Endless Fusion of Douluo

Chapter 111-Golden Dragon

You can search for "Dou Luo Zhi Endless Fusion Search Novel (www.soxscc.com)" in Baidu to find the latest chapter!Luo Chuan continued to walk a few steps, and suddenly the willows were bright, and a simple thatched house appeared in front of him. The flowers planted around it were in full bloom, matched with the small lakes and streams, which looked quiet and peaceful.

A beautiful woman in her thirties walked out of the flower room. She was wearing a cyan sarong, her figure was extremely plump, and her head was pulled up with blue silk. Although she was dressed like a village woman, her appearance was exquisite. Village women to describe.

"Grandma's, this master's woman, all of them are so outstanding."

Luo Chuan glanced at him, exclaimed, and couldn't help cursing the master secretly.

Even if Liu Erlong's appearance does not have Bibi Dong's experience, he is also a type of beautiful beauty. In the end, the master actually failed. One didn't even take a blood, and the other simply hid. It's really a violent thing.

"His Royal Highness, such a distinguished prince, suddenly came to the humble house, still wondering what happened?"

Liu Erlong appeared in front of Luochuan in a flash, with a soft voice, but with the feeling of being a thousand miles away.

"I saw the dean first."

Luo Chuan stretched out his hand, this was his purpose, and everything else could be nonsense.

Fortunately, shaking hands is the most basic etiquette among people. Although Liu Erlong was a little reluctant, he shook hands with Luochuan.

At the moment of contact, Luo Chuan chose to copy the opponent's martial arts, and the cost was as high as 500 million!

"Let's talk, we don't have much to do with each other. Your Highness came over and made me curious."

Liu Erlong said neither salty nor indifferent.

"I want to talk to the dean about cooperation. Of course, it is not a simple cooperation, but the cooperation between the royal family and your Blue Power Tyrant Dragon Sect."

Luo Chuan casually gave a reason for preparing in advance.

"You found the wrong person for this matter, I can't decide this matter, and our Blue Lightning Tyrant Dragon Sect has always held a neutral attitude, and don't want to involve your royal family."

Liu Erlong refused directly.

"Dean, you are misunderstood. I am not asking the Blue Power Tyrant Dragon Sect to support our Heaven Dou Empire, but some business cooperation."

Luo Chuan shook his head.

"Then don't tell me, we are not interested in such things."

Liu Erlong said coldly: "Send off the guests."


Luo Chuan was a little depressed without telling him the first time he met.

"Let me show you something."

He thought for a while, and then wanted to take out the hidden weapon, but Liu Erlong's face sank: "I didn't want to talk about it!"

A scorching breath was suddenly released from his body, the sarong fluttered, his hair flew, and the pressure of the Soul Sage permeated.

Shen Jinming's face changed slightly, his hand instantly grasped the handle of the knife, and he was about to stop in front of Luochuan.

"It's okay."

Luo Chuan waved his hand to him, his expression calmly withstood the pressure from Liu Erlong subconsciously without any influence.

Liu Erlong unexpectedly looked at Luo Chuan, who was still calm, and was shocked. How could a twelve-year-old boy not be affected by her coercion.

The teachers at the academy next to them all took a step back, their faces pale.

She was a little unconvinced, snorted, a greater pressure was released, and the hot breath made the air visibly twisted.

"This is a bit grumpy."

Luo Chuan sighed secretly, still letting the opposing force fall on him, and smiled faintly: "What is the dean in anxious? Let me finish."

"How is it possible!" 258 Novel Network www.258xsw.com

This time Liu Erlong exclaimed directly and pointed to the pale-looking academy teacher who had already taken three steps back: "His cultivation base has reached level 53, and he can't bear my power. Why don't you take a step back?"

Shen Jinming was also puzzled. In the face of this woman's coercion, even his pressure was not small, how could the Second Highness be calm and calm?

"Because I am more handsome."

Luo Chuan talked nonsense casually, the spirit and physique are strong, there is no need to say more.



Liu Erlong and the next academy teacher twitched. Although they all know that this highness does not want to reveal the secret, there is no need to be so shameless, right?

"It seems that the two agreed with me, so I won't explain it much. Dean Liu would also like to take this thing back to your Sect Master to see."

Luo Chuan took out the Zhuge God Crossbow, without showing it, handed it directly to Liu Erlong.

"What is this?" Liu Erlong took it, feeling heavy.

"A special weapon that can enhance the strength of your Blue Lightning Tyrant Dragon Sect."

Luo Chuan said briefly, turned around and left: "If you are interested, just let Yu Tianheng tell me."

Seeing Luo Chuan leave so simply, Liu Erlong glanced suspiciously at Zhuge Shennu and put it away.

She didn't bother to take care of this, so she could send it back to the Blue Lightning Tyrant Dragon Sect when she had time.

Shen Jinming, who was following Luochuan, couldn't help but say: "His Royal Highness, will this be too good? After all, this is something the royal family has studied secretly."

"Shen Huwei, there are some things that are not suitable for hiding, but should give full play to its value, so as to change the whole world."

Luo Chuan said meaningfully, "The Blue Lightning Tyrant Dragon Sect is the only major neutral force in the upper three sects. If a Zhuge god crossbow can pull it over, it will be worth a thousand troops.

He didn't have a word yet. This Blue Lightning Tyrant Dragon Sect does not seem to have anything to do with any country, but it is actually the most dangerous because anyone can attack it, but it has no allies.

The Spirit Hall could destroy it directly, and even the Sect Master did not escape, except for the weakest strength, lack of allies, and no help at all.

The enemy's enemy is a friend. Support the Blue Lightning Tyrant Dragon Sect. In the future, he will help him attract more power from the Spirit Hall. This is his goal.

Not only the Blue Lightning Overlord Dragon Sect, the Seven Treasure Glazed Glass Sect and the Haotian Sect, he also has to find a way to mobilize, and cooperate with the Star Dou Great Forest so that he can play with the Spirit Hall. Otherwise, he can jump against the Spirit Hall alone. In a few days.

"Your Majesty may have opinions."

Shen Jinming reminded that, after all, this matter involved an empire and one of the upper three.

"Since the father has asked me to be responsible for the manufacture of hidden weapons, I am just looking for a buyer, so let the father worry about other things with my elder brother."

Luo Chuan smiled faintly, but Qian Renxue wanted to manage the hidden weapon to make something, so let that woman get a headache.

Let him deflate, so how can he not fight back?

He quickly returned to his room, opened the system panel, and checked the cost of fusing the four-eyed cat eagle and the fire dragon. When he saw the figure of 1.2 billion, he was slightly relieved.

It seems that this is not too high. It shouldn't cost much to merge the pig with the master?

He was about to throw the three martial arts together and try to merge.

[You are fusing the fire dragon spirit + four-eyed cat and eagle + Luo Sanpao. The energy required is 10 billion. Do you want to continue?]

Luo Chuan glanced at the pig. This is a golden pig, right? So expensive?

Gritting his teeth, he still chose to fuse, and a new martial soul appeared in a burst of sacred golden light.

Golden Dragon!

This is the full version, and it does not require three people to use the Martial Soul Fusion Technique.

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