You can search for "Dou Luo Zhi Endless Fusion Search Novel (" in Baidu to find the latest chapter!This is a Ten Thousand Years Attack Soul Skill, and it is even more powerful. Luo Chuan felt that his defensive skills might not be able to stop it.

He must use offense instead of defense!

Thinking of this, he glanced at the last two unused spirit rings, and chose the fifth spirit ring, breaking the ground and thundering.

On the forehead of the golden sacred dragon, the power of thunder poured in like a storm, and the crackling sound turned into a huge lightning.

This lightning was also golden, with the power of destruction that opened the sky and the earth, and it struck the flying ghost head frontally.


The golden lightning was like a sky thunder falling in the ghost head's mouth, forcing the advancing ghost head to stop, the thunder flashing in the mouth of the blood basin, two diametrically opposed forces eroded each other.

This time Luochuan's skills no longer possessed the advantage, and they did not break them in the first time. The skills released were swallowed by ghosts.

"As expected of Title Douluo, under the spirit ring of the same age, I don't have much advantage, or even a disadvantage."

Fortunately, Luochuan’s spirit ring has a relatively high age. Even though Ghost Douluo has a stronger spirit power, after a moment of stalemate between the skills of both sides, the power of thunder dissipates first, but the ghost head also becomes a little transparent, and the power is almost exhausted. Then it turned into a burst of black smoke and dispersed.

Ghost Douluo didn't care this time, but smiled triumphantly: "Boy, your soul skills are about to run out, but I still have a lot of them."

Luo Chuan remained silent. The gap between him and Titled Douluo was not only his spirit power, but also the number of spirit rings. Under the same circumstances, the Golden Sacred Dragon's martial arts spirit lost two spirit rings and also two spirit abilities.

Fortunately, he has more than one martial spirit, and Ghost Douluo can't wait for the total number of spirit rings.

Without seeing any panic in Luo Chuan's eyes, Ghost Douluo frowned, the eighth spirit ring trembled, and the black spirit power was released, turning into huge ghosts, directly spitting out energy cannonballs from his mouth.

Eighth Spirit Ability: Ghost Cannon!

The pure energy cannonball ejected amidst a burst of bangs, and blasted the golden holy dragon indiscriminately.


These energy shells exploded when they landed on the Holy Shield, causing ripples to make the Holy Shield begin to twist.


It didn't last long before the Holy Shield split, and Luo Chuan had to release the last spirit ability of the Golden Holy Dragon.

The wind of extinction!

In the black brilliance of the seventh spirit ring, the dragon wings vigorously waved, forming a circle of black tornadoes visible to the naked eye, spreading rapidly with an aura of destruction.

The ghost vine that hadn't completely broken through the ground was shattered by the wind of extinction, and the destructive force formed a unique shield to block the energy bomb.

Obviously, this is a spirit ability equipped with both offense and defense. The dense cannonballs released by Ghost Douluo almost all hit it, making a rumbling explosion.

The aftermath of the explosion spread, blasting large pits into the ground, and cutting off the ground in a blink of an eye. The power was a bit terrifying.

"The end of the crossbow."

When Ghost Douluo saw that all of Luochuan's spirit abilities had been released, he was taunting instead. He raised his big hand and shook it at Luochuan.

"It's over, Ghost Cave, now!"

With the release of the ninth spirit ability, a black hole covering the sky and the earth appeared out of thin air, in which ghosts were heavy, rushing out with strange screams, and exploded as soon as it came into contact with the wind of extinction.

The key is that these ghosts consciously attack the weak position, and when they face each other, the wind of the world and the Holy Shield below are destroyed, and then the Holy Dragon is directly attacked.

Luo Chuan's face changed slightly, the purple light on his forehead was bright, and the soul bone of the purple electric dragon horn was activated with the soul ability thunderstorm, and his soul power instantly boiled, temporarily doubled!

However, this time his spirit ring age and spirit power were not as good as Ghost Douluo, even if his body doubled his strength, it would just narrow the gap.

