You can search for "Dou Luo Zhi Endless Fusion Search Novel (" in Baidu to find the latest chapter!Hearing this on the first day of junior high, Chris thought he had heard it wrong!

The calm eyes and the looking down eyes told him that this was not an illusion.

He hadn't even spoken yet, so this person acted first and said everything he wanted to say.

For a while, his face twitched with anger, and two scorching air currents spurted out between his nostrils.

"it is good!"


He stared at Luochuan, the fat on his body was like a fever, quickly turning red, swelling, and tightening his clothes.

The red pupils showed faint fire light, and then the eyebrows brightened, and the molten fire light released and spread rapidly.

He shouted in a low voice: "Wuhun possessed!"

In Luo Chuan's surprised gaze, the figure suddenly became bigger, with long red hairs appearing all over the body, and at the same time the nostrils became larger, and two flames spurted out.

The enlarged ears were also enlarged, and in his mouth, a pair of sharp teeth emerged out of thin air. With the enlarged nose, it was his hands, which looked like a pair of trotters, a pig!

To be precise, it is a wild boar, or a wild boar that stands up like a human. A pair of snow-white fangs are half a foot long, and their nostrils are spitting fire and snoring and gasping.

Two yellow spirit rings rose from his sturdy body, slowly spinning.

The scorching breath is like a force of magma, released on its body, causing the air temperature to rise a lot in an instant.

"This person has a cultivation base of about 26, and his spirit is actually a pig!"

Luo Chuan was slightly surprised. This was the first time he had officially seen someone release a pig martial arts soul. The master didn't count as the latter had never acted in front of him.

For some reason, Luo Chuan thought of the wild boar who had turned Yu Tianheng before. At this moment, this guy looked even more fierce.

It is true that there is one pig, two bears and three tigers on the mountain. Although it is not so exaggerated, if the wild boar is big enough, the strength is really not weak.

"Show your martial soul, otherwise you have no chance!"

Chris stepped out and made a bang, causing the ground to crack.

"No need, bare hands are enough to solve you."

Luo Chuan shook his head. He didn't use Martial Spirit. He could beat this guy brutally by relying on his body.

However, he didn't underestimate the other party, the mysterious sky works, and his hands are jade-colored rays of light, as indestructible as white jade.

"court death!"

Chris wanted to have a fair fight, but he didn't expect this person to be so arrogant and snorted: "Then let you taste the power of my lava pig!"

The yellow spirit ring suddenly brightened, and a circle of molten spirit power fluctuations spread, causing the little fat man to avoid it.

The little fat man smiled triumphantly: "Brother, beat him!"


The air suddenly exploded, like a volcanic eruption, Aolong turned into a red magma-like shadow, rushing towards Luochuan.

This is his first spirit ability: magma burst!

Under this spirit ability, he would gain an explosive speed, and his strength would be greatly increased, smashing into the enemy like a volcanic eruption, if he hits a wall, the soul veteran would suffer a big loss.

The ground couldn't be broken apart by being stepped on, flames all over his body, and the body containing explosive power ejected out, and he came to Luochuan in a blink of an eye.

Xiao Wu's face changed slightly, and the pressure made her a little bit out of breath.

Luo Chuan originally wanted to avoid it, but seeing that this girl hadn't retreated, he had to raise Xuan Yu's hand and pat it lightly.

boom!The only Chinese website

In the sound of the explosion, the latter stopped abruptly, the tyrannical spirit power turned into a wave of air and exploded, and a circle of cobweb-like cracks appeared on the ground instantly, and the center was sunken.

Dust and flying all over the sky at any time, Luochuan's clothes were blown by the scorching wind, hunting noises, but his body remained motionless.

Whether it was the passerby who was attracted, or Chris's guard and little brother, their eyes widened at this moment, took a deep breath, and watched in shock as the hand that looked like a cold jade was holding a strong half-point higher than an adult Shuo body.


Unlike the others, Chris was even more shocked. His eyes widened, and some of them couldn't imagine that he was blocked by a hand of his age.

This hand is like a copper wall and an iron wall, containing great power, no matter how hard he uses it, he can't break into any point.

He felt that he was not facing a peer of the same age, but a strong person whose cultivation base far surpassed him.


Roaring in his heart, he was not reconciled to this overwhelming result, and the second spirit ring lit up.

The second spirit ability: molten flame pillar!

He opened his mouth, and the red flames in his mouth condensed like molten lava.

"So close, do you want to attack too?"

Luo Chuan withdrew his head to the side, and a pillar of red magma shot out against him, falling into the woods on the opposite side with a bang.

A thick-mouthed tree trunk was snapped with a click, a red flame burned, and the entire forest burned.

"The power is good, but it's useless to miss it."

Luo Chuan affirmed, and then grabbed the other person's fat, at least two hundred kilograms of body, lifted up by him like a puppet, and then hit the ground.


A big pit was smashed out in an instant, even if Chris had thick skin, this pain made him scream.

This was just the beginning. Luo Chuan flicked upward again. The latter's huge body flew up like a ball, turned around in the air, and then fell again.

Bang bang bang!

After only three blows, the surrounding road was smashed into three big pits, and the dragon almost lost his breath in pain.

Seeing the old brother being beaten up, the little fat man cried in fright and started crying, while the guard looked ugly and shouted, "Stop!"

Luo Chuan raised his head and glanced, a flash of blood in his eyes.

Due to the camouflage effect of the soul bone, to the guard, only the blood color was faintly seen, and then the world around him changed.

Blood water suddenly flowed from the cracked ground, and rotten hands stretched out from the ground, turning into corpses, screaming to grab him.

"What the hell!"

While his face turned pale, five spirit rings suddenly appeared on his body, and his whole person turned into a black pig, shook hard, trying to shake these things back.

But this was a spiritual illusion, how could he get rid of it? Instead, more and more hands grabbed him, and soon turned into a corpse mountain and buried him.

Outside, it was just an instant matter. The guard screamed, as if seeing something terrible, standing in place with a pale face, without urging the martial soul.

Passers-by looked at it, and Xiao Wu's big eyes glowed: "Brother Luochuan, you are so amazing."

She didn't know Luochuan's cultivation level before. She originally thought it was similar to this big fat man, but she didn't expect it to be far from it.

Not only was the big fat man abused, the soul king with five rings also lost his fighting power because of Luochuan's eyes.

"Little meaning."

Luo Chuan saw that Chris was smashed and foamed at his mouth, so he threw it out, clapped his hands and said, "The skin is quite thick."

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