You can search for "Dou Luo Zhi Endless Fusion Search Novel (" in Baidu to find the latest chapter!The master said his thoughts: "This combat ability refers not only to individual combat effectiveness, but also to team combat effectiveness. If you can fully display your strength, or even double it, you will have a chance to defeat a stronger team."

Luo Chuan knows what the master is going to do. To improve the ability of actual combat and teamwork, isn't it about going to the battlefield?

It's been a long time since he has been fighting in a team, and he has some interest when the time comes.

Just like the master said, in the case of the same level, it depends on the performance of the individual's combat effectiveness. If it is a team, it also depends on the ability of teamwork.

The best way to acquire this ability is through actual combat!

Sure enough, the master next mentioned that the way to improve combat effectiveness is the Great Fighting Arena, which is also the choice of many academies.

Arranged to leave the academy next to fight in the big battlefield in the city, today's training is over.

As always, Luo Chuan and Ye Lingling stayed behind to help the latter practice ghost trails and catch hands.

Ye Lingling didn't speak, and attacked Luochuan with all her strength. Her skill was already quite subtle, far surpassing others. This was the result of months of hard cultivation.

When the last trace of strength was drained, Luo Chuan stopped training and said, "It's pretty good. You don't have to deal with spirit war masters of the same level, but self-protection is not a problem. Go to the Great Fighting Arena tomorrow. You can improve further through actual combat."

With that, Luo Chuan stretched out her hand, Ye Lingling pulled it up, and walked back on her back.

"You... why are you bringing a maid here?"

Ye Lingling spoke quietly.

"Why, do you mind?"

Luo Chuan couldn't help but laugh, this girl seemed to have some interest in him.

Ye Lingling's face turned red, and she hummed, "Don't mind, I just ask casually."

"Hehe, this is arranged above, I don't want it, but I have to accept it."

Luo Chuan explained.


Ye Lingling raised her mouth, "But, I think she is so beautiful, do you like it?"

Luo Chuan was a little embarrassed, how to answer this.

In the end he coughed and coughed, "Ah, like it or like it, it's just a little troublesome."

"You men are really enough, do you like them if they are beautiful?"

Ye Lingling was a little angry.

"I'm jealous, you won't like me?" Luo Chuan teased, could this girl stay with him for too long and have been in love for a long time?

"No, don't think about it."

Ye Lingling's face is thin, no one would admit it.

"It's okay if you like me, but as a prince, three wives and four concubines are normal, and your status is much higher than that of a maid. In the future, you will at least be a wife, not a concubine."

Luo Chuan smiled. He said this with confidence. Who made him the prince.

"Bad man, put me down!"

Ye Lingling patted Luo Chuan on the shoulder and struggled free.

Luo Chuan was joking, but he knew that this girl had such a big reaction, and let go of it subconsciously. The latter fell on the ground and had to leave. As a result, because of exhaustion, he would fall when his legs became weak.

In desperation, Luo Chuan could only hug him, and the two immediately stuck together.Cola Literature

Although usually training, due to the special nature of the grasping hand, the contact is very frequent, but it is the first time to hold it in an ambiguous state.

Ye Lingling's face turned red immediately, and she was a little afraid to look at Luochuan.

"Lingling, if you really like me, you must be mentally prepared."

Luochuan said something inexplicably.

He admits that he is a big carrot, not a dedicated person, and there will be many women in the future.

At least, he has an unclear relationship with Qian Renxue at the moment, and has been with Ye Lingling for so long, and he also has some possessiveness.

Of course, he was not thinking about these things at the moment, and he had to wait until he had enough strength to talk about love.

Saying this to Ye Lingling at this moment also made this girl want to understand whether it is necessary to continue to like him so that everyone will feel uncomfortable afterwards.

The two returned in silence and went to the cafeteria to eat. Qian Renxue was already waiting for him in the house.

"Let's go, go to the blacksmith's side, and get out other hidden weapons as soon as possible."

"Too tired, let's take a rest."

Luo Chuan fell on the bed, closing his eyes to rest his mind, while thinking about what kind of hidden weapon to give Qian Renxue.

You can give several kinds of crossbows weaker than Zhuge God's crossbow, but they will definitely not satisfy the opponent's appetite. You have to choose one that is stronger, but it will not pose too much threat to yourself.

"Just fly the god claws."

Luo Chuan thought to himself that this is a hidden weapon that is more inclined to support, and if the Wuhun Palace has it, it will not pose a direct threat.

In the past half an hour, Qian Renxue said impatiently: "Get up!"

"Is it necessary to rush for such a while?"

Luo Chuan got up, looked at Qian Renxue who had changed his disguise, and said, "Let's go, show you another hidden weapon."

He and Qian Renxue came to another valley, which has been opened up into an arsenal that integrates smelting and forging. The Zhuge god crossbow and some ordinary hidden weapons are being produced on a large scale and equipped with secret guards.

Both of them are princes at the moment, Qian Renxue has taken over part of the affairs here, so everyone here knows them.

Su Gu is still in charge of the forging room here. Hearing Luo Chuan coming, he hurriedly greeted him and saluted him.

"The parts of the Flying God Claw that you forged last time have been completed, right?"

Luo Chuan asked indifferently. Since Qian Renxue came, he seldom came, just leaking some advanced hidden weapons as little as possible.

"It's finished, you can assemble it directly, Your Highness."

Su Gu nodded, and said to Qian Renxue again: "His Royal Highness, the hidden weapons you want are also ready, you can take them directly."

He still didn't know that Qian Renxue was a fake, otherwise he would dare to give Qian Renxue all kinds of hidden weapons that had been manufactured in batches.

For these, Luo Chuan did not have much control. Now the mass-produced are some ordinary hidden weapons, which require unique techniques to use, but he has not passed on the technique, and he has relied on the secret guard to explore it himself.

He walked into the forge, looked at the mess of things, and took out a part of them in quantity. With a click, the flying claws were assembled.

This is the benefit of someone’s help. As long as the supervising blacksmith builds various parts according to standards, he can assemble them by himself, which saves time and effort.

He has assembled the Peacock Ling by himself now, without letting Qian Renxue know, and this one will be assembled recently.

"Brother, this is the Flying God Claw, which has a certain attack power, but its main function is to assist in climbing some difficult places."

Luo Chuan pretended to explain, walking out of the blacksmith, facing the flying claws to a cliff, and with a click, a cold light flew out, with a wire, instantly caught on the rock tens of meters away, and then the whole person was directly caught Pull over.

Qian Renxue's eyes were slightly bright, this thing had little effect on high-level spirit masters, but it contained a lot of usefulness for middle and low-level spirit masters.

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