You can search for "Dou Luo Zhi Endless Fusion Search Novel (" in Baidu to find the latest chapter!"Actually, you marry me to be the queen and I am the emperor. Isn't the Heaven Dou Empire yours?"

Luo Chuan smiled: "We are a family, regardless of Tiandou Empire or Wuhun Palace, we can unite together."

"I don't worry about you, so it's better for me to be the emperor."

Qian Renxue denied it politely.

"All right, as long as you give enough benefits, I will tell my father tomorrow that I don't want to be a prince, how?"

Luo Chuan didn't bother to joke any more, he would definitely not compete with Qian Renxue for the crown prince, it was too dangerous.

"It's pretty much the same. I agree to your request. You express your feelings to the emperor as soon as possible, saying that you don't want to compete with me, and you are not interested in being an emperor."

Qian Renxue was going to agree to it first. As for what the other party wants, it can be paid in installments.

"What if the father has decided to make me the prince?"

Luo Chuan joked.

"It's impossible. I haven't been busy for more than a year."

Qian Renxue was extremely confident.

"All right, I'll go back and talk in a few days."

Luo Chuan actually wanted to delay some time, so that Qian Renxue would not put his mind on him.

"As soon as possible, within three days!"

Qian Renxue was a little impatient and said, "I'm leaving now."

Seeing this woman leave, Luo Chuan thought for a while and didn't say anything.

He returned to Tiandou City the next day.

In the palace, Xue Ye looked sad.

The youngest son is dead.

He is uncomfortable.

At this time, someone told the second son to see him.

There was a sneer at the corner of his mouth.

"Is this kid coming back for the prince, or is he coming back to pay homage to his brother?"

Xue Ye muttered in her heart, as the emperor, he considered a lot, leaning towards Luo Chuan to come back for the crown prince.

Luo Chuan walked in and saluted: "I have seen my father."

"Free gift."

Xue Ye nodded, looked at Luo Chuan who was much taller, and sighed: "Time flies so fast, you are almost elder, but unfortunately your fourth brother has no chance."

"Father's mourning."

Luochuan comforted.

This Xueye was also unlucky, being watched by Qian Renxue, her sons were secretly killed, but she didn't know it.

"The third and third are short-lived, and they will leave if they leave. For the father, I hope you two can live well."

The Great Xue Ye said meaningfully, he was beating Luochuan, and he didn't want the two to fight because of the crown prince.

"The child minister will work hard."

Luo Chuan nodded. It is really important to be alive. When he is dead, there is nothing.

Xue Ye said neither salty nor indifferent: "Is there anything else you come to find as your father?"

"I came here to ask the father to choose his eldest brother as the prince."

Luo Chuan didn't mean anything, and directly stated his purpose.

"Oh, what do you mean by that?"

A ray of light flashed in Xue Ye's eyes, and he looked at Luo Chuan deeply, "You are not interested in the current affairs of the prince?"

"My son is not as resourceful and resourceful as my elder brother, I think elder brother is more suitable."

Luo Chuan expressed his intentions, even if he was interested, he would not dare to fight with Qian Renxue at this time.

Xue Ye frowned: "You go back. I decide to establish a prince. You don't have to worry about it."

Luo Chuan didn't say any more, because Qian Renxue was forced to come over this time, and he was not interested in talking nonsense.

Seeing this son leave, Xue Ye's eyes were cold: "This kid hasn't come back for so long. It's a bit weird to support the boss when he comes back." You Reading Book

He said to the darkness: "Did the boss go to him recently?"

"The prince went to Yunwu Mountain once a few days ago."

A voice answered faintly.

"Hmph, this boss is really a bit too late. For more than a year, he has been pretending to be in collusion with the powerful, and he is still forcing his brother!"

Xueye didn't need to guess, and knew that Luochuan had something to do with the boss.

If you can't see this, what kind of emperor is he?

The people in the dark did not speak, and did not dare to talk too much.

Xue Ye pondered for a while and said: "This kid's hidden weapon, how much do you think can improve the combat effectiveness of my Heaven Dou Empire army?"

"If it is fully equipped, it can increase combat effectiveness by at least ten times, completely changing the lethality of ordinary soldiers."

This time, the tone of the people in the dark changed for the first time.

"ten times!"

Xue Ye's face changed: "I didn't expect you to give such a high evaluation. If you say that, many people in the military like the second child?"

"At least the subordinates admire the Second Highness very much, and created something that does not exist in this world."

People in the dark only speak their own opinions.

"Okay, I see, this old man has been evasive and practically researching hidden weapons for the past two years. There is no credit and hard work, but there are few such people in the empire."

Xueye muttered.

"Notify the second child, it's obviously going to court."

the next day.

In the magnificent hall, hundreds of civil and military officials and princes gathered together.

Luo Chuan participated in this kind of activity for the first time and glanced at it. Most people didn't know him, but some were familiar.

For example, Zhang Xiaonian, Prince Xue Xing, and the veterans of the Royal Academy, of course Qian Renxue also counted.

At this moment, Qian Renxue is more comfortable than he is, and obviously often participates in such meetings.

"Is it possible to announce the prince, or what do you call me over?"

Luo Chuan guessed what was going to happen through the whispers he heard in his ear.

At this moment, Qian Renxue was full of red light, surrounded by many high crowns, showing noble air between her gestures, and she was able to deal with hundreds of civil and military officials.

"This guy is two years older than me. If you get in touch with these things in advance, you really have a natural advantage. I should study the hidden weapons honestly."

Luo Chuan thought to himself.

He still has self-knowledge, except for his own strength, no matter where he compares with Qian Renxue, there is still a gap.

Soon, the snowy night came and everyone saluted.

Luo Chuan then learned that what the DPRK was going to do was a national matter, and it was the kind that needed to be notified to civil and military officials.

In the end, Xue Ye cleared her throat and said: "In the past year, you Aiqing mentioned the matter of Li Chu more than once. I thought about it. Considering that I am not young, I really want to train successors ."

When I said this, all civil and military officials raised their ears.

The empire’s senior officials have been talking about things for a year, thinking that there will be results today. If there is no accident, the prince should be the best prince.

"Through more than two years of observation, I have decided on the candidate for the crown prince."

When Xue Ye said this, she glanced at Qian Renxue, who was smiling and confident.

"I decided that the person in the position of prince is the second prince Xue Luochuan!"


The people who had listened quietly to the results stopped breathing. They were a little sluggish, thinking they had heard the wrong ears.

The second prince Xue Luochuan?

Shouldn't it be the prince Xue Qinghe?

Qian Renxue, who was already quite sure, heard this, her smile solidified, and she looked at Xueye in disbelief.


Luo Chuan is also blinded. Is there any mistake? Why is it him?

Doesn't the emperor play cards according to common sense?

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