A deafening voice sounded, the huge sacred dragon was submerged by the black ghost, and even the golden light dimmed.

Being attacked by a skill that was over fifty thousand years old spirit ring, even the holy dragon was at a disadvantage. He persisted for a while before being blown apart.

After the Ghost Hole's attack was released, in the golden light in the air, the true appearance of the bright sacred dragon had been shattered, its size was much smaller, and it was broken.

Hundreds of meters of the earth was under the influence, and huge cracks appeared, like spider webs, with pits and pits between the cracks, a mess.

Standing on the dragon's head, Luo Chuan spit out a mouthful of blood, and muttered: "It's still a bit worse. Not to mention, you have to upgrade to four or five levels to resist. If you want to play an advantage, you still have to become a Contra."

"Boy, it's over!"

In the voice of the dark test, the void in front of him fluctuated, and Ghost Douluo killed him, grabbing him with cold eyes.

"Want to catch me? No way."

The blood color in Luochuan's eyes was shining brightly, and the world suddenly turned into blood.

Ghost Douluo, who was about to take Luochuan in one fell swoop, was in a daze, and he saw Luo Chuan grinning, and the whole world changed drastically.

The ruins turned into a sea of ​​dead mountains and blood, and the smell of blood was clearly audible, and all the bones in the sea of ​​blood rose up, screaming to besieged.

He was slightly startled: "Spiritual illusion, how can this kid know how to use spirit-like spirit skills."

A faint light flashed in his eyes, Title Douluo's mental power was released, and the whole world shattered with a click.

When he recovered, a golden light flashed in front of him, and a dragon claw had already slapped his chest, but Luo Chuan was surprised that his own attack passed through.

This is Ghost Douluo's martial soul real body. In the real body state, it is immune to physical attacks.

"Boy, looking for death!"

With a muffled bang, Luo Chuan's whole body was shot and flew out by the ghost Douluo who had reacted, hitting the ground violently, smashing a big hole on the spot.

All his ribs were broken, his chest was sunken, and blood kept flowing out of his mouth.

However, a circle of white light flowed out, and Jiuxin Begonia's healing power was released, instantly stabilizing the injury, and dodged.


The moment he avoided, Ghost Douluo attacked and chased him, grabbing a five-finger crack on the ground.

"Title Douluo's strength is well-deserved. When I improve, I will fight next time."

Luo Chuan landed in the distance, with a slight regret in his eyes. When his skills were used on Title Douluo, the power was not too great. If he continued to fight, the chance of winning was very small.

The key is that there are other people in the Spirit Hall around. If they continue to fight Ghost Douluo, even if they can overcome it, they will be seriously injured and dying, and they will not have the power to escape.

"Boy, do you think there might be another next time?"

Ghost Douluo grinned, just about to pursue it, his eyes were red again, the blood in his body suddenly boiled, and the whole world turned into blood.

"not good!"

He was shocked, the state this time was even more weird, he could not control himself, he had the urge to kill everything, wanting to destroy everything.

"The power of the one hundred thousand year spirit ring is really good."

Seeing Ghost Douluo in Luochuan was affected by the bloodthirsty rage and the Sea of ​​Blood, knowing that this would still not be able to hold the opponent for long, and he could not hurt the opponent by attacking himself.

No longer hesitating, Luo Chuan turned and flew away, and at the same time the blood pupil seventh soul ability and imperial object ability were released, his speed increased greatly, and he shot out like an arrow from the string.

"Stop him!"

There was a sweet drink in the distance, from Qian Renxue, who had been paying attention to the situation. Seeing Ghost Douluo inexplicably spreading his teeth and claws, he knew that this person wanted to take the opportunity to escape and immediately ordered an interception.

A group of human figures rushed out from all directions, all above the Soul Sage.

Luo Chuan sneered, Earth's left arm bone was activated with the spirit ability gravity control, and the surrounding gravity suddenly increased, causing the speed of the surrounding spirit saints to be greatly reduced.

