You can search for "Dou Luo Zhi Endless Fusion Search Novel (" in Baidu to find the latest chapter!After the Lightning Bird became familiar, Luochuan began to practice the purple magic pupil, stopped eating when he reached the beach, and rode the White Tiger King back.

Knowing that he could not discover any secrets in Luochuan at other times, Qian Renxue did not guard it, but went to the forging room to check the situation of the hidden weapon manufacturing, and planned to let people learn the method of manufacturing Zhuge God's crossbow.

Luochuan conducted normal training. In the evening, she opened a small stove alone to give Ye Lingling instructions for ghosts and shadows to follow and control cranes to capture dragons. At night, she had a rest with Qianren Snow Well without breaking the river.

In the early morning of the next day, just before dawn, Luo Chuan opened his eyes and left the room.

Qian Renxue quietly followed, and Ghost Douluo even ran ahead of Luochuan this time.

For these, Luo Chuan pretended not to know, after jumping off the cliff, he stretched out his wings and flew into the sky and clouds.

There were clouds and mist here, and it was hard to see from a little farther away. Luo Chuan glanced at the Ghost Douluo who followed closely, flicked his wings vigorously, pulled a distance, and took out the lightning bird.

At the same time, he used the spirit bone to cover up, mobilizing the fluctuation of the one hundred thousand year spirit ring, covering the lightning bird.

The energy of the one hundred thousand year spirit ring is very pure and powerful, even if it is just a wisp of breath, it makes the lightning bird's body heavy.

But it was trained by Luochuan yesterday and was already familiar with this power. After shooting it in Luochuan, it spread its wings and flew high.

Behind, Ghost Douluo, who was about to get closer to see what Luochuan was converging with, noticed this powerful fluctuation and immediately stopped, looking at the fog with some surprise.

He could faintly see a big bird flashing with electricity, and then disappeared into the mist for a flash, but this time he did not dare to chase it rashly.

"What a powerful aura, really a strong one!"

Ghost Douluo had a solemn expression, the spirit power fluctuation that he had just felt was much stronger than him, it was probably a super Douluo.

If he continues to approach, he is likely to be found, so he stopped to think about what to do.

At this moment, Qian Renxue flew up, Hell Douluo stayed still, puzzled: "Still not catching up?"

"Able to catch up, but not dare to catch up. The opponent is very powerful, and I am not sure I can deal with it."

Ghost Douluo shook his head. He had to ensure his safety, and could not spread to Qian Renxue, otherwise he would be in trouble.

Qian Renxue was slightly startled, her beautiful eyes filled with curiosity: "How powerful is it?"

"At least level 95, it's likely to be stronger, because his aura is very vague, if it's not closer, it's hard to detect."

Ghost Douluo looked jealous.

"Sure enough, a powerful guardian is helping him. With that said, he leaves for a period of time every day to receive special experience or power inheritance!"

Qian Renxue guessed, took it seriously, and asked, "What does this Title Douluo look like?"

"The clouds and mist here are too strong, I didn't see it too clearly. This person seems to be the martial spirit of a bird, and the speed is very fast, like lightning."

Ghost Douluo thought about it for a while and gave a rough result.

Qian Renxue frowned: "The bird's martial arts soul matches well with his swan martial arts soul, but now there is no bird's titled Douluo in Douluo Continent."

"I haven't heard of it either. It is very likely that this is a mysterious force. This type of force is generally located in a certain place and will not be born easily, so ordinary people are not very clear."

Ghost Douluo also began to speculate, simulating a mysterious place at the top of the mountain in his mind. This is the place where the gods are inherited, and there are many powerful existences.

Qian Renxue furrowed her brows deeper, and she had a headache and said: "With this kind of guardian, it seems that we have to keep a low profile and see if we can reach each other."

"I think it's better to tell the great worship as soon as possible, and let him decide." 18 Novel Network

Ghost Douluo proposed.


Qian Renxue nodded.

Soon, Qian Daoliu was shocked again when he got the news of the investigation by his granddaughter.

"Poseidon Island! This is a mysterious force similar to Poseidon Island!"

He whispered, his eyes gleaming.

"Since there is the inheritance of the sea god in the ocean, there must be a similar inheritance in the sky. It is very likely that it is a god similar to the god of the sky. The inheritance is full of the titled Douluo of the bird spirit!"

Qian Daoliu hurriedly walked in front of the Seraphim idol, his expression constantly changing.

"This person can't move casually. The Title Douluo of the Bird Spirit is too fast. If there is a murderous intention, Xiaoxue may not be able to escape."

His eyes rolled: "Follow the original plan, try to get in touch with the guardians of the gods as much as possible, and find the place to inherit the gods, so that I and Xiaoxue will have the opportunity to try to get this gods inheritance!"

He glanced at the wings of the seraph statue: "This Xueluochuan has wings, we also have wings, and the martial arts are more top-notch than his. As long as we are given the opportunity, it will definitely be better than him, and it is very suitable to become a inheritor."

"Haha, Bo Saixi, I didn't get the opportunity to inherit the god of the sea god back then, today the old man will meet another god, and Tang Chen, when I get the inheritance of the god, I will defeat you sooner or later!"

He laughed in excitement for a while, thinking that this god position was already inevitable, but he didn't know that this was what Luochuan had faked according to their ideas, and had a fart god position inheritance.

"Come here, inform Xiaoxue, do all you can to contact this Xueluochuan, sacrifice if necessary, you must find a place of inheritance!"

Qian Daoliu is extremely enthusiastic, and the opportunity to become a god, who can be calm?

Luo Chuan didn't know that this misunderstanding was even greater, he just wanted Ghost Douluo to avoid chasing him too closely.

As a result, Qian Renxue and the others became more sure of their guesses, and even more wanted to get the chance to inherit the gods.

At night, Luochuan finished a hard day of training, and when he returned to the house, he found that Qian Renxue was actually sitting in a chair waiting for him.

Forget it, the key is that the other party removed the disguise and wore a white dress, revealing the young and beautiful face and snow-white skin of the girl. Under the faint light, it was as beautiful as a flawless goddess.

Luo Chuan hurriedly closed the door, and said with some caution: "What are you doing? Want to seduce me? This is not good, I haven't grown up yet."


Qian Renxue originally wanted to be gentle with Luochuan, but was sent to him with a face filled with these words, and hummed: "I just let you familiarize yourself with my original face, so that you won't get used to it."

"Is that so?"

Luo Chuan was a little skeptical.

"This is the first skirt I bought, how about it, does it look good?" Qian Renxue turned her tall body, showing her skirt.

Looking at Qian Renxue who was bubbling with beauty, Luo Chuan nodded: "You are really good-looking like this. You might be able to fascinate all men when you go out."


Qian Renxue's eyes shimmered slightly. This was the first time anyone had praised her for her beauty, and it was also the first time that she had dressed up in front of a man.


Luo Chuan was so angry that he said: "Some men like big breasts, so you can't fascinate everyone, such as me."

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