You can search for "Dou Luo Zhi Endless Fusion Search Novel (" in Baidu to find the latest chapter!On the left is an old man with a thin body, wearing a big red robe, a white gold crown with pentagons on his head, and narrowing his eyes. He is looking at him at the moment.

Platinum Bishop!

The status is second only to the Pope, and he is the master of the Heaven Dou City Spirit Temple, and his strength is naturally not low.

Seeing the other person looking at him, Luo Chuan nodded slightly, then glanced at the person on the right.

This person is much younger, wearing a purple gold crown of seven treasures, a white robe, and a slender figure, as abundant as jade.

Without thinking about it, he also guessed that this was Ning Fengzhi, the lord of the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile School.

As one of the three sects who clearly supported the Tiandou Empire, Ning Fengzhi was qualified to sit here.

Even if its repair is not comparable to the other two.

Ning Fengzhi noticed that Luo Chuan was watching him, and took the initiative to smile at him.

Luo Chuan didn't panic, smiled back, then retracted his gaze and continued with his own affairs.

"Your Majesty, I didn't expect the prince to also compete."

Ning Fengzhi said with great interest.

"Hehe, children like to mess around. He is a prince. Let him go and make trouble for a while. If he is older, he won't let him do this."

Xue Ye said with a smile.

"It seems that His Royal Highness is very interested in cultivation, and maybe he can be surpassed by his highness in the future."

Ning Fengzhi said with admiration.

He has already seen that Luo Chuan's cultivation base has exceeded the forty level, and he is more than forty in his early 15s, and he is completely considered a top genius.

"This kid does have some talent in cultivation, and I was quite surprised."

Xue Ye looked at Luo Chuan in surprise, and before she knew it, this kid had become a soul sect.

Even he was far behind.

A look of expectation appeared in his eyes.

If this son can break through the Soul Douluo and surpass him to become a Title Douluo, combined with the power of hidden weapons, there is a great chance that the Heaven Dou Empire will become stronger again!

"No wonder it's really good to let the elders marry your royal family."

The platinum bishop on one side said lightly.

He was very puzzled at the moment, and he didn't understand why the above suddenly changed his attitude towards the Heaven Dou Empire, and he wanted to marry him.

In his opinion, this prince has a good talent, but it shouldn't be the reason for the above change of attitude.

Because of this change, his attitude towards the Heaven Dou Empire had to be much more kind.

His eyes fell on Luo Chuan.

Today I have to see what is special about this person.

On stage.

Seven people on each side stood on the ring, facing each other.

Most of the people on the opposite side are in their twenties, much older, even close to twenty-five.

Twenty-five years old is the limit of qualifications for the Mainland Advanced Soul Master Academy Competition.

If there are twenty-four years old, they can naturally participate in this competition.

They are nearly ten years older, which means they have practiced for another ten years.

Even if the talent is not as good as Yu Tianheng and others, but after so many years of cultivation, even if you upgrade to 1 level a year, you can get a big advantage.

Therefore, in this team, there are three people above the forty level, and they have not just become Soul Sect.

"Game start!"

As the referee announced, all fourteen people present released Wuhun.

For a time, all colors flickered.

The enthusiasm of the audience was completely ignited.

The two top academies played against each other. This was the first time before the start of the qualifiers.

They are naturally concerned.

The Martial Spirit of the opposing captain was a thunder carving, tall and condescendingly looking at the immature opponents opposite.

"If it's your seed team, we might still be jealous, but it's just a sub-team, also worthy to fight with us?" PhD Novel Network

He didn't know the identity of Luochuan, otherwise he wouldn't be so arrogant.

"It's useless to talk more, do it."

Luochuan said coldly.

The seven people on the opposite side are basically Martial Spirits of the Assault System, which are eagles, apes, wolves, and lizards.

He did not choose to do it first.

It's very simple, the opposite is all spirit masters of the offensive system.

When they take the initiative, they are giving opportunities.

On the contrary, they must defend as much as possible and wear off the other's spirit first.

"Yu Tianheng, I will deal with this flying soul sect, the one on the ground will give it to you, brother Shi Family, you will contain another soul sect."

Luochuan arranged.

What he revealed at this moment was level 41, Yu Tian always had a soul bone, and after the outbreak, he would not be weaker than the soul sect.

Of course, the two soul sects on the opposite side should be resolved by them.

And the Shi Family brothers who are good at defense, it is not difficult to jointly deal with a Soul Sect and a Soul Venerable.

"Can you stop it?"

Thunder Academy and the captain smiled coldly, and rushed out first.

He turned into a large black eagle, with wings stretched out by more than one foot, and the power of white thunder filled his body, his hands turned into sharp claws, leading the charge.

Yufeng's face changed slightly.

Under this kind of attack, even if he was also a flying martial spirit, it felt difficult to stop him.

Luochuan turned into a white light, collided with the flying thunder eagle, and then quickly separated.


Lei Diao withdrew out of control, his arms numb, and looked at Luo Chuan unscathed in surprise.

He can't suppress a swan?Was shaken back!

Shouldn't he have the advantage?


The other 45th-level Thunder Ape on the ground also jumped up from the ground, his hair upside down, making him much taller, and he rushed over with fierce momentum.

"Your opponent is me!"

Yu Tianheng's muscles swelled, and the first soul ability Thunder Dragon Claw slapped Lei Yuan.


The blue electric light collided with the white thunder, and both of them went backwards.

Yu Tianheng retreated a bit more, but was not injured, and rushed up again with an angry shout.


In the harsh crackling sound, the power of his thunder skyrocketed, his attack power doubled, and he collided with his opponent.

The latter found that he could not suppress Yu Tianheng, and even felt that his martial soul was a bit coerced, and couldn't help being surprised by the power of the Blue Electric Tyrannosaurus.

The others moved too.

Xiong Zhenglin, Chris and Yu Tianheng were similar, and collided with their opponents.

Their spirits are relatively poor, but as people who have experienced many battles, they fought and retreated, and were not taken down.

In particular, the two martial spirits are both power-type, and it is difficult to fall down even after a short period of loss.

Brother Shi family carried a huge tortoise shell on their backs, leaning against each other, and directly blocked the frontal collision of the two people, including a soul sect.

Yufeng waved his wings instead of taking the opponent's attack head-on, but avoided as much as possible to consume the opponent's soul power.

All the seven have used the ghost trail, occasionally avoiding attacks, unknowingly making the opponent's consumption much greater than them.

"How can I not get it!"

The captain of the Thunder Academy team couldn't accept this result.

They have three soul sects, and the other four are all close to the forty level. It stands to reason that they should be destroyed?

Luo Chuan raised the corners of his mouth when he saw the surprise in this guy's eyes.

Although his teammates' cultivation base is low, they are very resistant to pressure, and there is no problem even if they are at a higher level.

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