Not only that, Luochuan's blood pupil first spirit ability is still motivating, covering everyone, even if most of the power is suppressing Ghost Douluo, the remaining power still makes these soul sages fall into a bloodthirsty violent state, their eyes are red. I want to attack my own people.

Only Gao Long as a Contra was not affected much, but he found that he still couldn't catch up with Luochuan. Luochuan in the state of imperial possession was very fast.

He hurriedly released his spirit ability, and a large black net flew towards Luochuan.

Luo Chuan glanced, the platinum ray of light appeared on his right arm, an attack similar to sword energy flew out, cut off the black net with a click, and landed on Gao Long in the blink of an eye.


Gao Long screamed and fell from the sky, a bloody wound was cut out on his chest, and the white bones were exposed.

……Biquge Book Bar

"The soul bone skills are actually so powerful!"

Qian Renxue fell beside, looking at the sky with fear, that person had no shadow.

"Are you OK?"

"It's okay, Saint, I was careless."

"It's not your carelessness, but your strength is indeed a lot worse than him."

Ghost Douluo broke through the illusion, and said solemnly: "Being able to fight the old man, and finally get out of it smoothly, is enough to prove his strength."

Qian Renxue's brilliance changed, and she worried: "Grandpa Ghost, what should we do next?"

Ghost Douluo pondered for a moment, and said thoughtfully: "This person shouldn't have come here intentionally, maybe it was a misunderstanding, but your plan was ruined by him, let's leave quickly, Gao Long, you can deal with this. "

"Yes, elder."

Gao Long covered his wound and stood up, respectfully accepting orders.

Qian Renxue sighed and began to think about what to do next.

Outside of the ghost fog, the master of the Barak royal family saw no movement, and was about to enter the probe. A figure fell in front of them and took out a token.

"Wuhun Hall!"

When they saw the token, everyone was surprised.

"In the battle just now, an elder of our Soul Hall was fighting with a mysterious soul master, and we will compensate for the loss caused."

The Soul Sage of the Spirit Hall said you indifferently, with a very proud attitude.

"Dare not, just some buildings, not worth much."

King Barak gave a flattering smile, and it was too late to make Wuhun Palace owe him a favor.

The Soul Sage of the Wuhun Hall calmed down, and said, "The compensation is still to be compensated. I hope that this time, I won't talk nonsense."

"Yes, we are absolutely confidential."


Outside the city of Barak, Luochuan fell on a barren mountain, took a breath of air, and grinned: "It hurts, all the ribs have been broken. If it weren't for the Jiuxin Begonia, the ability to move is probably not much."

After a glance left and right, he was sure that there were no chasing soldiers. He wiped a cold sweat, sat down cross-legged, and summoned the White Tiger King.

"Guardian, I'll heal."

With the White Tiger King guarding, Luo Chuan released the Jiuxin Begonia with peace of mind. A pink flower emerged, spilling a white light, and fell on his chest.

The broken ribs and internal injuries continued to recover. Even though the injuries were severe, they still healed quickly. In the middle of the night, Luochuan was reborn.

After doing this, Luo Chuan recalled the battle and concluded that his biggest shortcoming was his soul, which was not strong enough.

If his spirit power is strong enough, he has many ways to defeat Ghost Douluo.

"From the perspective of strength, I am now roughly equivalent to a Titled Douluo of Level 92 and 3, and there is a slight gap between Ghost Douluo."

Luo Chuan muttered, "Furthermore, this time it has ruined Qian Renxue's plan, neither lose nor lose."

He smiled, jumped on the white tiger king's back, and lay on the limp tiger back to rest.

The next day, he practiced the Purple Demon Eye for three hours, and then he came to Barak City, which happened to be the noon time agreed with Qian Renxue.

There were discussions from time to time, basically all about the mysterious battle in Barak City last night. There were all kinds of speculations, except that the Wuhun Temple was not mentioned.

