Endless Fusion of Douluo

Chapter 169 Blood Pupil Transformation

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"I'll take a rest, and then I will detoxify you. Yanyan, you can take your father back to recuperate for a few days. His health is too bad.

After Luo Chuan finished speaking, he turned to enter the eyes of the Ice and Fire.

Dugubo glanced at his son, checked his body, and sighed: "Let's go, go back."

With mixed feelings, three generations left the eyes of ice and fire.

Luochuan continued to jump into the hot spring to practice.

The yin and yang air flowed around him, quite strange.

After Dugubo and the others left, Luochuan practiced for a while, then suddenly opened his eyes.

The blood purple light in the eyes is like two rounds of the sun.

He raised his hand and took out a medicinal plant.

This is a green herb with three snow-white leaves in the center with a few drops of clear dew hanging on it.

Look through the autumn water!

This kind of immortal medicine and food can be used to train the eyes and see through the world.

For cultivating the purple magic pupil, it is of great help.

In particular, Luochuan has blood pupils, which is expected to have a greater effect.

He lifted up and looked through the autumn dew, shaking the dew in it, and swallowing it in one mouthful.

The green liquid in his hand lost its essence, immediately withered and turned into fly ash.

Closing his eyes again, Luo Chuan fully absorbed the medicine of Wang Chuan Qiu Shui Lu.

Strands of red golden light emerged, converging to his eyes.

He only felt a chill in his eyes, like being soaked in ice dew, which was particularly comfortable.

The original blood pupil martial soul slowly emerged, turning into a pair of phantoms, with golden light flowing in it.

The bloody martial soul with eyes is now a little more sacred, and the original bloody light is also blended into the scarlet golden light and turned into scarlet gold.

At this moment, a stream of purple air flowed into the pupil again, continuing to merge.

Originally, purple and blood are very similar. Usually when the power of the purple magic pupil and the power of the blood pupil are activated, it is the color between purple blood.

Now, the power of the purple magic pupil is also integrated into the blood pupil under the influence of Wang Chuanqiu Shui Lu.

This is the pupil that has just turned into red gold, and gradually turns into the color of purple gold.

Such a transformation has caused a great change in the original blood pupil, with a little less bloody meaning, and a somewhat more mysterious and noble feeling.

He opened his eyes, two purple and golden rays of light shot out, like a sharp sword breaking through the air.

His eyes are extremely comfortable, and the world in front of him has become clearer again, which means that his pupil power has improved again.

With his gaze swept away, the original hot spring suddenly became transparent, and he saw the depths at a glance.


Luo Chuan was stunned for a moment.

He looked around and found that he could see not only the hot springs but also the mud.

At this moment, it is not an exaggeration to say that these eyes are fiery eyes.

"Not only did my purple magic pupil break through to the final level of the vast realm, but the quality of the blood pupil martial soul has actually improved, which is indeed an elixir!"

Luo Chuan muttered, a smile appeared on his face.

This blood pupil martial soul itself is not much top-notch, and it is quite inferior to martial souls such as Seraphim and Golden Sacred Dragon.

Now, with the help of Wang Chuan Qiu Shui Lu, he transformed and improved, and then merged with Dacheng's purple magic pupils. He was sure that the quality of these blood pupils was no less than the top martial spirit.

At least, among the pupil-type martial souls, it is definitely the top!

He urged the martial soul, and suddenly a powerful spiritual realm spread.

Compared with the original spiritual realm, it has expanded several times at this moment, which also means that the power of his blood pupil martial soul has also increased a lot.

"It's so worth it, I have a blood pupil martial spirit more suitable to eat this fairy grass than Tang San!"

Luo Chuan sighed secretly, taking back his strength with joy.Feiyang Novel www.fytxt.com

He took out the mirror and glanced at himself.

On the unusually handsome face, the blood-colored pupils turned into purple gold.

The pupil color has not changed too much, after all, purple and blood are very close.

However, the extra gold in his pupils turned his temperament from bloodthirsty into a demon, with a devilish nature.

Simply put, he has gone from a murderous executioner to a demon with noble spirit.

"Not bad, it seems a lot more handsome."

Luo Chuan grinned, and immediately moved the disguise of the soul bone, his eyes quickly turned into normal colors.

Putting away the mirror, he drew on the gourd, preparing to make multiple antidote liquids in one go.

After assisting Dugu Bo to force out most of the toxins, he will not take more care. Let the three people take these liquid medicines every day to remove the remaining toxins.

After Dugubo came back again, Luochuan took the medicine solution and walked out.

The lone goose did not come back.

"Yan Yan is taking care of his father."

Dugu Bo explained.

Luo Chuan didn't ask much, and said, "Poison Douluo, shall we begin?"

The latter recognizes him as the master, so he doesn't need to call senior, and directly calls the title.

"Trouble your highness."

Dugu Bo knew what Luochuan was going to do, so he drank Luochuan's liquid medicine first, and then cooperated with Luochuan to force the poison.

The more terrifying snake venom was forced out, and this time Luo Chuan was also struggling to deal with it.

Fortunately, he had merged the poison of Dugu Bo in advance, and there was no accident.

After a large amount of poison gas was forced out, Luo Chuan took out a few bottles.

"Hold these medicinal liquids. You can drink one bottle every day. You should be able to solve the problem for a month. I will come to configure some after I use it up."

Dugu Bo clasped his fists: "Trouble your Royal Highness."

"It's okay."

Luochuan waved his hand: "The academy's game has already started, I have to go and see, you can continue to detoxify here."

After taking two steps, Luo Chuan said again: "Before removing the toxins, if it is not necessary, do not use Martial Spirit, otherwise new poisons will be added and the time to relieve the poisons will be delayed."

"Old man, remember."

Dugu Bo nodded.

"Oh, also, I picked several medicines from your pharmacy to take them away, and I plan to use them to improve my teammates' strength."

"What's this? Even the old man and the old man are your Royal Highness's people. You can pick the things in the medicine garden as your Royal Highness wants."

Dugu Bo is generous.

"Well, I'm leaving."

Without any nonsense, Luochuan raised a pair of swan wings behind him, waved it gently, and flew towards Tiandou City.

Dugu Bo watched Luo Chuan disappear, his eyes moved immediately.

"His Royal Highness seems to hide his strength, it's not easy."

He muttered, closed his eyes, and continued to remove toxins from his body.

Luo Chuan flew back to Tiandou City in one breath.

The qualifiers for the All-Continent Advanced Soul Master Academy have begun, and many people have come to watch the game in Tiandou City, which seems to be more lively than usual.

The match point of the Tiandou Empire is in the Great Fighting Soul Arena of Tiandou City, and now the qualifiers have begun.

It was delayed for several days in the sunset forest. When Luo Chuan came over, the game had already gone on for several times.

With a sweep of his eyes, he easily found his team and walked over quickly.

Oslo was leaning on his chair to rest and saw Luo Chuan coming over. Because of speechlessness, he said, "Boss, you are finally here. Our qualifiers are almost over. I thought you were not coming."

Slightly embarrassed, Luo Chuan said embarrassedly: "There are some important things to be resolved, and it is related to whether you can improve a lot in a short time."

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