Endless Fusion of Douluo

Chapter 112 You Are Not My Opponent

You can search for "Dou Luo Zhi Endless Fusion Search Novel (www.soxscc.com)" in Baidu to find the latest chapter!Luo Chuan looked at the giant dragon, its body was covered with metal-like golden dragon scales, and a pair of dragon wings expanded, showing a mighty and domineering momentum.

"Very powerful martial arts, after fusion, I am afraid it is a Contra, I don't have to be afraid!"

After the master and the three of them merged the spirits, they once fought head-on with Poison Douluo. Although Poison Douluo did not exert all his strength, he could see that the strength of the spirit was almost two levels higher!

"Don't rush to merge. I haven't adapted my spirit and physique by ten times before. I'll talk about it in a few days."

Luo Chuan thought about it for a while, worrying that if he merged with such a powerful martial soul, his own power might get out of control, so he didn't immediately merge.

The spirit and physique he had improved before was equivalent to a baby suddenly possessing the power of an adult, and he hadn't been familiar with it for a while.

If he integrates with such powerful martial souls, he guesses that he might be exposed.

"There are less than 2 billion energy left, and 1.8 billion energy can be spent to raise the spirit and physique to the titled Douluo level. This time I won't increase it tenfold at once, but take it slowly."

Thinking of the plan, Luo Chuan subconsciously picked up a water cup, but with a click, the water cup shattered into slag.


As soon as I was thinking about it, there was a problem of insufficient control.

In fact, he still got the water glass as he liked before.

However, his physique has increased tenfold, and under the same proportion, the strength in his hands has also increased tenfold, and the quilt naturally cannot bear it.

To restore to the original state, he must reduce the ratio to one percent and further refine his power.

"Fortunately, there is a method for precise control of training strength in the Xuantianbaolu, which can be solved in a few days."

Throwing away the scum, Luo Chuan closed his eyes and carefully sensed his own strength.

After practicing for a while, footsteps suddenly appeared in my ears, and then a slightly rapid footstep sounded.


The door of Luochuan's room was opened, Qian Renxue walked in with an angry look, and then closed the door with a loud bang.

She stared at Luochuan angrily: "Xue Luochuan, you did it on purpose!"

Opening his eyes, Luo Chuan looked at the "boy" in front of him, and said lightly: "You are so well informed, you got it so soon."

"Don't change the subject, tell me, why did you give the Zhuge God Crossbow to the Blue Lightning Tyrant Dragon Sect?"

Qian Renxue's face is ugly. For her, the Blue Lightning Tyrant Dragon Sect is the resistance of the Wuhun Temple to unify the mainland, and the hidden weapon is a special weapon that can affect the situation. Luochuan gives the Zhuge god crossbow to the opponent, which is equivalent to raising the enemy. !

"This is what I researched. To whom to sell it, is it possible to get your consent? Who are you? Big brother?"

The corners of Luochuan's mouth showed sarcasm, and the more angry Qian Renxue became, the more proof he was right!


Qian Renxue was so angry that her chest was ups and downs, and she gritted her teeth and said: "Very well, I know you are not satisfied with my involvement in hidden weapons, so you just cause trouble for me, right?"

"Oh, you guessed it, so smart." Luo Chuan grinned and said: "I'm not angry, the more angry you are, the happier I am."

"Look for a fight!"

Qian Renxue wanted to suppress her anger, but when she saw this awkward smile, she didn't bear it anymore!

There was light from her fist, and she unceremoniously punched Luo Chuan.

A sneer appeared on Luo Chuan's face, sitting on the bed without getting up, just raised one hand and easily grabbed the other's fist.Read the book www.yshuobaxs.com

Qian Renxue felt like she had hit a sea, and all her strength disappeared. Not only did she not hit Luochuan, but her fist was clenched tightly, as if it were held in an iron hoop, and she couldn't move.

"Woman, do you think you can beat me all the time?"

Luo Chuan looked cold. He was not strong enough to beat Qian Renxue and was beaten. He felt normal.

But now there is a golden sacred dragon, he must fight back.

"How is it possible, your strength!"

Qian Renxue's eyes widened, a little spirit master of over twenty ranks, even if she didn't use spirit rings, she could beat this guy easily, right?

"For three days, please treat each other with admiration. It's been more than a month. Do you think I'm the same me as before?"

Luo Chuan jokingly smiled and pulled his hand hard.

Qian Renxue only felt an unstoppable brute force rushing forward, and she exclaimed and was pulled over uncontrollably.

However, she wouldn't obediently obediently. When she rushed forward, an angel martial spirit was already on her body, and another fist smashed Luochuan's face with fire.

It is a pity that Luo Chuan also has a hand, easily blocked it, and flicked it to the side. Qian Renxue, like a rag doll, flew out uncontrollably and was thrown directly onto the bed.

"A lot of strength!"

Qian Renxue was frightened, her slender thighs full of elasticity amidst the scattered hair, kicked out like springs.

However, Luo Chuan had already grabbed her two arms with one hand, and patted her leg back with a light pat with the other hand, and at the same time raised her knee to directly press her down.

Luo Chuan used one hand to press Qian Renxue's two arms on her head, and the other hand pinched her gooseneck for a moment, and said coldly: "You are no longer my opponent!"

Qian Renxue was squeezed out of breath for an instant, she was pierced with golden light, trying to break free, but Luochuan was like a big mountain, completely suppressing her.

Even if all her spirit rings were lit up, it was still of no avail. The most important thing was that she couldn't breathe. The more she struggled, the more uncomfortable her face was quickly reddened because of being pinched.

"Your strength!"

Qian Renxue looked at Luo Chuan who was pressing her with difficulty and shock. When was this person so terrifying that he surpassed her.

The strength of the body alone suppressed her who urged the martial soul, which showed that the opponent's strength was far higher than her, otherwise it would be absolutely impossible.

"Remember our agreement. If my strength exceeds yours, I will marry me. Although you and I have grudges, I will not consider these in bed. Let's go to the bridal chamber tonight."

Luo Chuan smirked, and finally suppressed the woman in reverse, which was really great.

"you dare!"

Qian Renxue was a little flustered.

"Is there anything you dare not? It’s normal to be alone in the same room and do something. Don’t worry, if you want you, I can reluctantly give you the identity of a concubine. Compared with the fact that you wanted to poison me, is that count? Repaying grievances with virtue?"

Luo Chuan squeezed Qian Renxue's neck and let go, gently touched Qian Renxue's cheek, and then smashed him with a punch.


As if something was broken, Qian Renxue's whole body was torn apart, a layer of energy was forcibly smashed by Luo Chuan, revealing another person.

The man who went to the man just now is a woman, with blond hair, a perfect face, and a slender figure.

The camouflage effect of Qian Renxue's soul bone was broken open by Luo Chuan's punch, revealing his true identity.

Seeing the smirk in Luo Chuan's eyes and facing the disguise she had broken, Qian Renxue's golden pupils were completely afraid.

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