Endless Fusion of Douluo

Chapter 164: This Is Lovesickness

You can search for "Dou Luo Zhi Endless Fusion Search Novel (www.soxscc.com)" in Baidu to find the latest chapter!Now, Yu Tianheng actually surpassed Chris, and in more than a year, his cultivation reached level 37, which also surpassed the goal he set in the past.

Back then, he said that he was sure to reach level 35 in three years. Now he has two more levels, which shows how hard he worked.

Others also worked very hard, especially after the substitutes came up, the people who came in the back thought day and night and were reluctant to become substitutes.

Under desperate cultivation, they also improved two to three levels more than the expected goal, and now they are all between 33 and 35. These cultivation bases are completely enough to participate in the Advanced Soul Master Academy Elite Competition.

However, it is difficult to win the championship.

Therefore, Qin Ming and Master shook their heads secretly when they heard Luo Chuan's words.

With the current rate of improvement, there is a great opportunity next time.

This time... it would be nice to be in the finals.

With this in mind, they didn't choose seed qualifications, but had to get in on their own.

"Luochuan, you are welcome to return to the team. I thought you would not participate in this game again if you became a prince."

Qin Ming smiled kindly.

Among the students he teaches, Luochuan has the highest status.

This makes him feel very honored.

"How can this be done? For this competition, I have made a special court to win the championship."

Luo Chuan smiled and said,

He has won the championship of this Continent Advanced Soul Master Academy Competition!

No one can stop it!

Unless Xtreme Douluo has thousands of pretentious attires, mixes into the Spirit Hall team to attack him.

"Luochuan, we need to be realistic, not rush to talk about winning the championship, let's talk about the finals."

The master said solemnly.

He felt that Luo Chuan was too confident.

If there are more than forty level soul sects in the team, there is still a chance.

However, there is no one now!

"I understand, but...we don't use the qualifications of the seeded team?"

Luo Chuan asked back, somewhat surprised.

The Continent Advanced Soul Master Academy Contest was initiated and hosted by the two imperial imperial families and co-organized by the Wuhun Hall. It is the largest Wuhun competition in the soul master world.

As one of the organizers, the Royal Academy naturally has a seed qualification to reach the finals without the need to participate in the qualifiers and promotion matches.

"The competition lasted for three months. We discussed with the veterans of the academy and felt that going straight to the finals was easy to make people slack off. Therefore, we competed under the name of the vice team and fought like other participating teams, so we have more experience.

Qin Ming explained.

After Luochuan listened, he was thoughtful.

The teacher does not have much confidence in everyone, and would rather brush up on experience.

However, he also understood.

If he doesn't show too much strength, there is indeed some gap between him and the top teams.

"Captain, how many level are you now?"

Yu Tianheng asked curiously.

Among them, his cultivation speed is not the fastest, but Luochuan.

Because every time Luo Chuan revealed his soul power, he was stronger than him.


Luo Chuan thought for a moment: "I have eaten some treasures recently, and my cultivation level has improved a lot."

In order to give everyone some confidence, he decided to show more strength.

"How many are there? Last time the boss was level 36, could it be level 39?"

Yu Tianheng counted two more levels and asked curiously.

"No, one more spirit ring."

Luo Chuan smiled meaningfully, and his body flashed suddenly.

Two yellows, two purples, four spirit rings quickly appeared on him.

A powerful soul power of the Soul Sect level spread rapidly, making everyone dull.

They thought about raising Luochuan a lot of cultivation base, but they didn't expect to raise so much.

"I'm not mistaken, it's really an extra soul ring."

Yu Tianheng was a little surprised.Dance God e-book www.wstxt.com

"Just absorbed."

Luo Chuan smiled lightly, he really just absorbed it, just when he came over, he absorbed the fourth spirit ring casually.

For a Contra, this is not a bit difficult, and it will be solved while rushing.

"My God, boss, you have become a soul sect!"

Oslo couldn't help jumping up.

"Boss, what have you eaten baby, so much improvement in one breath."

Yufeng tusk was amazed.

"The boss is the prince, he must be the top baby to eat."

Xiong Zhenglin took it for granted.

"In this way, our team also has a soul sect. Teacher, there must be no problem in entering the finals."

Yu Tianheng said with joy.

Qin Ming was also quite surprised. He took a deep breath and nodded slightly: "The chance is much greater. After all, you can use your soul bones to display the strength comparable to the soul sect, so that we have two soul sects in our team, which is very good. "

"Ling Ling, have you seen it? The captain is even better. You must seize the opportunity."

Dugu Goose pulled Ye Lingling, whispering.

Ye Lingling's face was reddened and she did not dare to speak.

"There are three months away from the finals. We still have a chance to improve. Come on, everyone."

Luo Chuan encouraged and put away the spirit ring.

"Up to one level at most, unless you also have something to eat."

Yu Tianheng smiled: "Boss, do you have any baby, I can buy it and eat."

"Is it possible for you to buy it, give me some time, maybe I can get a baby for each of you to eat."

After Yu Tianheng said that, Luo Chuan thought of the two eyes of ice and fire. Before the game, it was necessary to use it.

He couldn't help but look at the lone goose.

Slightly embarrassed.

He thought of detoxifying the Dugu family.

For the past three years, it seems that I haven't paid much attention to it.

Patronizing practice and researching hidden weapons.

Now that the cultivation base is not low, I have to find a time to solve it.

In this way, he can get the treasures of heaven and earth in the eyes of the ice and fire, and use immortal medicinal materials to improve the strength of his teammates.

"Lingling, the captain is looking at you, don't you smile?"

Dugu Yan thought that Luo Chuan was watching Ye Lingling, and lightly touched her bewildered girlfriend.

Ye Lingling just blushed and didn't know what to say.

"Lingling, are you feeling well?"

Luo Chuan also noticed Ye Lingling, seeing her face look weird and couldn't help asking.

He did not expect that Ye Lingling, who has always been familiar with her, would blush today because of him because she has not seen her for a while.

"I...I'm fine."

Ye Lingling sounded like a mosquito, lowered her head and said.

Luo Chuan stepped on the ghostly fan and appeared in front of Ye Lingling for a moment, touching her forehead as white as jade.

"You can't get sick, in our team, there is only you, an auxiliary spirit master."

After touching it, she found that Ye Lingling had a fever on her forehead, and Luo Chuan thought that the girl was really sick.

"Captain, do you think the healing spirit master will get sick?"

Dugu Goose teased, Luo Chuan looked like this, really dumb.

Luo Chuan paused, and seeing other people's eyes strangely, the two teachers also turned their heads, as if they didn't want to look more.

There was a movement in his heart, and he immediately reacted, and smiled: "Ah, I'm just kidding."

Just now I was busy pretending to be forced to go, no way to think that Ye Lingling's girl became like this because of his arrival.

"Boss, you have to take care of a flower in our team, don't make people sick?"

Yu Tianheng smirked.

"Yes, this is lovesickness, it is very difficult to treat."

Oslo followed with a weird smile.

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