Endless Fusion of Douluo

Chapter 166 Enjoying the Benefits of Ice and Fire

You can search for "Dou Luo Zhi Endless Fusion Search Novel (www.soxscc.com)" in Baidu to find the latest chapter!"However, the environment here is weird. You can't stay here long."

Dugu Bo looked worried.

"I have a way to solve this problem. You don't need to stay here, you don't need to stay here, just give me some of your green scale snake venom."

Luo Chuan stretched out his hand.

"Just give it to you? No need to install anything?"

Dugu Goose hesitated: "My poison is very fierce, you will be poisoned."

"It's okay, I have studied a lot of poisons, and your poison is not enough to poison me, so let's have more.

Luo Chuan smiled slightly, and then he needed to adapt to the snake venom of Dugu's house so that he could solve it perfectly.

"You can give it to Yanyan, grandpa is here, nothing can happen."

Dugu Bo guarantees.

He glanced at Luo Chuan slightly unexpectedly, daring to speak like this, he was really sure about it.

"Be careful, if you are poisoned, tell me immediately, I will give you the antidote."

Seeing Luochuan's insistence, Dugu Goose didn't refuse any more, and immediately urged his martial soul to condense the green poison into a drop of liquid.

This is formed by the extreme strong venom of the green scale snake. It is no longer a flow of air at all. It does not seem to be much, but any trace of it will cause human death.

The emerald green venom was like a gem, after condensing it, it slowly fell into Luochuan's hands.

Luo Chuan's palm suddenly appeared jade-colored light, becoming like cold jade, calmly receiving the drop of venom.

"Hey, there is really nothing wrong with you, Captain, you are so amazing."

The lone goose marveled.

Her poison, even if the strength is one or two levels higher than her, can't hold it, or the degree of poison gas, if it is venom, the power will be even more terrifying.

"Little meaning."

Luo Chuan smiled faintly, not to mention that this mysterious jade hand is not invaded by poisons, even his own physique is already a body of ten thousand poisons, enough to digest this thing.

Dugu Bo couldn't help but glanced high, not afraid of his granddaughter's poison, and he was sure to solve it if he wanted to.

He was a little excited: "His Royal Highness, you can use the medicinal materials here. If it is not enough, I can find it for you from outside."

"Okay, give me a quiet environment next, I need some time."

Luo Chuan said the request and looked at the eyes of Binghuo and Yiyi, slightly fiery.

"Okay, the old man is outside. If you need anything, just shout out loud."

Dugu Bo did not ask much, and immediately left with his granddaughter.

Luo Chuan came to Binghuo Liangyi, and two extreme forces quickly enveloped him.

The power here is one yin and one yang, corresponding to extreme cold and extreme heat. Ordinary people may explode and die if they stay here for a while.

His physique is so strong that it will not be affected, and at the same time he can benefit from it.

The combination of extreme cold and extreme heat is like forging weapons and tempering his body.

He grinned, the advantage here is his.

"Such a treasure, but Dugu Bo used it to suppress his own poison, which is a bit violent."

I thought to myself that Luo Chuan felt a little pity.

He first checked the natural treasures that grew up around him, one by one, they grew lush and vigorous.

It can be called this paradise. The unique topography gives birth to rare medicinal materials, and the age is very high.Novel 3800 www.xs3800.com

In the polar regions, medicinal materials with corresponding properties grow, and this is impossible outside.

"Youxiang Qiluo, Cinnabar Lotus, Snow Cocoon..."

Luo Chuan recognized a variety of precious medicinal materials, among which were various rare medicinal materials that reached immortal products.

After spending a while and scanning the nearby medicinal materials, he immediately learned the same as Tang San, and directly took the octagonal black ice grass and the burning apricot at the same time.

After eating it, the fairy grass quickly released its power in his body.

First, a circle of ice-blue light emerged from him, and the cold breath caused the surrounding temperature to plummet.

However, it didn't drop much, and there was another tit-for-tat fiery red energy gushing out, and the whole person felt like a fever, as if there was a flame about to burn.

The two forces are antagonizing each other, no one can have the upper hand, maintaining a strange balance.

They used Luo Chuan's body as the battlefield to fight against each other, even though his body strength was comparable to Title Douluo, it was a bit painful for a while.

"A wave of physical fitness is improved for free. You can't miss it. Continue to use the ice and fire to make the intraocular pressure to further absorb it."

Luo Chuan thought to himself, walked towards the center area, took off his clothes and jumped in.

If the eyes of the two instruments of ice and fire are the big environment, the two medicinal powers in Luochuan's body form a similar small environment. The internal and external environments are similar, which can assist in absorbing the medicinal power and further temper the body.

This is called the Ice and Fire Alchemy Body!

With the same environment and medicinal materials, Tang San, under the same conditions of his strength, was more than ten times stronger, and the benefits he gained from it were also great.

Luo Chuan, who was in the eyes of Binghuo Liangyi, the red and blue light on his body flashed rapidly, forming a unique rhythm.

When the aura in the body stabilized, Luo Chuan directly operated Xuan Tian Gong.

The yin and yang qi in his body moved in accordance with his mind, and it revolved constantly.

Every time it turns, the yin and yang two qi becomes stronger by one point, and it quickly affects the outside, causing the eyes of ice and fire to fluctuate.

The red and blue rays became brighter and brighter, turning into a unique pattern similar to the Tai Chi picture and spinning around him.

In the Taiji diagram, the yin and yang are like a dragon, hovering constantly, driving a burst of noise, like a dragon chanting.

The entire ice and fire eyes fluctuated violently with him as the center, and a large amount of heaven and earth aura was injected into his body, making the physical strength crazy.

If you look at the system panel, you can find that Luochuan's physical attributes are greatly improving, and every quarter of an hour is hundreds of points, which means that his physical fitness is rapidly increasing.

Not only is the physique strong, the ultimate yin and yang two qi in the body gradually become harmonious.

Just before swallowing the two immortal medicines, the yin and yang two qi could be said to be completely antagonizing. At this moment, under his powerful strength, he also controls the yin and yang two qi.


Dugu Bo couldn't help but glanced high, not afraid of his granddaughter's poison, and he was sure to solve it if he wanted to.

He was a little excited: "His Royal Highness, you can use the medicinal materials here. If it is not enough, I can find it for you from outside."

"Okay, give me a quiet environment next, I need some time."

Luo Chuan said the request and looked at the eyes of Binghuo and Yiyi, slightly fiery.

"Okay, the old man is outside. If you need anything, just shout out loud."

Dugu Bo did not ask much, and immediately left with his granddaughter.

Luo Chuan came to Binghuo Liangyi, and two extreme forces quickly enveloped him.

The power here is one yin and one yang, corresponding to extreme cold and extreme heat. Ordinary people may explode and die if they stay here for a while.

His physique is so strong that it will not be affected, and at the same time he can benefit from it.

The combination of extreme cold and extreme heat is like forging weapons and tempering his body.

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