Endless Fusion of Douluo

Chapter 127 Hidden Ghost Douluo

You can search for "Dou Luo Zhi Endless Fusion Search Novel (www.soxscc.com)" in Baidu to find the latest chapter!"It's okay, it's all caused by children. It's quite interesting that you, the young master of the Aquino family, would actually fight for your brother."

Luo Chuan smiled faintly, and did not pursue anything.

Chris on one side smiled awkwardly: "Ahem, my personality is too impulsive, your Highness is no wonder."

"Don't blame you, you don't have to be nervous, I just came here to send the goddess I recognized outside to school. If possible, I hope you can keep it secret."

When Luo Chuan said this, his mental power radiated a bit, including Carlos, their expressions were stunned, and they felt tremendous pressure.

"Your Highness, don't worry, today's matter will not spread."

Carlos hurriedly promised.

"I believe you, otherwise the royal father would not set up the branch of the Royal Soul Master Academy here."

Luo Chuan struck a sentence, since he is the prince, some authority should be used.

"Thank you for your recognition."

Carlos's muscular face showed gratitude, and then he said: "His Royal Highness, I have prepared a dinner party for you, please take a step to enjoy it."

"No, I'm here only for personal matters, I don't want to make too much noise."

Luo Chuan shook his head and glanced at Chris: "Your son has a good talent. If you are willing to endure hardship, you can apply for a branch."

After speaking, the flames of his legs throbbed, turning into a shadow, and ghosts and charms generally disappeared into the night.

Ghost and shadow walking, right leg spirit bone flame rush, left arm spirit bone gravity control, flame rush speed increase 100%, gravity control reduces the surrounding gravity.

In an instant, Luo Chuan's speed was so fast that Chris couldn't see it clearly, and even Carlos only saw a shadow.

"Father, this..."

Chris was a little dazed, and the prince left as he pleased.

"It's so fast, grandma's, even I can't catch up. Is this really the prince?"

Carlos' eyes widened and couldn't help but swear.

"Is it so powerful? Is it a fake?" Chris was a little at a loss. He also felt that a prince who was younger than himself should not be so powerful.

"It should not be, it feels like there is no need to pretend."

Carlos recovered a bit and frowned, "I just don't understand why it is so strong. No wonder he doesn't want others to know."

"It's really unnecessary, but it's even more unreasonable, daddy, you said that you can't match the speed. Is it possible that his speed is comparable to Contra?"

Chris was even more confused.

"Well, this speed is comparable to Contra. It's a hell, you go to the Royal Branch to have a look. I think this prince is not easy, and you might get some benefits by following him."

Carlos thought about it for a while, ready to let his son touch it.


The dull footsteps broke the silence of an instant, and on the road in the distance, a group of tall soldiers in red armor came over.

These are the defenders of Goer City. If there was something abnormal in Luochuan just now, these soldiers would not be polite.

It was for this reason that Luo Chuan left directly. He didn't know if these guys had any bad ideas.

Coming to the outside of the city, Luochuan took out the vampire bat. He made its soft interior and flew to the Yunwu Mountains.

Looking at the bright moonlight in the sky, Luo Chuan glanced back at Goer City, and muttered: "This Aquino family is pretty good, and you can consider incorporating it." 18th novel www.18wxw.com

He had sensed with mental exploration just now, except for the opponent's Patriarch, there are also two Contras, this level of strength is no worse than the next four.

Flew back to the Yunwu Mountains silently and silently, Luo Chuan told the vampire bat to stop ahead of time, took it back, and urged the poisonous swan in the first form of the Eight Winged Angel Martial Spirit to fly back by himself.

On the way, he used the fluoroscopy and detection skills of the blood pupil, took a few glances on the mountain, and his face changed slightly.

There were a few more soul masters hidden in the dark, and they were found in all directions, and the entire branch and the town below seemed to be monitored.

"It's worthy of the Spirit Hall, Qian Renxue has only been here for a few days, and can completely penetrate this place."

Luo Chuan became more vigilant, but fortunately, he had already agreed with A Rou this time when he went out. Next time he went out, he would improve, and he would use the blood pupil's ability to leave safely.

Back at the college, he was horrified again to find that there was a faint shadow next to Qian Renxue's house, which was not there before.

If it weren't for his blood pupil's special detection ability, as long as there are life fluctuations, it can be revealed, otherwise it would be really difficult for him to detect this almost disappearing shadow.

Judging from the fluctuations emanating from his body, his strength actually surpassed Soul Douluo and reached the rank of Title Douluo.

He immediately guessed who this hidden existence was.

Ghost Douluo!

This titled Douluo's martial soul is very special and good at hiding, so even Zhilin Soul Douluo didn't notice it at all, Shen Jinming was just the soul sage, and he didn't notice it.

"It seems that Shen Jinming has to be guarded, and this old guy must not be allowed to approach me."

Luo Chuan thought to himself, the latter had already noticed that he was back, and glanced back.

However, the two sides were separated by a building, Ghost Douluo was only aware of it, and did not know that Luo Chuan had discovered him.

Luo Chuan's heartbeat accelerated slightly, took a deep breath, and returned calmly.

The next day, Luo Chuan still went out to practice the Purple Demon Eye. The people in the Spirit Hall seemed to be still adapting to the environment here, and didn't dare to follow him blatantly, but when he left, no less than a pair of eyes peeked over.

After more than three hours of cultivating the Purple Extreme Magic Eye, when Luo Chuan returned, Qian Renxue was already waiting at the door.

"Second brother, you are so fascinating every day, it's hard for people to want to see you."

Qian Renxue spoke meaningfully. She always wanted to track Luochuan, but she failed. This made her more curious about what Luochuan did after going out.

To pass on the power of the gods somewhere, or to meet the guardians of the gods?

"Should I tell you when I go out to be happy?"

Luo Chuan shrugged, if Qian Renxue's people were tracked, his blood pupils could be deducted.

"I don't believe it, is it four or five days to go there?"

Qian Renxue was sloppy when Luochuan was playing.

"Hey, brother doesn't believe me, we can be together in two days."

A wicked smile appeared at the corner of Luochuan's mouth, and he must take Qian Renxue in the ditch as much as possible.

"Hmph, I'm not interested, let's talk about my arrangements."

Qian Renxue didn't give Luochuan a chance to cheat, and said directly: "I have arranged a reasonable identity. The next time you absorb the third spirit ring, it is the time when the hero saves the beauty, it will be three months later."

She was not in a hurry to become a maid, and she was going to observe Luochuan for three months. If she still couldn't find the secret by that time, she would follow the trend and get closer to Luochuan.

"Okay, I haven't done such a thing as a hero to save the United States. If you want to come, you will agree with your body."

Luo Chuan was very interested. He didn't expect Qian Renxue to repeat the old tricks and still use this method.

"Isn't this the result you men want, I will satisfy you." Qian Renxue nodded.

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