Endless Fusion of Douluo

Chapter 139 Is it related to the Blue Lightning Tyrant Dragon Sect?

You can search for "Dou Luo Zhi Endless Fusion Search Novel (www.soxscc.com)" in Baidu to find the latest chapter!Qian Renxue nodded, glanced at the Piaoxiang Building that had been turned into ruins and the nearby streets, her face sinking slightly.

Everything is like this, the calculation of Luochuan's affairs must have been ruined. At this moment, this person will not retreat, and it will not work without fighting.

She was a little on the ground, retreated flexibly to the distance, and at the same time changed a dress and put on a mask.

Since Luochuan's spirit power was still not as good as Ghost Douluo, even though the battle center was supported by Luochuan in a circle of golden areas, there was still a black mist outside.

The nearby people had been scared out of the black mist a long time ago, ordinary people didn't dare to approach at all, but the soul master knew better how terrifying the two sides of the battle were, those who were not strong enough could hide farther, and the senior soul master did not dare to get too close.

Qian Renxue left enough distance to come to the black fog before stopping.

Whoosh whoosh!

The figures gathered one by one, their strengths were very powerful, at least they were also Soul Saints, like Gao Long, even Contras.

"Saint, are you okay?"

Gao Long asked.

"It's okay."

Qian Renxue shook her head and said with cold eyes: "Gao Long stays. Others don't care about me. They spread out and seal the surroundings. The spirit masters of the Barak Kingdom don't care, and try to keep the guys fighting Ghost Douluo behind. He is not Ghost Douluo's opponent, and will run away sooner or later."


The surrounding shadows immediately dispersed and quickly disappeared into the ghost fog.

"Saint, do you want to catch this person?"

Gao Long couldn't help asking.

"The strength is abnormal, the origin is unknown, and it must be caught."

Qian Renxue gritted her teeth, and there was a sense of shame in her eyes. This bastard dared to kiss her forcibly, where could she leave so easily?

"Will he have something to do with the Blue Lightning Tyrant Dragon Sect, this kind of true dragon martial spirit, now this power has it."

Gao Long reminded.

Qian Renxue frowned, looked at the golden dragon shadow that could not be suppressed by the darkness in the distance, and said uncertainly: "The Blue Lightning Tyrant Dragon Sect has this kind of martial spirit?"

"It's probably mutated, you may not know the saint. Ten years ago, there was a team called the Golden Triangle. They could summon this golden holy dragon by using the martial soul fusion technique. I'm afraid of the new generation of Blue Electric Overlord. Long Zong really mutated into the golden holy dragon martial arts, which is very troublesome."

Gao Long looked worried. This golden sacred dragon was so terrifying that Soul Sage could be comparable to Titled Douluo. If he reached Titled Douluo in the future, it would be fine. I am afraid that ordinary Titled Douluo would not be an opponent at all.

After all, dragon spirits are already known for their powerful combat power, and this suddenly appeared to be more perverted than the Blue Lightning Tyrannosaurus, and it is likely to pose a huge threat to their spirit hall.

Hearing this, Qian Renxue, who was originally angry with Luo Chuan who kissed her, changed a little, and quickly returned from the entanglement of personal problems to this important event related to the future of Wuhun Palace.

She thought for a while, and still said: "Anyway, leave him alone."

For a while, she couldn't think of a way to deal with it. No matter whether this person has anything to do with the Blue Lightning Tyrant Dragon Sect, it would be safest to catch it.

At the center of the battle, Luochuan and Ghost Douluo collided again and separated immediately.

Ghost Douluo frowned, this guy's defensive power was too terrifying, he couldn't break it for a while.

The most important thing is that this defensive skill has no dead ends, and he can't surprise him at all. After all, he attacks in any direction the same.

Luo Chuan glanced at the broken part of the Divine Shield, his soul power was flowing, and he quickly supplemented it. Instead of waiting for the opponent to attack, he waved his wings and actively released his soul abilities.

Second spirit ability: Divine might and evil!Jingaishu Novel www.jingaishu.com

The majesty aura greatly increased, and the golden light in the dragon's eyes was bright, forming two beams of light to shoot towards Ghost Douluo.

This light was released like a god, with the aura of breaking all evil, unstoppable.

A shield appeared in front of Ghost Douluo, with a bang, and the golden light beam fell on it, making a muffled noise.

The sacred light beam carried the power of breaking evil, his ghost shield was melted, and two large holes gradually appeared.

Soon, the ghost shield was pierced, and the evil beam fell on the ground, directly melting into two deep pits.

Ghost Douluo's figure disappeared in a flash, avoiding the golden light beam, he squinted, snorted, and rushed towards Luochuan.

On the way, he raised his palm, the purple light of the fourth spirit ring was bright, and the offensive skill ghost spiral was activated.

Chi Chi!

There was a harsh rubbing sound from the air, the black air current rotated, and a vortex that tore everything appeared.

As he progressed, the black air in the sky continued to converge and turned into a huge ghost vortex, over ten feet tall, containing strange power, pressing against Luochuan to swallow it.

Luochuan's dragon wings waved, and he was going to avoid it, but on the ground, the black gas turned into ghost claws, like vines grabbing the golden holy dragon.

This is Ghost Douluo's controlling spirit skill Ghost Shadow Vine Hand, even the Golden Sacred Dragon's inherent power of breaking evil cannot break open temporarily.

Luo Chuan hurriedly activated the third spirit ability. The Golden Dragon took a deep breath, and the flame in his mouth was beating and condensing, like a volcanic eruption. Following the roar of the holy dragon, he spit out a breath of dragon at Ghost Douluo.

The third spirit ability, flame dragon breath!

The dragon's breath flame resembling magma was lingering, and its head was as big as a grinding disc, and its energy was solidified, falling in the whirlpool, and black quickly engulfed it.

But on the next one, the vortex suddenly shook and split instantly. In the cracks, countless golden flames burst out.


In the scorching breath, the whirlpool was actually exploded, torn apart, and the black air in the sky was also burned by the flames.

"how is this possible!"

Ghost Douluo's face was gloomy, his third spirit ability Ghost Shield didn't block the opponent's second spirit ability to break the evil spirits, and the fourth spirit ability was actually broken by the opponent's third spirit ability.

Shouldn't this be the other way around? His cultivation base is higher, it shouldn't be at all.

You must know that the age of the opponent's spirit ring is not as good as his, and his spirit power is not as good as his, so it shouldn't have such a powerful power.

Luo Chuan smiled faintly, comparing the Hundred Years and Thousand Years Spirit Ring to his Ten Thousand Years Soul Ring, just like Tian Ji's horse racing, of course there is no advantage.

However, the vines that bound his martial soul in front of him were the skills of the ten thousand year spirit ring, which was much more powerful than that, it actually possessed the power of corrosion and was destroying his Holy Shield.

"It seems that if you don't work hard, I can't take you down today."

Ghost Douluo directly uses the seventh spirit ability Martial Soul Real Body, transforming his whole person into a ghost, and all other spirit rings are blessed.


The powerful ghost energy erupted, and the power of the ghost vines that bound Luochuan increased again, becoming densely packed, entwining the golden holy dragon to death.

"Flaming Dragon Breath!"

Luo Chuan spit out the dragon's breath again, and the scorching flame fell on the vine, burning it steadily, but there were too many to clear it out for a while.

And Ghost Douluo's next attack came, and a huge amount of ghost energy gathered behind him and turned into a hill-like ghost head, with a weird laugh, showing sharp teeth, opening his blood basin and biting Luochuan.

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