Endless Fusion of Douluo

Chapter 170: Being an emperor seems pretty good

You can search for "Dou Luo Zhi Endless Fusion Search Novel (www.soxscc.com)" in Baidu to find the latest chapter!"Could it be a baby?"

Yu Feng's head suddenly appeared from under the chair, his eyes glowing.

Luo Chuan mentioned this before, and Luo Chuan himself also improved a lot by eating baby.

He is naturally very caring.

"Yes, I specially went to find some big babies for you. After eating, it is not difficult to make rapid progress."

Luochuan smiled.

Since he went to the Eye of the Ice and Fire, he would naturally bring some fairy medicine back.

"Where, let us see."

Xiong Zhenglin rushed over in a slip of smoke.

"What's the hurry, today's game hasn't been completed yet, wait until it's over."

Luo Chuan glared at this guy.

"Boss, where is Yanyan, didn't she come back with you?"

Yu Tianheng's eyes rolled behind Luochuan, and he was slightly disappointed that he did not see his dreaming goddess.

He asked before that Yanyan seemed to have done something important with the captain.

"She should be able to come over soon. I have worked hard for you these two days. I can play for me in the next game."

Luo Chuan knew that Dugu Goose was still taking care of his father, and even if it came, it was not suitable for a short time to use the martial spirit, so it was the same whether it came or not.

"You really need to play. Our opponents are a bit strong this round."

Qin Ming came over, "However, you can also give up. After all, this is only a qualifier. You can enter the top five points, depending on whether you want to play a game."

"I do not mind."

Luo Chuan shrugged.

He is not a militant person, no matter how he chooses, as long as he can enter the promotion tournament in the end.

"Teacher, which college is our opponent this time?"

Yu Tianheng asked.

"Thunder Academy."

The master walked over and said: "This academy is now strong enough to rank in the top five, and it is better than us on the bright side."

Yu Tianheng looked strange.

Thunder Academy is the academy secretly supported by their Blue Lightning Tyrant Dragon Sect. They did not expect to encounter it in the qualifiers.

Many people in this college are the children of the collateral family, although they are collateral, but their strength will not be weak.

Generally speaking, their age is much younger, and there is indeed a certain gap.

"I don't want to hide, just look at you."

Yu Tianheng spoke.

He is in the main family, and it is impossible to avoid him when encountering collateral children, but he will not force his teammates.

"I heard that the Thunder Academy is one of the five element academies. It is taking an extreme route. I also want to see it."

Oslo was eager to try.

"Hey, we have to see if they can break through our brother's defense!"

The Shi family brothers are also high-spirited.

None of the others flinched, they had been used to fighting frequently in the past three years.

The stronger the opponent, the more interested they are, because this helps stimulate their potential and forces them to improve faster.

"Since you want to fight, I will tell you about their situation."

"The academy's team has two members above level 40, one more than us.

At the same time, they are all power attack type spirit masters, and you must block their first wave of attacks."

Yufeng's eyes widened: "All attack? No support?"


The master shook his head: "Today, the Five Element Colleges all take extreme routes. This road has great flaws, but also has great advantages!" Biquge www.dzshuo.com

"If you can't stop the continuous assault, you are basically defeated."

Luochuan heard it, thoughtful.

What he knew was that in the next competition, in the Five Element Academy, except for the Elephant Academy, the other four academies made changes.

Today this year, it is still a pure extreme lineup.

Against this kind of team, the cracking method is very simple. As long as you resist the offense or break the defense, you have a great chance of winning.

"I'm going to agree to the battle, you guys prepare for it, and you will be playing soon."

Qin Ming said a word and strode towards the staff.

The master continued: "After Luochuan joined this time, Oslo and Ye Lingling will rest, and the other seven will play."

"Ah, don't you want to help?"

Ye Lingling was stunned.

"They are all power attack type spirit masters. If they all attack you, they will inevitably disrupt the team's formation and allow others to be distracted to protect you. It is easy for them to become deadlocked or defeated individually.

Moreover, even without you, the seven of them are both offensive and defensive and have a great advantage."

The master briefly explained, and then said: "Yufeng and Luochuan are both flying spirits. Attacking from the sky is more flexible, but they also have flying spirits..."

Masters like several Jiazhen, briefed Luochuan and others, and provided tactical guidance.

I have to say that being able to become the honorary elder of the Martial Soul Hall was evaluated by the suzerain of the Seven Treasure Glazed Glass Sect as'the master who wins the world'. The master is indeed excellent in theory.

After a brief introduction, Luo Chuan and others not only knew the opponent's situation, but also had a clear idea of ​​how to fight.

When the master had almost said, Qin Ming walked back.

"The game is about to start, let's play."

Behind him, two staff in charge of the game followed and led Luochuan and the others to the venue.

They walked through a passage, stepped on a row of steps, and came to a vast arena.

A beam of light fell on them in the distance, and the host also announced who the two sides are fighting here.

Hearing that the deputy team of the Tiandou Royal Academy played against the Thunder Academy, one of the Five Element Academy, the audience suddenly boiled over.

"Both teams are very strong."

"Team Thunder should be stronger, and it will definitely be able to rank in the top three. This time the Royal Academy's deputy team seems to have not even a soul sect, which is a lot worse."

"It's hard to say that both academies are now winning, it depends on who is better."

Many viewers talked about it, and some young girls cheered for their favorite team.

"It's so lively."

Luochuan couldn't help but sigh when he saw such a grand scene for the first time.

"Boss, don't be nervous, no matter how loud the audience is, it has nothing to do with us."

Yu Tianheng laughed strangely.

"Cut, I won't be scared by this scene."

Luo Chuan curled his lips and glanced at the audience.

It can be said that there is a sea of ​​people, densely packed heads, all looking eagerly on the stage.

As a competition that only takes place in five years, there is no doubt that the Continental Advanced Soul Master Academy Competition is the most appealing and influential competition in the world!

These audiences may be even more excited than their participation.

Luochuan enjoys this much-anticipated feeling.

Suddenly, his eyes fell on a position where the audience was very small.

This is the VIP seat.

People sitting in rows are people of noble status, but in the first row are naturally the three highest-ranking people.

The most central thing is his cheap father Xueye the Great. Compared to what he usually sees, this great emperor is now wearing a golden-red robe and a crown of golden diamonds on his head. He is not angry or majestic, and just sits there. There is a sense of domination.

This is the first person in the empire, one of the most powerful people in Douluo Continent today.

"It seems pretty good to be an emperor."

Luo Chuan thought to himself, continue to observe the other two not low-ranking people.

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