Luo Chuan was thoughtful, Wuhundian handled things very well, so he didn't need to take care of it.

While he was thinking, a spirit master wearing ordinary clothes came over and said, "Dear sir, we Miss Xue would like to ask."

Luo Chuan nodded. This time he didn't pretend to be himself, and soon there will be people from Wuhun Hall.

Ruined by what happened last night, Luo Chuan estimated that Qian Renxue would have no way to calculate herself in a short time, right?


Luo Chuan followed behind with a sense of uncertainty.

In a hotel, Luochuan saw Qian Renxue wearing a plain skirt.

The latter smiled: "You came on time."

Luo Chuan glanced around, "That's it?"

"I wanted you to be a hero to save the United States, but because of some accidents, I changed my plan midway."

Qian Renxue walked over, closed the door, and then leaned close to Luochuan, her beautiful eyes turned and said, "How is it, do I have the qualifications to be your maid?"

"It's enough to be a wife, let alone a maid."

Luo Chuan said lightly, still vigilant in his heart, is it really that simple?


Qian Renxue smiled, and actually took the initiative to hug Luochuan, pressed Luochuan's chest, and said temptation: "This is a hotel, are you interested in sleeping?"

Luo Chuan's scalp was numb when he heard it. These words were too inconsistent with Qian Renxue's style. He smiled awkwardly: "Everyone is a minor, so don't do these things."

"But your relatives were very active yesterday."

Qian Renxue said that when she changed her face, she changed her face, gritted her teeth and said.

Luo Chuan wanted to push it away, and the latter continued to speak: "What are you afraid of, continue to kiss, I will let you kiss you today."

There was a flash of blood in Luo Chuan's eyes, and the spiritual exploration was turned on, and it was discovered that there was a powerful figure outside, not only Ghost Douluo, but also another of the same level!

He stiffened and said uncomfortably, "How did you know?"

"Hehe, you have a perfect disguise, even your martial soul is different. No one really recognizes you, but you have forgotten one thing."

Qian Renxue sucked Luochuan's shoulders, her face flushed slightly and said: "You can't pretend the smell. We have lived together for so long, even if I didn't remember it for the first time yesterday, it doesn't mean I can't remember it all the time. ."

A thunder blasted in Luo Chuan's mind, and then he gave a wry smile: "One hundred dense and one sparse, I planted."

He really didn't expect this, smell, something, it really couldn't be covered up, especially when the two parties had kissed, it was close contact.

I had known that I would not do this. If I did not kiss Qian Renxue and the distance was far enough, it would be difficult for the other party to detect it.

"Hmph, if it weren't for the smell, it would be hard for me to imagine that you turned out to be a genius of dual martial arts, no wonder you would be favored by the gods."

Qian Renxue smiled triumphantly, how many times she finally got back one round.

Luo Chuan was helpless, the situation was changing so fast. Just now, he was still proud of ruining Qian Renxue's plan, which was then seen through.

"Let's say, what compensation do you want, do you come back yourself?"

Qian Renxue's face was even redder, and she cursed in a low voice, "Bah! Dirty, who wants to kiss you, rascal."

"Then what do you want? Really want to sleep? I'm underage."

Luochuan broke the jar and fell, because he couldn't escape at the moment, and the two Title Douluo couldn't win or escape.

"Don't molest me!"

Qian Renxue gritted his teeth: "This is the first request. Second, give me several other hidden weapons. Third, take me to the place of inheritance of your god."

She is not an arrogant person. Even if she is so angry that she wants to bite Luochuan, she must take advantage of the opportunity for the overall situation.

"The first and second requirements are okay, but the third requirement is not good, because I can't take you there."

Luo Chuan is very sensible, and now he doesn't agree with Qian Renxue. It is estimated that Title Douluo outside will be playing mixed doubles.


Ps: Fuck, it’s on the shelves, and there is no response. I accidentally lost the last chapter and can only add to this chapter. The two chapters are combined, the price remains the same, and the price is still two thousand words.

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