Endless Fusion of Douluo

Chapter 144-You Are A Good Maid

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"Second brother, I really don't know where you learned these things, there should be many hidden weapons similar to this kind of things?"

Qian Renxue smiled meaningfully. This is also one of the secrets she most wants to know, second only to the place where the gods are inherited.

"Yes, is it possible that Brother wants to study?"

Luo Chuan nodded and did not deny it, because even if he denied it, the other party would think he did.

Qian Renxue's eyes were shining, and she did not ask Luo Chuan, but said: "The second brother, you can take a little more thought and let them all be mass-produced, so that the empire can become stronger."

She doesn't care how many hidden weapons Tiandou Empire possesses, as long as she can make them, she can easily obtain them, and thus become Wuhun Palace.

"Big brother, don't worry, what should be strong will definitely become stronger."

Luo Chuan smiled lightly, guessing Qian Renxue's mind.

However, it is not so easy to obtain the secret weapon manufacturing method by stealing learning, and no matter how stealing it is, it cannot be compared with him.

"Even if this is done, next month, I hope to see some interesting hidden weapons."

Qian Renxue said meaningfully.

Luo Chuan frowned, did not say anything, but returned to the forging room to check the conditions of the major forging masters.

Qian Renxue looked at it for a while, feeling very meaningless, then turned and left.

No one was staring, Luo Chuan walked to the forge and said to Su Gu, "Give me a piece of black iron."

"Okay, Your Highness!"

Su Gu hurriedly took out the mysterious iron that he specially collected. This thing is very precious. The ordinary weapon can shave iron like mud with a little bit, so it is stored separately from other ordinary materials.

After getting the black iron, Luo Chuan stopped talking, and began to build some special parts.

Peacock Ling still has a key part to be able to exert its power. This part is very demanding, and he did not give it to anyone else.

After spending the middle of the night to build, he entered a room alone and let Shen Jinming guard the outside.

When he came here, he first made sure that no one was spying, and then took out a bunch of parts, including a dense pile of fine needles of various appearances. If you count the number, it happens to be three hundred and sixty.

He took a closer look, and then blood purple appeared in his eyes, his eyesight greatly increased, and even the fine needles of the hair could be seen clearly.

His hands instantly turned into white jade hands. After observing for a while, his palms turned into afterimages. He flexibly picked up various parts and assembled them according to specific rules.

Click it!

In the slight noise, a pile of parts quickly assembled together, and finally turned into a metal cylinder with a length of a foot.

This is the Peacock Ling!

Don't look at it now is ordinary, but at the moment of activation, it will shine with brilliant light, like a peacock opening the screen.

For the enemy, there are hundreds of fine needles in it, enough to cover tens of meters, and the soul saint has to be a sieve in it.

Luo Chuan showed satisfaction, this hidden weapon is considered very complicated, and he can make it, which shows that his level is not bad.

"The third hidden weapon of the machine type is done, and the next is the rainstorm pear flower needle and the Buddha anger Tanglian. The former is okay, the latter requires explosives. It takes a little time to research. It is best to research the high-energy explosives of the previous life and cooperate. Maybe it can threaten the gods."

In his mind, Luo Chuan put the peacock feathers away, walked out of the secret room, and said to Su Gu: "Continue to make the last batch of parts, and buy some more black iron."

He didn't plan to let these people assemble the top hidden weapons like Peacock Ling casually. Qian Renxue must have put in his hands now, so he could easily learn it by stealth.

"Yes, Your Highness, but the black patterned iron is too precious, you may not get much in a short time."

Su Gu nodded and asked a question.

"It's okay, collect it slowly."

Luo Chuan is not in a hurry. At present, the top hidden weapon is enough for him to use. For the time being, it cannot be mass-produced.

He continued to release some parts, which were about the rainstorm pear flower needle.

Like the peacock Ling, the person in the forging room builds some parts, and the key is that he does it to ensure that they will not leak.59 Book Bank www.59shuku.com

Some things were arranged, and he returned.

Qian Renxue was already on the bed, realizing that he had come back, opened her eyes, looked at Luo Chuan with a pair of golden pupils, and pointedly: "What did you secretly create, a secret hidden weapon?"

Sitting on the ground slightly exhausted, Luo Chuan curled his lips and said, "If you don't monitor me, maybe I will trust you more."

"I have no sense of security without monitoring you."

Qianren Snow Road.

"This is the lack of companionship with relatives and a natural insecurity. It seems that our relationship has to go further. Let me give you a sense of security."

Luo Chuan thought for a while, thoughtfully.

"How can you give me a sense of security? It's hard to protect myself?"

Qian Renxue laughed, and this guy knew how to speak big words.

"Senior fellows should treat each other with admiration for three days. There will always be strength. When we bet, I couldn't compare to you. What about now?"

Luo Chuan retorted.

"It makes sense, then I will wait for the day you are strong enough to give me a sense of security."

Qian Renxue couldn't help laughing. No matter how powerful this guy is, could it be better than Wuhun Palace?

Luo Chuan looked upset, so he said casually: "This prince wants to wash his face and feet, you maid hurry up and get me foot wash."

"Asshole, I am your big brother now."

Qian Renxue hummed.

"You better not live with me as my eldest brother. The two identities will conflict one day."

Luo Chuan reminded.

"Don't worry, I have taken this into consideration, and I will move to the newly built yard tomorrow."

"After that, I will wash my face and feet and take a bath, so I'll be mentally prepared."

Luo Chuan laughed strangely, a beautiful woman serving herself, thinking about it, was a little excited.

Qian Renxue's face darkened: "Bah, who wants to take a bath for you, can't you wash yourself?"

Luo Chuan gave a blank look: "You figure out your identity, the maid doesn't do this, what do I want you to do?"

"Don't think about it, if you mess around, I will let Grandpa Ghost teach you how to be a man."

Qian Renxue threatened, "Washing is my bottom line. Do other things by yourself!"

"Yeah, you maid is pretty awesome."

Luo Chuan said silently, "You are not a maid, you are grandma."

"Anyway, in the future, I will only pretend to be in front of outsiders. You and I are equal here. You are not allowed to order me, or I will let Grandpa Ghost..."

"All right, there is someone behind you, I can't move you, all right?"

Luo Chuan didn't bother to talk, this time revealing the Golden Holy Dragon Martial Spirit, and forcing Qian Renxue to add another titled Douluo helper, he didn't dare to be too arrogant.

"It's about the same."

Qian Renxue held her head high and felt very happy to win Luochuan.

Next, there was nothing to say.

In the early morning of the next day, Luo Chuan continued to practice the purple magic pupil.

He rides on the lightning bird, constantly chasing the purple qi to practice.

When he was about to reach the beach, Luo Chuan's body shook, and a layer of gold suddenly appeared in the purple eyes.

The second layer of the purple magic pupil has broken through!

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