Endless Fusion of Douluo

Chapter 126 Is This Reason Enough?

You can search for "Dou Luo Zhi Endless Fusion Search Novel (www.soxscc.com)" in Baidu to find the latest chapter!Luo Chuan looked at the little kid who caused the incident. This is a typical bear kid, who has great ability to cause trouble.

"Don't hit me, I was wrong."

The kid was so frightened that he felt weak, thinking that Luo Chuan was going to beat him.

"Boy, I'm not interested in cleaning you up, come over and apologize to my sister, or I will continue to beat your brother."

Luo Chuan was not going to beat a bear kid, and beat the other brother, he would definitely be beaten back.

"Yes... I'm sorry."

The kid shivered and apologized to Xiao Wu.

"Hehe, for the sake of you being so timid, this lady will spare you today. If I talk nonsense next time, I will beat you again."

Xiao Wu smiled triumphantly, feeling very face.

Luo Chuan didn't pursue the investigation any more, and the skills of Shishan Blood Sea was removed.

The guard on the opposite side fell softly to the ground with a thud, sworn in cold sweat, and looked at Luo Chuan in horror. This person is terrible, is he really a teenager?

In the academy, the guard walked out with the dean and was a little surprised to see the scene not far away.

The dean is a middle-aged man in a fire red robe. He is tall, with thick eyebrows and big eyes. He glanced at Chris who was half-dazzled on the ground, his face changed greatly and said, "This...what is going on, K Master Reese, who were you beaten by?"

"Isn't it obvious, I hit, you are the dean of Goertek Junior Soul Master Academy, I'm looking for something to do with you."

Luo Chuan said lightly, as the beating party, he seemed right and confident.

"How dare you hit Chris Junior? Do you know who he is? He is the young master of the Aquino family!"

The dean was a little angry and said that the young master of the Aquino family was beaten at the gate of their academy, and he couldn't drag the relationship.

"Oh, family Aquino, you beat him up, you want to vent his anger?"

Luo Chuan gave the dean a blank expression.

The Aquino family, when you hear the name, you know that it has a lot to do with the province of Aquino. In fact, it is true. The name of this province is based on the Aquino family.

At the beginning of the establishment of the Tiandou Empire, this family was the supporter of the Xue family and the ruler of this place. If the family was willing, it could also become a kingdom through enfeoffment like the Bakra Kingdom.

Of course, the royal family's control here is still relatively strong, and the Aquino family itself is relatively loyal, so it has not been transformed into a kingdom.

As the prince, he beat the heirs of this family to give the Aquino family face. Why should he be afraid?

The dean froze for a moment, and said in surprise, "Who are you? Even the Aquino family are not afraid!"

Luochuan jokingly smiled, "My surname is Xue and I come from the imperial city. Is this reason enough?"

Chris, who was just a little more sober, changed his face when he heard this. His surname was Xue, from the imperial city. Does this mean that this person is the Emperor of Heaven?

The dean and the guards were also very surprised. They only understood where Luochuan's confidence came from. The members of the royal family had a much older background than them.

Although the strength of the Heaven Dou Empire is not as good as before, the four kingdoms and the one Principality have long been secretive, and it can be said that everyone knows.

However, the lean camel is bigger than a horse. The Tiandou Empire still controls the remaining five provinces. It is stronger than any other kingdom, so it can continue to frighten selfish kingdoms and principalities, including the major provinces. The big family in China.

Moreover, the Seven Treasure Glazed Glass Sect, one of the upper three sects, clearly supports the Heaven Dou Empire. Even though the current Star Luo Empire is stronger than the Heaven Dou Empire, it does not dare to do anything rashly because the Clear Sky Sect retires.

In a word, today's Tiandou Royal Family can still crush them.Yipin Book Bar www.1pinshu.com

The Dean, Chris, and the guards were all suppressed. As for the little kid, he didn't understand at the moment, and was still crying.

"Let's go, enter the academy, I have something to look for you, the dean."

Frightened the other party, Luo Chuan also began to do business, he did not forget that today is to arrange for Xiao Wu to enroll in school, rather than fighting.

Respect appeared on the dean's face, and he stopped talking about Chris, and reached out to guide him: "Please."

In the awe of the guards and door guards, Luo Chuan took Xiao Wu into the quiet academy, and soon came to a building.

The dean bowed his body slightly, and said politely: "I am called Zheng Zhenming below. I don't know how you call it?"

"You can call me Master Xue, and I will tell you more specifically. I hope today's affairs are kept as confidential as possible."

Luo Chuan said meaningfully. His action this time specifically avoided Qian Renxue. It was not like a big fanfare. If it weren't for the little kid, he would have done the matter silently.

Zheng Zhenming didn't ask much, nodded and said: "Okay, Mr. Xue, I heard the doorman say that you have something to do with me, it should be because of this little girl?"

"Well, she is a younger sister I recognize outside. Now that she has reached the age of cultivating, I want to enroll her in your college. There is no problem, right?"

Luo Chuan gave a brief introduction and pointed out that Xiao Wu was not a member of the royal family, lest these people think about it.

"My son, don't worry, I will go through all the formalities, and you can just let her enroll."

The dean patted his chest and promised that a member of the royal family asked him to help. This is a good thing. If he has a relationship with the royal family, he might be able to survive.

"Trouble, this is a little reward, it must be won, and you will be watching Xiao Wu's safety later."

Luo Chuan took out a bag of gold coins and forced Zheng Zhenming to subordinate him.

The latter was a little flattered and said: "My son, don't worry, as long as you are in the academy, anyone who wants to hurt Xiao Wu must ask me first."

"Well, you can arrange your accommodation."

Luo Chuan nodded and turned to Xiao Wu and said, "Next, you will study here alone. Then come back to see you every once in a while. Remember to be obedient and don't bully your classmates."

He didn't worry that Xiao Wu would be bullied by other peers, but he was afraid that this girl would beat them to death.

"I know, brother, why are you nagging like your mother."

Xiao Wu snorted, a little impatient.

"I still hate it. You will miss me talking to you in a few days."

Luo Chuan rubbed the girl's head angrily.

Xiao Wu couldn't avoid this kind of claws at all, nor could he resist, so she could only bear it with enthusiasm.

Let Xiao Wu live in the college dormitory, leaving some gold coins, Luo Chuan walked out of the college gate under the dean's gift.

Under the moonlight, a few figures were still here. After seeing Luochuan, they hurriedly greeted him.

The leader is a red-faced brawny man with a horrible physique. He is more than three meters tall and weighs more than a thousand catties, just like a pile of Roshan.

But at this moment, he lowered his head, the first to speak, and salute: "See Your Highness."

Luo Chuan was not surprised when he was guessed of his identity, and he didn't care: "You should be the head of the Aquino family?"

"Well, I'm Carlos, the head of the Aquino family. I didn't expect that His Royal Highness would come to us and cause some misunderstandings. The previous thing was misunderstanding by the dogs. You shouldn't do it to you. Please don't mind."

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