You can search for "Dou Luo Zhi Endless Fusion Search Novel (" in Baidu to find the latest chapter!Ye Lingling was even more shy when the others coaxed together like this.

She was red-necked and didn't dare to look at Luochuan at all.

Glancing at the others, Luo Chuan urged: "Go, go, go back to Tiandou City soon."

Immediately, he looked at Ye Lingling gently, without saying much.

Some people are worried about it. This is a very happy thing in the world.

After all, if no one cares, it means loneliness and death.

The atmosphere was a bit awkward, Luo Chuan coughed: "How are you doing?"

As they spoke, the embarrassment between the two quickly disappeared.

Back to Tiandou City, it was already midnight.

"The game will start two days later. Let's take two breaks and deal with our own affairs. After two days, we will put all our minds on the game."

Qin Ming left a sentence, and then let everyone go back to their homes.

When they were separated, Luochuan said to Dugu Goose: "Goose Goose, wait a minute, I have something to do with you."

Duguyan stayed, and when the others left, he teased: "Captain, you don't want to ask me about Lingling, do you?"

"No, it's about you."

Luo Chuan shook his head and said sternly: "I have found a solution to your martial arts problem. Go back and tell Senior Dugu Bo. I will go there tomorrow."

The Dugu Goose who was about to start a joke in Luochuan shook his body, and excitement appeared on her coquettish face: "Captain, is it true?"

"Really, I have studied for more than three years and have found a better solution."

Luo Chuan said seriously.

More than three years of research?


He just remembered this suddenly, his own strength was strong enough, the previous problem was nothing to him.

"Great, I'm going to tell Grandpa now."

Dugu Goose jumped up happily, turned and ran away.


"Don't say goodbye."

Luo Chuan curled his lips and turned back to his residence.

As a prince, he has an extra palace that belongs to him alone, and he has a lot more guards. In general, the safety is much higher than before.

He sat down and began to think about tomorrow's plan, thinking about it before proceeding to practice and rest.

The next morning, Luo Chuan came outside the city alone without calling anyone.

In a manor with lush vegetation, Dugu Bo waited at the gate early.

The Dugu Goose is beside him, looking forward to it like Grandpa.

They are waiting for Luochuan.

To be exact, he is waiting for the hope of detoxification.

"Grandpa, do you think the captain can really solve the poisoning problem for us?"

The lone goose stood on tiptoes, slightly disturbed.

"Being a prince, he is naturally not a big talker, and after so many years of research, it is normal to have a way."

Dugu Bo carried his hands on his back, with a hint of confidence.

"Hope, so my dad will survive."

Dugu Yan squeezed his palm, slightly nervous.

Upon hearing this, Dugu Bo sighed.

The martial spirit of their family is very powerful, and it can be said to be the world's most poisonous martial spirit.

But being strong also brought problems, the poison of Wuhun was so terrible that they couldn't stop it themselves.

The more powerful they are, the deeper they are poisoned, and they sound a little ridiculous.

People use time to improve their strength, and their family takes fate.

Only one knows the suffering.

"he came!"

A green light flashed in Dugu Bo's eyes, and his eyes fell on Luo Chuan who was approaching quickly in the distance.Qingqing Novel

I haven't seen it for a long time, and Dugu Bo noticed that this person has changed a lot.

Not only appearance and height, but also temperament and strength.

"How do you feel his strength, more than just the surface."

Dugubo was surprised.

Luo Chuan was very fast, turned into an influence, and quickly gathered with the two.

"team leader."

Dugu Yan shouted.

Luochuan nodded slightly and saluted Dugu Bo: "Senior."

"His Royal Highness, you don't have to be polite, the old man is very concerned about this matter, please get into the subject directly."

Dugu Bo solemnly looked at the energetic Luo Chuan: "Poison, is there an antidote?"

He had always hoped to cooperate with Luochuan to find the antidote, and for this he devoted himself to the poisonous powers.


Luo Chuan uttered a word, concise and concise.

Both grandparents' eyes lit up, and the excitement was beyond words.

"His Royal Highness, please come in!"

Dugu Bo was polite.

This is not against Luochuan's identity, but the lives of himself and his relatives!

"Let’s talk about my solution first. The first is to help you remove the toxins accumulated in your body and treat the symptoms first. Second, you must have a soul bone that can absorb and store new toxins in the future. This is a permanent cure."

Luo Chuan didn't hide it either, and directly said the way.

"Store toxins with soul bones!"

Dugubo's eyes lit up, why didn't he think of this way.


He slapped his palm: "The old man just thought about how to detoxify, but he didn't think in this direction."

Dugu Bo patted his head and suddenly realized.

"You have to get rid of the toxins in your body first, otherwise it will be useless."

Luo Chuan shook his head. The poison of this Dugu family was already like a tarsus maggot. If the poison invaded the body was not solved, it would die.

"What do you need to detoxify, just say, the old man will do his best to prepare."

Dugu Bo was a little impatient.

"I need top-notch medicinal materials so that we can dissolve the top toxins in your body."

Luo Chuan said that he couldn't directly say Binghuo Yiyan, so he had to ask the other party to invite him over.

"Top medicinal materials..."

Dugu Bo thought for a while, his eyes brightened and said: "Your Highness, please come with the old man, there must be suitable materials there."

Luo Chuan nodded and followed behind.

Knowing that Luochuan is a swan spirit, Dugu Bosuo flew up with his granddaughter, and soon came to a forest.

This is the sunset forest, which is much smaller than the Star Dou Great Forest, and the spirit beast's level is far from it.

As a result, Dugu Bo occupied a site here.

In the forest, there is a hill, which is in the shape of an inverted cone, with fog and a smell of sulfur drifting out.

"This is the old man's secret medicine garden, and I will come here for practice."

Dugu Bo gave a brief introduction and then flew into it.

After passing through a layer of fog, the three of Luochuan came to a depression where there were many medicinal materials, and in the center was a hot spring.

However, the hot springs here are quite special. The water presents two colors, one red and the other white, and the temperature is completely opposite.

Therefore, where the two hot springs meet, the huge temperature difference forms a mist that envelopes the sky upward.

"The environment here is special, it can suppress the old man's poison, but it can only be suppressed. I hope that your Highness can find a solution."

Dugu Bo tells his situation.

"With the medicinal materials here, you should be able to find the antidote soon. Let me help Dugu Goose solve the accumulation of toxins. It is easier for her to solve it."

Luo Chuan said confidently.

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