Endless Fusion of Douluo

Chapter 145 Compete with Me?

You can search for "Dou Luo Zhi Endless Fusion Search Novel (www.soxscc.com)" in Baidu to find the latest chapter!At this moment, he broke through from the second level into the micro-level to the third level mustard seed!

Originally, after the second level, the speed of cultivation would be very slow. He took a different approach and increased the training time tenfold, so this level broke through more than ten times faster.

After reaching the Mustard Seed Stage, his eyesight improved significantly, and he could see more subtle places.

"Not bad, with the blood pupil martial soul, the eyesight has improved again."

Luo Chuan smiled and adjusted to the special features of the new realm. There was the sound of waves in his ears and he had come to the beach.

Looking at the endless ocean, Luo Chuan felt extremely refreshed. The purple magic pupil was spurred, and he immediately saw the scene deep in the sea.

"My spirit is in the sky and on the ground, but not in the water."

Luo Chuan muttered, retracted his gaze, and transferred to the White Tiger King to return.

"Xiaobai, you have to work harder in your cultivation, and if you raise it by one level, I can raise you to the Title Douluo level."

Luo Chuan muttered, he can't beat Ghost Douluo and Ju Douluo now, he needs a helper urgently.

"Master, at most one year, I should be able to break through."

The White Tiger King gave an approximate time.

"Come on."

Luo Chuan nodded without asking too much. After all, the higher the level, the more difficult it is to upgrade.

Back at the academy, Yu Tianheng and others were ready, he didn't clean up much, so he left with them.

"Our training will be conducted in Goer City according to the principle of proximity, and we will consider going to other cities later.

Qin Ming spoke, and immediately led everyone to the Goal City Arena of Souls.

The Great Fighting Soul Arena, like the Spirit Hall, is widely distributed throughout the continent and is not affiliated with the Spirit Hall of the two empires. It is the place where soul masters reveal their strength to outsiders, earn money and reputation.

Of course, its strength is still incomparable to Wuhun Palace, but it is fairness. Even if you kill someone here, you don't have to worry about getting revenge.

Luochuan was also the first time to come to this kind of place. Before he had entered, he felt special different from other places.

The breath of blood, tyranny, wildness, and killing rushed in, making Yu Tianheng and other little guys who had never killed people quite uncomfortable.

"Well, you should be aware of the difference. The battle here is much fiercer than your usual exchanges."

Qin Ming said with a solemn tone when he said this: "The key is... here you can kill!"

Except for Luochuan, everyone else's complexion changed slightly. They had killed soul beasts. As for killing, no one had experienced it.

"Don't be scared. At present, it is mainly for you to engage in more realistic battles here to stimulate your own potential. It will not let you fight to death."

Qin Ming smiled and told these little guys about the most serious situation first, and the other troubles that followed were not a problem.

"Let's go, register in the past, it's still early today, you can fight for a few games."

With the students registering and getting the lowest-level Iron Fighting Soul badge, they came to the sub-fighting arena next to the edge of the main arena.202 e-book www.202txt.com

"I've told you about the situation here. Next, everyone will fight individually, and then the team will fight. Even today's training is over, Luochuan, you are the first one. Make preparations."

Hearing Qin Ming's words, Luo Chuan nodded. He did make preparations. He was thinking about how to defeat his opponent while showing a little strength.

There is no way, his strength is too strong, and now he has far surpassed Qin Ming. If he doesn't control it well, it will be troublesome for too many people to know his cultivation.

After all, there are still some masters in this big battlefield, and most of them are people with backgrounds. Once the strength is leaked, I am afraid that everyone will know.

"It's a little too much to use one percent of the power. It has to be further refined, and the control of soul power has to be reduced to one percent to one thousandth."

Luo Chuan thought to himself, closed his eyes, and felt his strength carefully.

He has a strong mental power. During this period of time, he has been fine-controlling his own power, trying to avoid disguising his spirit bones as much as possible, and he can use as much strength as he wants.

"One percent is okay, one thousandth is still a bit difficult, we must continue to work hard."

Secretly sighed in my heart, it is very difficult for a person to accurately control his own power. Ordinary people use half of their strength inaccurately, let alone divide their strength into one hundred or even one thousand.

At this time, the battle on the battlefield ended, and the host announced the next duel: "The next battle will be Luo Chuan, the soul warrior with the rookie beast spirit as the swan, and the soul warrior Wang Qingguan, with the weapon spirit as the silver sword. One side is the newcomer, and the other is the old man who has won a few games. Everyone guess who can win."

The host was very good at talking, and attracted a lot of people's attention at once, and then said: "Now, two people are invited to play."

Under his voice, a dark-skinned, tall and thin young youth jumped up, a pair of slightly smaller eyes glanced at the opposite side, and he was taken aback when he found that it was a teenager who was only twelve or thirteen years old.

"Hey, this boy is so young, he seems to be a genius."

"I was only at the Soul Master level back then, a lot worse."

"The talent is good, but it's a pity that the actual combat experience is definitely not good, and it will definitely lose."

Not many audiences in the audience started talking with great interest. Although they were surprised at Luochuan's youth, they were all unanimous about Luochuan.

Including Luochuan’s opponent, Wang Qingguan, also thinks so. He jokingly smiled: "Children, you are courageous if you dare to come here, but for this first game, I advise you to remember to give up in time. Beat and cry, otherwise people will laugh at me and bully the child."

Luo Chuan was said to have a weird face. An adult was said to be a child, so he was afraid of crying?

He raised the corner of his mouth and said with a slight sarcasm: "The same thing will be returned to you, remember to give up in time, or I will beat your mother without knowing you."

The latter's face sank when he heard it: "The kid's mouth is quite stinky. It seems that I won't be able to teach you today!"

He immediately released his martial spirit, raised his hand and grabbed it. In the silver light, a thin sword half an inch long appeared, and two yellow spirit rings appeared at the same time. Under the blessing of the spirit rings, the sword body trembled slightly. Ming, with a sound of clank.

Luo Chuan carried his hands on his back and said lightly: "What kind of sword is not good, but I want a silver sword."

"Are you scared to talk nonsense?"

The young man didn't hear the homophony in Luochuan dialect, and sneered pretentiously, "Let you see my sword skills today."

After speaking, the first yellow spirit ring lit up, and he sprinted with a silver sword in his hand, fast and aggressive.

"Compare swordsmanship with me?"

Luo Chuan muttered and watched the opponent's actions quietly. As he approached, he spurred a spirit power equivalent to only level 23, and dangled a silver sword light on the ground.

When he came to the latter's empty door, he moved his two fingers together like a sword pierced out.

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