Endless Fusion of Douluo

Chapter 167 Detoxification

You can search for "Dou Luo Zhi Endless Fusion Search Novel (www.soxscc.com)" in Baidu to find the latest chapter!He knew there were some special medicinal materials in it, but he didn't dare to move it at will.

"It seems that the poisonous power of this prince has far surpassed the old man."

Dugu Bo had to admit that he couldn't compare to this junior.

"Grandpa, let's just ask, to avoid accidents."

Dugu Goose is really afraid that Luochuan will die here.

"Well, let me call out to see."

Dugu Bo thought for a while, his lips moved slightly: "Your Highness, are you okay?"

"It's okay."

Hearing the reply, Dugu Yan breathed a sigh of relief.

In the eyes of both ice and fire.

The power of heaven and earth was attracted more and more, forming a whirlpool to inject into Luochuan's body.

After removing the power of heaven and earth, as well as the vitality of surrounding plants, Luochuan swallowed them together.

His body continued to strengthen in this process.

time flies.

Half a day passed.

In the eyes of both ice and fire.

Compared to Tang San who was unconscious after taking the immortal medicine, Luo Chuan remained awake.

So the benefits are even greater.

At this moment, his body and body are filled with red and white light, water and milk blending, like two swimming fish hovering, guarding him in the center.

This is the power of his mysterious arts.

I don't know why, after cultivating here for most of the day, Xuan Tian Gong has changed.

He incorporated the yin and yang two qi of the eyes of ice and fire into the profound heaven art, causing his own power attributes to transform.

Moreover, after absorbing a large amount of yin and yang two qi, not only the Xuan Tian Gong changed, but the physique also became stronger, water and fire did not invade.

The key is that he has become a small two-eyed eye.

"I didn't expect a surprise, which I didn't expect before."

Luo Chuan opened his eyes, the light in his eyes flickered.

He raised his palm, and the power of Xuan Tian Gong contained different attributes, with red and white light flowing, which looked quite magical.

Take another look at the system panel.


Spirit: 6045.2 +

Physique: 10384.9 +


The pupil shrank.

Physical fitness has nearly doubled!

This data is comparable to a titled Douluo in the defensive category!

It was a little bit beyond expectations.

"With the current physical strength, even if you don't use Martial Spirit, you can't even think of hurting me under Contra."

Luo Chuan muttered.

Physical fitness is the foundation of a soul master.

The stronger the soul master, the stronger the physique, and the stronger the physique, the easier it will be to improve.


Jumping out of the hot spring naked, Luochuan landed on the shore lightly.

Putting on his clothes, he began to look carefully at the herbs here.

The physique adapted to the environment of this place, and he was invaded by all kinds of poison, and the poison here could no longer affect him.

"Just pick a suitable medicinal plant for each of them, and keep the others here."

Instead of harvesting everything like Tang San did, Luo Chuan only picked what he needed.

After doing this, he flipped his palm and took out the venom of the lone goose.


He meditated in his heart.

With some energy consumption, the snake venom immediately merged into the martial soul.

The Biphos Venom was immediately under his control.

The secret is also revealed.

Based on these knowledge, he picked some medicinal materials and began to make antidote.

Another half day passed.

In the morning of the next day, Luo Chuan had a qualified antidote in his hands.

He exhaled and looked at the eyes of Bing and Huo.

"There are the souls of the Ice Dragon King and the Fire Dragon King. There is a chance to find a pangolin and go down to have a look."

The Ice Dragon King and the Fire Dragon King are two of the nine dragon kings, second only to the Dragon God, and their strength is comparable to the gods!Tianping Novel Network www.xstpw.com

After the two fell, the escaping energy naturally formed this treasure.

The most important one is the Dragon Soul!

This is what he wants.

A pair of dragon souls who were comparable to gods before alive, as long as they recover, he is equivalent to two more god-level helpers!

Wait two days for the matter to be processed.

Without waiting, he took the antidote and went outside.

"How's it going?"

When Dugu Goose saw it, he immediately asked.

They waited for a day, hoping to hear good news.

"It's done, Yanyan, sit down and I will detoxify you."

Luo Chuan pointed to the ground, flipped his palm, and took out a bottle.

"Drink it."

Dugu Goose took it, and after opening it, it was found that it was a kind of liquid medicine with a faint fragrance.

Without hesitation, she raised her head and drank it.


Dugu Yan commented.

Then her complexion changed, and wisps of ink-colored air flow flowed out of her body.

Dugubo on one side was surprised: "Is this detoxification?"

"Well, the liquid medicine just now can force out the toxins invading her body."

Luo Chuan nodded, and then grabbed it with a big hand. The dark green poisonous gas was attracted by a force and gathered towards the palm of her hand.

"I... I'm so hot."

Dugu Yan's face flushed: "It seems that the body is about to explode."

"It's okay, hold on, and when some toxins are forced out, it will be easier."

Luo Chuan pressed his palm on the shoulder of the Dugu Goose, and with a thought, he directly controlled the toxins from his body to accelerate the flow out.

"Captain, aren't you afraid of being poisoned?"

Dugu Yan saw that Luo Chuan directly absorbed her poison, his expression was shocked.

"I have long been invincible. I asked for your poison yesterday to become familiar with this new poison. Now your poison can no longer poison me."

Luo Chuan said flatly.

"It's amazing. The old man doesn't know how to get along with his poison, but you can control it. It's amazing."

Dugu Bo showed admiration.

He admitted that he can't compare to Luochuan when it comes to poison.

"Poisons also reinforce each other, just like the unique hot springs here can balance yin and yang. For poison, if a solution is found, it will not be difficult to solve it."

Luo Chuan said lightly.

"The posterity is terrible."

Dugu Bo sighed.

He felt like he really watched it.

Next, Grandpa Dugu Yan saw an incredible scene.

Luo Chuan absorbed all the poison directly!


The poison that is tricky for them is very well-behaved in Luochuan's hands.

They all suspect that this poison belongs to Luochuan's family, not theirs.

Otherwise, why tortured them, yet so obedient here in Luochuan?

After half an hour.

"Okay, most of the body's body has been resolved, and it will take a few more days to clear it all."

Luo Chuan released his hand and said: "Now you can find a soul bone to absorb, and all the poison in the body will be forced into the soul bone in the future. Not only can it solve the problem of snake venom harming the body, but it can also add a certain amount of toxicity to the soul bone skill."

"It's that simple?"

The lone goose is still a little trance.

In such a short time, it seems to solve the problems their family has faced for decades.

"Could you still want to make it complicated?"

Luochuan was speechless.

Dugu Yan smiled, jokingly said: "Understood, thank you captain, if it weren't for me to have a boyfriend, I would definitely agree."

"Huh? Do you have a boyfriend?"

Dugu Bo's ear moved, "You girl is still so small, and you are actually talking about love. The old man only did this kind of thing in his 20s!"

"Captain, you can show Grandpa quickly, I'll bring Dad over."

Knowing that he had said the wrong thing, Dugu Goose stuck out his tongue, turned and ran away.


Ps: Dugu Goose's father was added, because according to the original description, most of them were poisoned to death by their own martial arts, so don't worry about whether they are dead or not.

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