Endless Fusion of Douluo

Chapter 118 Suspected Heir of God's Position!

You can search for "Dou Luo Zhi Endless Fusion Search Novel (www.soxscc.com)" in Baidu to find the latest chapter!"You are ashamed to ask me? What do you want to do, don't you have any idea?"

Luo Chuan sneered and glanced at the irrational guy, satisfied with the power of bloodthirsty and rage in his heart.

Qian Renxue frowned: "You let him go!"

"You beg me."

Luo Chuan, with the color of success, sat on a chair for a while, picked up his chopsticks and started eating leisurely.

Qian Renxue's face was ugly, so how could she beg Luochuan?

"Take him away!"

She could only ask the guard to take this shameless guy away first.

As soon as the guard left, with a swish, the door was smashed, and a blue light rushed in and fell beside Luochuan.

"Your Highness, are you okay?"

Shen Jinming asked. He just noticed a very powerful spirit power fluctuation, and hurried over.

"It's okay, my eldest brother's person suddenly became ill. It seems to be rabies."

Luo Chuan mocked.


Shen Jinming was confused, he had never heard of this disease.

"It's a weird disease. If you get it, you will lose your mind and bite. Fortunately, I didn't bite my eldest brother, otherwise it is very likely to be infected."

Hearing Luo Chuan's words, Qian Renxue couldn't help it anymore, and threw the wine glass on the ground with a bang: "Huh, eat slowly, I have something wrong."

After that, she left with a dark face, making Shen Jinming confused. What happened just now?

He was a little worried: "His Royal Highness, let me follow you closely in the future. In case of any accident, I may not have time to protect you."

It was he who was cultivating this time, so he didn't come here the first time.

"No need, it's still safe here, if I need it, I will call you."

Luo Chuan shook his head, Qian Renxue's people even had a Soul Douluo, and there might be a titled Douluo in the future, so that Shen Jinming was not allowed to follow, and it was to minimize the knowledge of others.

After all, Shen Jinming hasn't fully loyalty to him now. If Emperor Xueye knows something, it may disrupt his plan.

"All right, Your Highness, be careful yourself." Shen Jinming nodded helplessly. He felt that his guard would become more and more leisurely in the future.

On the other side, Qian Renxue came to the forest with a calm face.

Several figures greeted him, among them was Gao Long who had sent a letter back to the Wuhun Hall.

"How is the person?"

Qian Renxue asked.

There was a lingering fear in Gao Long's eyes, and said, "I committed suicide."


The beautiful eyes shrank instantly, Qian Renxue did not dare to say: "A soul emperor, just died like this?"

"It should have suffered a mental backlash, but... what his subordinates don't understand is how he has the mental power to counter the Shock Soul Emperor."

Gao Long frowned. This is the first time he has encountered such a weird thing, love books www.aibook8.com

"It seems that he is stronger than I thought. How could it be possible? He has been pretending, but he is only twelve years old. No matter how much he pretends, he won't be so strong?"

Qian Renxue was puzzled. The last time Luo Chuan suppressed her, she thought she had the strength of the Soul King, but now it seems to be at least the Soul Emperor.

Twelve-year-old soul emperor?

She was puzzled and said: "How do you think he has this level of strength? It is definitely not possible to reach this level by relying on foreign objects."

Gao Long showed a thoughtful look and smiled bitterly: "The subordinates can't think of how to have such a strong strength at this age. It is impossible to be the reincarnation of the gods."

The speaker was unintentional, and the listener was intentional. A golden light flashed in Qianren's eyes: "God!"

She firmly said: "Yes, it is probably related to God. After all, this is far beyond the normal range. Except for the gods, I can't think of anything that can make him reach this level!"

Gao Long's expression changed, and he was surprised and said: "Saint, is it possible that you mean that he is able to have this kind of power through the gods, is it possible that..."

"God inheritance!"

Qian Renxue nodded, her eyes flickered: "He must have acquired some kind of inheritance to be able to advance several levels in such a short time. Apart from this, I can't find any reason to explain his abnormality."

"Then this person is too lucky, this kind of thing is almost a legend, it will fall on him, and the cultivation base will start at such a low level!"

The waves in Gao Long's heart were raging, God, for the entire Douluo Continent, this was an unattainable existence. Even the Extreme Douluo standing on the peak of the continent was just a mortal in front of the gods.

Moreover, in Douluo Continent, no matter how you cultivate, you can't become a god, unless you get the inheritance of the gods and inherit the gods, you have the chance to become the next god.

But even if you know that this is possible, it is difficult to get this opportunity. For so many years, I haven't heard of anyone who succeeded. Now it seems that I have found one!

He couldn't help but said with a stern face: "Saint Maiden, this matter is of great importance, so we must tell the great worship."

"I know that this person is actually suspected of being inherited by the gods, which is likely to affect our plan. Grandpa must decide!"

Qian Renxue nodded and said with a solemn expression: "But I still have to determine whether he has the inheritance of the gods, and what kind of inheritance he got. You first go back and report to my grandpa and listen to his opinions."


Gao Long knew the situation was urgent, so he turned and left. He wanted to rush back to the Wuhun Hall to report the matter.

Qian Renxue glanced at the corpse in the distance, and said coldly: "Take his corpse back. Don't give me less compassion."

Suddenly, a voice sounded: "Oh, brother, your person is dead, it seems that rabies is quite serious."

This shocked Qian Renxue and turned around hurriedly. Luo Chuan unexpectedly appeared next to her silently, but she didn't notice it.

However, the two subordinates noticed it and stopped him one by one.

She secretly breathed a sigh of relief. Luo Chuan should have not noticed the conversation just now, and she coldly said, "It would be nice if you didn't pay you compensation. Are you embarrassed to gloat?"

"What you said is wrong, killers are always killed. Is it possible that you are going to blame his death on me?"

Luo Chuan sneered, and defended the two spirit masters: "Get out of the way, you can stop my path?"

The two soul sages did not move, but the next moment, their entire world changed, the original ground turned into a sea of ​​blood, and the forest became a sea of ​​bones, and they were instantly pulled into the illusion of the sea of ​​blood in the dead mountain.

In the color of horror, the two of them had their eyes dull, their bodies trembling constantly, and at the same time they lifted their hands to entangle themselves, struggling constantly, quite strange.

But soon they broke through the illusion, sweating profusely, gasping for breath, and found that Luo Chuan had disappeared, and hurriedly looked around, only to find that Luo Chuan had walked to the corpse on the ground.

Qian Renxue was in a daze, and even the Soul Sage was affected. What exactly did this guy use?

Is it the power of the gods?

Luo Chuan didn't take care of other people. He looked at the corpse. This guy was in a miserable state of death, his orifices were bleeding, his eyes were red and bulging, and he stared out, especially hideous and terrifying.

He waved his hand to collect the light balls that no one else could see.

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