You can search for "Dou Luo Zhi Endless Fusion Search Novel (" in Baidu to find the latest chapter!When the Soul Sage was puzzled, Luo Chuan quickly moved away, and then muttered: "This first soul ability has a fatal flaw. If you don't look at my eyes, the effect will be greatly reduced."

He wanted to try the power of the first one hundred thousand year spirit ring just now to see if he could kill a spirit saint, but he didn't succeed.

It is considered that this soul saint is lucky, because of Qian Renxue's noble status, she kept her head down to speak, avoiding his pupil power.

Immediately the second sentence dispelled his murderous intent. Since the other party is here to investigate his secrets, it is not suitable to provoke him.

Perhaps, he could still use this disguised identity to get some news about Wuhun Palace in turn.

Thinking of this, he smiled: "Qian Renxue, you can pretend to be Xueqinghe, and I can pretend to be you, see if I don't play with you."

With the color of thinking, he took the White Tiger King back, then removed his disguise, and quickly chased Yu Tianheng and the others.

From beginning to end, the Spirit Sage of the Spirit Hall thought it was the effect of the soul bone, and there was no doubt that the saint who appeared suddenly was a fake, because from the news he received, it seemed that the saint was indeed coming here recently.

A few days after the start of training in Luochuan, a team full of cargo came to Yunwu Mountain. Among the team were two teachers, some logistics personnel, and the prince and his guards.

Qian Renxue glanced at the mist-shrouded mountains, and said in his heart: "Want to avoid me, do you think it is possible? If you don't tell me what you know, I won't let you go!"

"His Royal Highness, I didn't expect you to come to this remote place."

A middle-aged man with a greasy face and a big belly flattered.

He is called Li Shoujin, and he is the person in charge of logistics this time. He will be in charge of the finances and canteen of this branch hospital. He has something to do with the royal family, so he has the opportunity to hold this oily position.

Qian Renxue didn't even look at this person, and said indifferently: "You go up first, I'll take a look nearby."

"His Royal Highness, you can play as much as you like, I will take people up to prepare a sumptuous dinner."

Li Shoujin didn't care about Qian Renxue's indifference. In his opinion, it would be nice to be in contact with the prince.

Qian Renxue naturally didn't have any mood to play. He took his people around the valley and passed some signs to a bush.

The soul sage who had been deceived by Luo Chuan before was unlucky. It was only a few days ago, why the saint is here again, but he has not found anything.

"Come out!"

Qian Renxue said coldly, waving his hand, and several guards scattered around to alert.

This soul saint named Wei Yunbo could only bite the bullet and walked out, saluting: "I have seen the saint."

"What's the situation recently? Xue Luochuan is here, right?" Qian Renxue said blankly.

"Yes, the target returned three days ago and has been training recently."

Wei Yunbo replied.

Qian Renxue nodded and issued an order: "You don't need to watch it next, go to monitor the Forging Bureau to help. Recently, I want to figure out the secrets of the Forging Bureau."

"Yes, saint."

Wei Yunbo heaved a sigh of relief. It would be fine if he didn't blame him this time. He could finally change his goal. I hope it will be easier this time.

Qian Renxue quickly went up the mountain and glanced at the rudimentary branch courtyard. His eyes swept around and quickly fell on a teenager.

The latter noticed, and hurriedly wanted to escape, Qian Renxue said quietly: "My good brother, brother is here, don't you come over to see you?"

Luo Chuan stopped and turned his head helplessly: "Why are you here?"

"I'm also a student of the Royal Academy. Is it possible that I can't come here?"

Qian Renxue said lightly, and walked towards Luochuan, saying meaningfully: "Our brothers haven't seen each other for several days. Let's have a meal together." Qishu Novel Network

"His Royal Highness, Your Second Highness, the food has just been prepared, please take your seat."

Li Shoujin caught the opportunity and said enthusiastically.

Luo Chuan originally wanted to refuse with no food. When this guy said, he could only bite the bullet and said, "Brother, please."

In the newly established dining hall, Luo Chuan sat down and said: "If you come over for that matter, there is no need to speak up. I don't know anything."

He didn't want to talk more about Bibi Dong, otherwise Bibi Dong knew that he would definitely not mind using a knife to slash him, where is his opponent now.

"I know all about it, and you don't need to say more." Qian Renxue's face was calm, she reached out her hand to hold a glass of wine and took a sip.

"That's good." Luo Chuan breathed a sigh of relief. It is estimated that this woman came for the hidden weapon forging room.

Qian Renxue stared into Luochuan's eyes: "I'm very curious, how do you know my identity and the secret."

Luo Chuan didn't move his eyes and said, "Since they are all secrets, do you think I will tell you where they got it?"

"Don't tell me, I just think it's a bit weird. It's unlikely that your channels will be exposed to these. However, it seems that you do know many secrets that I don't know."

Qian Renxue smiled suddenly, making Luo Chuan a little uncomfortable.


He saw Qian Renxue clapping her hands suddenly, and a figure walked in.

Perceiving something wrong, Luo Chuan got up and wanted to leave, but suddenly met a pair of unfathomable eyes.

His head buzzed suddenly, and Qian Renxue in front of him suddenly became blurred and distorted, and countless strange voices poured into his ears, unconsciously surprised.

Mental illusion attack!

After being aware of it, his powerful mental power was released, and the purple light in his eyes was bright, like two sharp swords, instantly breaking through the falsehood.

The distorted thing quickly returned to normal, and the ear was quiet again, and a painful grunt sounded.

The person who walked into the room just now, Qiqiao was bleeding, his body was shaking back, and he looked at Luo Chuan in surprise."

"Impossible, how can you have such a strong mental power!"

He covered his head in pain, met a pair of blood-colored pupils, and then his eyes instantly turned red, suddenly turned his head, and stared at Qian Renxue extremely ferociously.

"what happened?"

Everything was between the electric light and flint, Qian Renxue hadn't reacted yet, and she didn't understand why the soul master who was specifically asked to hypnotize Luochuan by her turned into this appearance.

"Big Brother, where did you find the soul master, do you want to control me? It's a pity that you don't have the skills at home yet."

Luo Chuan jokingly smiled, the blood in his eyes moved, and the hideous soul master roared, his eyes were blood-red and bloodthirsty, and he rushed towards Qian Renxue like a beast.


A ghost and ghost generally appeared in front of Qian Renxue, frowned and glanced at the irrational, bloodthirsty guy, and raised his hand and pressed it.


The whole room was shocked, and an absolutely suppressing spirit power descended on it and suppressed it on the spot, but the latter still screamed, struggling hard, and it was creepy.

"what have you done?"

Qian Renxue got up and stared at Luochuan. She didn't expect that stealing chickens wouldn't eclipse him, and hypnotizing Luochuan would fail, but instead made the soul master she had worked so hard to find crazy.

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