuan took out the vampire bat at night. This guy was not in the state during the day and was full of energy at night. The sound was very small when flying, which was very suitable for driving at night.

During the flight, Luochuan did not forget to practice. He rushed to Soto City overnight and rested at midnight. The next morning, Luochuan and Shen Jinming came to Shrek Academy.

It is said that it is an academy. In fact, there is no formal building. It is the houses of some villagers with a fence. It is not an exaggeration to say that it is the most desolate college.

Flanders and the others were already standing at the door. The others were a little surprised when they saw Luochuan. Even if they knew that the prince who acquired their college was a prince, they couldn't help but look at Luochuan so young.

However, Shen Jinming who followed made them dare not despise Luochuan because of their age, and allowed a soul saint to be the guard, which was enough to prove his status.

"Mr. Xue, this is our academy. You are disappointed if you want to come."

Flender greeted him and smiled.

"If the mountain is not high, there will be spirits, and if the water is not deep, there will be dragons. Although Shrek Academy looks shabby, but with you excellent teachers, it is still an excellent Soul Master Academy."

Luo Chuan shook his head, and the scene put all the teachers in red, which was quite useful.

Flander smiled and said: "Mr. Xue passed the award. Compared with the Royal Academy, we are still far behind. The various teaching facilities and teaching environment are very backward."

"Don't worry, after the acquisition, I will have all of them. Not to mention that compared with the Royal Academy, it will definitely not be inferior to the Royal Academy."

Luo Chuan heard Flander's meaning and said generously.

"The prince is rich and powerful. Now we can finally improve the environment."

Flender grinned.

While talking, the two parties introduced other teachers to Luochuan, and soon entered a small building and produced two contracts.

Luo Chuan glanced at it and said, "I'll just hang up a deputy dean. Are you okay?"

"Of course there is no problem. Didn't we set up the Board of Education? You are also a member of the Board of Education." Read the novel every day

Flander said cheerfully.

"Do you usually come to our college?" The burly Zao Wou-ki suddenly asked.

"No, don't worry, I won't disturb your teaching."

Luo Chuan knew what the other party was worried about and made a guarantee. At the same time, he said: "There is one more thing. The acquisition is temporarily in my own name, not the royal family. Please don't get me wrong."

"It's okay, as long as the money is in place, whether it's in the royal name or in your personal name, we will recognize it."

Flander chuckled, like a profiteer.

Luo Chuan smiled without saying a word, these guys on the surface felt that he was like a boy giving money, no one knew his true purpose.

He is not for the future, but for individual students.

Of course, Flanders must feel that he has met the God of Wealth, which is a pie in the sky.

"Sign up. From now on, I will be the sponsor and deputy dean of Shrek Academy."

Luo Chuan didn't say much, picked up a pen and wrote down his name, followed by Flanders, and soon a contract was completed.

Although the contract was signed, Luochuan still had the dominant position. Not only was he a member of the royal family, but the key was that he was giving money.

In other words, he is now the gold master father of Shrek Academy.

"Haha, Mr. Xue, everyone will be a family from now on."

Flender and others smiled. Starting today, they don't have to worry about money and can teach students well.

Luochuan and all the teachers in the academy had a meal, and only after leaving ten thousand gold coins, did they return to Heaven Dou City.

Returning to the residence, Luo Chuan turned his head and said, "Guardian Shen, this incident is my personal matter. I hope I don't tell my father.

"Yes, Your Highness."

Shen Jinming nodded, there is really no need to say more about the pocket money used by Luochuan.

After a day's rest, Luochuan began to copy the last martial soul needed by the Golden Sacred Dragon.

He brought Shen Jinming to Lanba Academy early in the morning.

Visited as the second prince of Heaven Dou, even if this Blue Tyrant Academy was supported by the upper three blue electric Tyrant Dragon Sect, they did not dare to neglect, and someone immediately took them to see the dean.

They came to the forest behind the academy, and a lake appeared after passing through. Before they approached, they heard a faint singing, which made people feel sad.

"It's so bitter."

Luochuan muttered to himself.

"Hey, our dean often does this, please don't mind your Second Highness."

The person leading the way sighed, then stopped and said, "His Royal Highness, please wait a moment. I will report to the dean."

"No need, let this highness come over."

The faint voice sounded, it should have heard what they said.

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