You can search for "Dou Luo Zhi Endless Fusion Search Novel (" in Baidu to find the latest chapter!However, you don't play cards according to the routine, but you pit me.

This emperor, Luo Chuan didn't want to do it at all.

Because of trouble.

Too much trouble.

One is a waste of time, to learn a lot of things that the prince wants to learn.

The second is that Qian Renxue's road was cut off. After so many years of planning, the results fell short, and it was strange that he was not angry and troubled him.

At this moment, a pair of angry eyes looked over.

At this moment, Qian Renxue was not only angry, but also confused and dare not imagine!

She thought she would be sure, why is this result?

Luo Chuan could only respond with a dazed expression. He was very innocent. I really couldn't understand why Xue Ye gave him the position of prince.

Do you think he is more handsome?

Or did you do this deliberately, just to piss Qian Renxue?Then give everyone a surprise?

All the civil and military officials at the scene looked at Luochuan, some of them were still surprised, while others were already showing a kind smile.

However, they dare not speculate about what the emperor thinks. From now on, this is the prince and will inherit the throne in the future.

Emperor Xue Ye watched Luo Chuan and Qian Renxue's reactions with satisfaction, one didn't want to be a prince, the other wanted to be a prince very much.

He just wanted to be a kid who didn't want to be a prince.

Except for deliberate reasons like this, it is mainly because Luochuan has close ties with the military.

The hidden weapon in the army comes from Luochuan, and the secret guard is also closely connected with Luochuan, which means that Luochuan can influence the imperial army if he wants to.

In his opinion, only the prince who can influence the army can make the Heaven Dou Empire stronger and firmly consolidate his position.

At this point, Qian Renxue is still far behind. It is not enough to make friends with the powerful, because those powerful can betray at any time.

Luo Chuan hurriedly walked over and whispered: "Father, my son is still a little young, and may not be qualified for the position of prince."

"If you can't, someone will teach you, just study slowly."

Xueye said lightly.


Luo Chuan still wanted to fight for it, Xue Ye stared suddenly, not angry and said with prestige: "Second, are you going to disobey my order?"

"Don't dare."

Luo Chuan shook his head, and could only respond: "Thank you for your father's approval. I must be a prince."

"It's about the same."

Xue Ye nodded and looked up at Qian Renxue: "Boss, you don't have to be sad, I just think the second child is more suitable than you. In the future, you should know how to be a big brother and support your younger brother."

Qian Renxue was not reconciled in her heart, so she could only lower her head at this moment, she couldn't kill Xueye now, right?

Even if she thinks about it, she can't do it. After all, this is the emperor of an empire.

She had to bow her head to agree.

Suddenly, Luochuan became the prince, and many people were already preparing to contact Luochuan more.

Among the crowd, Zhang Xiaonian was the most excited.

He and this prince have known each other for a long time and have done some things for each other. This is a rare opportunity.

After retiring from the court, a group of people immediately surrounded Luochuan, mostly with false smiles, trying to make an impression on the prince as much as possible.

Qian Renxue had a gloomy face, looking at Luo Chuan who was holding the moon in the stars, she was sour.

She was noticed just now, and no one cares anymore.

Game of Thrones is so cruel.

She is a bit envious and jealous!

Why not give her hard work, but give a guy who voluntarily gives up?

In other words, this guy didn't say that he was going to give up yesterday?

Luo Chuan felt his scalp numb in the face of everyone.80 Novel Network

In the end, the mouth is dry, and these diligent people are sent away.

When the crowd dispersed, he found Qian Renxue still here, and couldn't help but smile awkwardly.

"You come to my room, I have something to tell you!"

Qian Renxue snorted and left a word to Luo Chuan, suppressing her anger and leaving.

Luo Chuan felt a headache, Xue Ye's unexpected hand completely disrupted his plan.

There is no way to change now, only to catch the ducks on the shelves.

When he came to Qian Renxue's room, the latter carried him, knowing that his face was ugly without looking.

"Xue Luochuan, you are good at using this trick."

Some gritted teeth came out of Qian Renxue's mouth, obviously she thought Luo Chuan deliberately.

"These are all misunderstandings, listen to me to explain."

Luo Chuan smiled helplessly.

"Is there anything to explain, you secretly pleased Xue Ye and made him prefer you to be the prince? It's really hidden, I haven't found it."

Qian Renxue sneered.

"You don't listen to my explanation and just guess there, are you really okay?"

Luo Chuan frowned. He was able to come here just to make it clear to Qian Renxue.

He still didn't want to tear his face with Qian Renxue because of this.

"Why should I listen to you to explain, the crown prince is yours, this is a fact!"

Qian Renxue angrily said: "Do you know how much I have done for this over the past year? I have to deal with those hypocritical guys every day, and try to win them as much as possible. The result? I heard the prince today. It's not me, it will change face immediately!"

"What does this have to do with me? I can decide the position of the prince?"

Luo Chuan frowned, can't this woman be reasonable?

"You go, I don't want to tell you!"

Seeing that this person was still innocent, Qian Renxue became more and more angry.

"You have to listen if you don't want to listen!"

Luo Chuan snorted, the figure flashed, and Qian Renxue hit Qian Renxue with a fist.


The camouflage on the opponent's body was broken, the mask shattered, and she turned into a beautiful woman with blonde hair and golden eyes, and was blown into flight by a force.

Surprised appeared in her eyes, but Luo Chuan did not expect to start suddenly.

Before she could release her spirit power, Luo Chuan chased after her, shook her spirit power, raised her leg to suppress her, and landed on the bed.

The Ghost Douluo next door noticed the fluctuation of his spirit power and wanted to make a move.

Luo Chuan said coldly: "I didn't threaten her. You'd better not intervene when talking about business now!"

Ghost Douluo's eyes changed, and he did not feel any danger, so he did not pass.

Luo Chuan held Qian Renxue's fragrant shoulders, her golden hair was scattered around, and the latter's eyes widened: "What are you going to do?"

At this moment Luo Chuan was sitting on her, crushing her to death, the postures of both sides were very strange.

Luo Chuan's expression was indifferent: "If you don't listen to the explanation, I can only do this. Let me talk about whether I have mixed the crown prince!"

Staring at Qian Renxue’s golden pupils, Luo Chuan said coldly: "You know that I am either training or in the hidden weapon room every day. Basically, I didn’t go back to Tiandou City or meet those powerful and powerful. How can I fight for this Crown Prince?"

Qian Renxue's pressure made Qian Renxue breathless. She glanced at the other person with cold eyes and said, "Even if not, why did he choose you?"

"You have to ask him about this. I can tell you that I told him in person yesterday that I don't want to be a prince. I recommend you to do it."

Luochuan Road.

"Who knows whether you recommend yourself or me?"

Qian Renxue didn't believe it.

"You can ask, he doesn't need to lie to you!"

Luo Chuan was a little impatient: "It's possible that you are too utilitarian and make him dislike it, which backfires."

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