You can search for "Dou Luo Zhi Endless Fusion Search Novel (" in Baidu to find the latest chapter!Qian Renxue, who was showing off, stopped with a black line.

This bastard always opposes her and talks about her shortcomings.

"I'm tired, go to sleep."

Seeing that this woman was about to break out, Luo Chuan quickly ended the topic and took off his clothes directly.

Qian Renxue gritted her teeth and could only hide in her bed, unhappy.


Luochuan's place is naturally well-equipped, and he takes a shower to wash away the sweat on his body, and then he rests.

"Hey, where did you go this morning?"

Qian Renxue suddenly spoke.


Luo Chuan said lightly.

"Need to leave Yunwu Mountain?"

Qian Renxue wanted to speak directly.

"Does it matter to you?"

Luo Chuan was very vigilant. It was his personal business to cultivate the purple magic pupil, so there was no need to tell the other party.

Qian Renxue moved her red lips, knowing that there was nothing to say, and said: "I want to practice with you."

The voice was tender, but Luo Chuan trembled. He shook his head hurriedly: "My cultivation method is not suitable for you, go to sleep."

He was too lazy to say, no matter what Qian Renxue asked next, he ignored it.

The latter could only give up, and was so angry that he slapped the pillow with his hand.

She was acting like a baby, and this guy was still unmoved and mad at her.

The next day, Luo Chuan continued his daily practice. This time Qian Renxue did not follow, and Ghost Douluo didn't dare to follow too closely, so that he did not disturb his cultivation of the Purple Demon Eye.

A few days later, Luo Chuan summoned Ah Rou in the house when Qian Renxue was leaving.

Now, in the academy, only Ghost Douluo could hide from Zhilin Soul Douluo. The people in the other Soul Palace were outside, and Ghost Douluo followed Qian Renxue, so after his departure, Ghost Douluo was not there.

He said with peace of mind: "Tomorrow I am going to the Star Dou Great Forest. You can familiarize yourself with the people and environment here. Then you will cultivate here. If you don't go out, nothing will happen."

"Yes, master."

A Rou's pink brilliance circulated around her body, and soon became Luochuan's appearance.

After letting him become himself first, Luo Chuan became Qian Renxue, saying: "This woman will live with me at night, and try to talk to her as little as possible, because there is a titled Douluo secretly following."


A Rou's face changed drastically: "Master, my level is not enough. Title Douluo will see the flaws in my disguise ability."

"Don't be afraid, this Title Douluo is just behind the house and won't come in. After all, I still have a guard at the front door."

Luo Chuan shook his head and believed: "As long as you don't go out, there will be nothing, I will tell my subordinates to retreat for a day."

A Rou let out a sigh of relief and said, "That's okay. Let the master tell me about this woman."

"She is called Qian Renxue, and now she pretends to be my elder brother. Well, that's what she looks like."

Luo Chuan changed into a teenager again, and continued: "This is what my elder brother looks like. This woman is now disguised. She is not easy. She approached my elder brother by disguising herself as a difficult girl when she was 9 years old. Later, she became familiar with my elder brother and replaced it..."

He briefly talked about Qian Renxue's situation, and A Rou was surprised when he heard it. He didn't expect that a young girl would be so powerful, no wonder the master would take it so seriously.

Arranged for Arou, Luo Chuan walked out of the house and prepared to talk to the teacher.

In the afternoon, Luo Chuan found out, "Ms. Qin Ming, I want to retreat for one day and break through the current level."

"Oh, are you going to break through again so soon? That's great."

Qin Ming was a little surprised, it didn't take long for this child to absorb the second spirit ring.

Luo Chuan smiled and said to a girl with a cold temperament: "Lingling, I can't point you today. If my cultivation level breaks through tomorrow, I will come to accompany you to practice." Love reading

"It's okay, you can break through first, I'm not in a hurry."

Ye Lingling smiled lightly, naturally she wouldn't mind.

"Wow, boss, you are a bit fast, do you have any tricks?"

Yu Tianheng smiled.

"I accumulated a lot of spirit power before breaking through, so after absorbing the spirit ring, I will improve faster."

Luo Chuan briefly explained, "You continue to practice, I will break through, see you tomorrow."

He left in a hurry, mainly because he was worried that Qian Renxue would come back suddenly.

After telling the major guards about the breakthrough, Luo Chuan left the back door.

There are naturally guards here, but Zhao Gang, who is only Soul Sect, hypnotizes him with a look, and leaves safely.

He was very clear about the location of the Anzi in the Spirit Hall, and he specifically avoided it, and then disguised as a villager to avoid all eyeliners. He came outside perfectly, and then took the lightning bird to leave.

The Star Dou Forest, Luochuan falls by the small lake.

In the distance, there are already a large number of Ten Thousand Years Soul Beasts, guarding the surroundings organized and disciplined, and the Star Fighting Soul Beast Empire has begun to take shape.

"Guoji, you always come on time."

The Titan Great Ape walked out, jokingly.

"There are a lot fewer soul beasts to kill this time, right?"

Luo Chuan said lightly.

"No way, now most of the Star Dou Great Forest is under our control, and the beasts are surrendered and cannot be killed casually."

The Titan Great Ape shrugged.

"It's okay, go ahead."

Luo Chuan didn't mind, no matter how small, there were more execution grounds than Heaven Dou City. After all, there were a lot of Star Dou Great Forest Soul Beasts.

They came to a huge pit, where hundreds of meters of soil had been dug to form a special dungeon, which contained some soul beasts.

Luo Chuan took a look, and estimated that this time around tens of millions of energy will be collected, and it will not take long to reduce to the million level.

He couldn't help saying: "You should have preliminary control over the situation in the Star Dou Great Forest, right?"

The Titan Great Ape nodded: "Well, Daming said that now that there is a soul beast in the surrounding area that has been killed by a human, he can get news soon."

"Tell me, today I will run to see the situation."

Luo Chuan decided to work harder and collect those soul beasts killed by humans and accumulate more with less.

He felt that this might be more stable, after all, human soul masters were more stable, and the speed of hunting soul beasts was more stable.

Collecting the energy of the soul beast in the prison, Luo Chuan quickly came to Da Ming. The latter learned of Luo Chuan's thoughts and said unexpectedly: "Is it really so troublesome?"

"I need."

Luochuan didn't explain too much.


Daming mooed, several flying birds and several bees appeared, and landed respectfully on the ground.

"Following them, you can reach the soul beast that has just been hunted for the first time."

Luo Chuan's eyes shimmered: "That's right, you can also do some statistics on the number and strength of the death of the Star Dou Great Forest Soul Beast every day."

"Ahem, this kind of complicated thing, it's up to you, I'm not good at it."

Daming smiled awkwardly. The establishment of an intelligence network made his head almost exploded, not to mention statistics and analysis of data.

"Okay, I don't have much time, so I can only do statistics for one day."

Luo Chuan nodded, and then followed a bee away.

When collecting energy in Luochuan, among the misty mountains, the fake Luochuan and Qian Renxue also met for the first time.

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