Endless Fusion of Douluo

Chapter 116: A Person Disguised As A Disguise

You can search for "Dou Luo Zhi Endless Fusion Search Novel (www.soxscc.com)" in Baidu to find the latest chapter!"His Royal Highness, the master you invited is here, do you want to meet?"

Walking out of the room, Shen Jinming, who was standing at the door, greeted him.

"See, why not, what he said is the teacher I invited."

Luo Chuan nodded.

"Master is communicating with Teacher Qin Ming in the forest. Your Highness, please come with me."

Shen Jinming wants to lead the way.

"No need, say a direction, I will find them myself, you don't need to keep guarding me here and practice more."

Luo Chuan waved his hand, and when he knew where he was, he walked over quickly.

The Yunwu Mountains are full of rain and the climate is humid, which is very suitable for plant growth, so the trees are tall, lush and full of vitality.

Luo Chuan subconsciously urged the third spirit ability of the blood pupil to explore the spirit, and the entire forest suddenly changed color. A few hundred meters away, two figures were standing together to communicate.

He condensed his blood pupils and walked straight ahead. When passing through a bush, he saw Qin Ming and Master in a clearing.

Perceiving his approach, Qin Ming turned his head and looked, with a smile in his eyes: "You have been absent from class for several days. Are you ready to come to class now?"

"Things are almost done, you can continue to train with the teacher."

Luo Chuan smiled faintly, his gaze fell on another person, and said: "Master is still used to the environment here?"

"Very good. It is far away from the city and not disturbed by the world. It is very suitable for teaching."

The master said with satisfaction.

"After that, we will trouble you to give pointers." Luo Chuan complimented.

"You only need to follow my theory." The master is not very self-confident.

"Master, you are too humble, and your theory has influenced Shrek Academy, but I have benefited a lot."

Qin Ming encouraged: "If we work together in the future, we can definitely teach a group of outstanding students."

Luo Chuan glanced around and said, "Teacher, where are they?"

"I'm still at the foot of the mountain, and now the daily warm-up exercise is to go down the mountain and run a circle around the valley, and then back here, a round trip is hundreds of miles, which is much more effective than a circle on flat ground.

Qin Ming smirked.

"I will see where they are."

Luo Chuan ran down the mountain, the whole person like a shadow, flexibly moving between the trees and plants, and soon came to the foot of the mountain.

The valley is a piece of farmland, and there are rows of houses next to the mountain, forming a small town. There was a flash of blood in his eyes, and the whole valley situation entered the scope of his spiritual exploration.

He looked at the opposite hillside more than ten miles away. Eight voices were running. As he urged the purple magic pupils, his eyes converged again, and the figure quickly grew larger, and he could see clearly after more than ten miles.

These guys are sweating, panting, and talking in their mouths, because they are too far away to see clearly.

"This vision is really a bit abnormal, comparable to a telescope."

Luo Chuan was very interested in experimenting with his vision and found that he could see farther.

"I don't know if I can see through more than ten miles away."

With curiosity, he activated the second spirit ability of the blood pupil, and the things in front of him gradually became transparent, and the eight people suddenly became eight skeletons.Hot e-book www.huoretxt.com

Suddenly, his gaze condensed, and he landed on a bush hundreds of meters away from eight people. With the ability to see through, he found a person.

Originally, he thought it was the local farmers who were farming, but then he found something was wrong. There was a very bright blood in his body, more than ten times brighter than Yu Tianheng and the others, like a little sun.

"Soul master! Still an advanced soul master!"

Luo Chuan was shocked, this kind of energy light was a bit worse than Shen Jinming, indicating that this is also a soul saint!

"Where did this guy come from, the Spirit Hall or the imperial guard?"

His face changed, Luo Chuan shook his head: "It's impossible for the dark guard, if it really is, there is no need to be there, it should be around me."

A coldness appeared in his eyes, and the whole person passed away in a flash, quickly approaching him.

With the physique and spirit of the Soul Sage, and the White Tiger King, he didn't need to be afraid of a Soul Sage that he discovered, he had to see who it was.

As he approached, he was also exploring the surroundings, and for the time being, he did not find the second sneaky person, so he felt more at ease.

When he was a kilometer away, he thought, took out the White Tiger King, pointed to the bushes in the distance and said: "Xiao Bai, sensed that the person is not there, you walk around from behind, don't do anything for the time being, and listen to my orders."

"Yes, master."

The King White Tiger nodded, blended into the vegetation, and approached the prey silently.

As a tiger, hiding oneself close to prey is a basic ability, even if it is large, it is still undetected.

Luo Chuan touched his chest and suddenly laughed strangely, urging the angels to pretend to be torso bones. The whole person changed rapidly, and he became another person in a blink of an eye.

This person was much taller and looked like a teenager. It was Xue Qinghe, who became like this, and he walked directly to the bushes.

"What are you doing here?"

He spoke suddenly, like speaking to the air.

There was no response for a while, Luo Chuan thought he was not from the Spirit Hall, but a figure jumped out and saluted him: "Holy girl, there is not only the Soul Sage in the branch, but also a Contra, and his subordinates dare not approach. For fear of being discovered, they can only investigate the situation where they have been trained."

Luo Chuan stayed for a while, the saint whom the other party said was Qian Renxue, she was the saint of the Elder Hall, which also showed that this guy is really from the Spirit Hall!

He disguised himself as Xue Qinghe in the disguise of Qian Renxue with the torso bones disguised as angels and gods, just to defraud the other party, if he were from the Spirit Hall, he would definitely answer.

Originally, he tried it too, but he didn't expect it to be true, and he swindled out in a word!

The soul saint on the opposite side was also very nervous at the moment. He didn't expect the saint to come here, so when he was questioned just now, he was really taken aback for a while, not knowing how to answer.

"What did you find?" Luo Chuan asked casually. It's hard to say too much, otherwise it might show up.

The head of the soul sage on the opposite side was lower, and he said with shame: "The subordinate is incompetent and has not investigated useful information."

"Huh, it's useless!"

Luo Chuan’s eyes were bright with blood, directly spurring the first one hundred thousand-year spirit ring, and the red light spread like a tide. Even though the soul sage did not look up, he felt that he was enveloped by a chaotic mental storm, and his blood boiled. His eyes were red, and he wanted to destroy everything.

"What's the matter, why do I want to kill."

He was surprised and hurriedly said: "The saint calms down, and the subordinates must try their best to explore the secrets of Xueluochuan."

After he begged for mercy, the chaotic mental storm suddenly disappeared, and the "saint" in his mouth coldly said: "Go ahead."

After speaking, the shadow of the saint disappeared, leaving behind the soul saint with cold sweat.

He had a lingering fear and said: "The saint is so strong at a young age, but why doesn't the aura not look like an angel, can it be the effect of the soul bone?"

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