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What is certain is that his teammates now have the most actual combat among the ranks of the Senior Soul Master Academy in the entire continent.

Even if they face opponents whose cultivation base is higher than their own, they can deal with it calmly, instead of being taken directly, they have back and forth.

Such strong resilience made the audience admire, and at the same time made the Thunder Academy feel uneasy.

"Everyone, work harder and make a quick decision!"

The captain of Thunder Academy screamed, and the fourth spirit ring on his body lit up.

He flew in the air, the power of thunder on his wings was released, and turned into a big eagle purely condensed by thunder!

Amid the piercing birdsong, he waved vigorously, without attacking Luochuan, but slammed it at Brother Shijia.

"Want to break the face with a few points, and break them all?"

Luo Chuan watched calmly and reminded: "Dodge for a while."

The Shi family brothers naturally also noticed that someone wanted to sneak attack. When Luo Chuan reminded them, they looked cumbersome and quickly separated.


The big eagle turned into by the power of thunder sticks to the middle of them, hits the ground fiercely, and blasts the ring out of a small pit.


The Thunder Captain who launched the attack widened his eyes and looked at the result in disbelief.

He actually missed it.

To be exact, it was avoided by two stocky turtles!

Is there any mistake, is he a defensive spirit master?

The agile attack type spirit master does not necessarily have this reaction speed, right?

This is a thunder attack!

He really collapsed.


The audience in the audience boiled like boiling water.

"I didn't read it wrong, did I miss this shot?"

"Niu Pi, the two defensive spirit masters actually avoided the attack falling from the sky."

"When did the defense system spirit masters become so flexible, how does this make us agile attack systems live?"

Many viewers couldn't calm down, they had never seen a defensive spirit master so flexible.

This is still a tortoise-like martial spirit, and its movements are naturally slow.


The stupefied Thunder Captain only felt a flower in front of him, and then his jaw hurt sharply and he was hit by a fist.

He circled in the air, turned a few times and fell directly out of the ring.

"You're out."

Luo Chuan fell into the air, looking lightly at the still a little dumbfounded.

In front of him, he was distracted. How could he miss this opportunity?


The captain of the Thunder team had a million words in his mind that he wanted to say.

But in the end he still held back.

My face turned black with suffocation, just like constipation.

His teammates were also dumbfounded.

What happened just now.

The captain was beaten up wrong, and then he was beaten out of the ring?

Shouldn't the plot be like this?

"Resolve other people."

Luo Chuan said coldly, then flashed, appearing ghostly in front of the nearest person.


The fist is in close contact with the opponent's face, even if only the strength of the soul class is used, such a strong punch is enough to vomit blood.

He also wanted to continue struggling, but was caught by Chris, who was fighting against him, and sat down.

Imagine what it feels like to sit on a pig?

Not to mention that this is still a big fat pig.

There was a cracking sound of broken bones, and Luo Chuan was worried that Chris would sit this guy to death.Weishu Bar

"You have no chance, surrender, or everyone will be like him."

Luo Chuan opened his mouth and pointed to the guy who was foaming on the bottom of Chris.

"We admit defeat!"

The other teammates did not speak, but the captain who fell out of the ring spoke first.

Luo Chuan glanced slightly unexpectedly: "You are smart."

"If you continue to fight, there is no chance of winning, and you will be injured. Naturally, there is no need to continue."

The Thunder captain looked at Luo Chuan coldly: "I underestimated you this time. If you encounter the promotion game, I don't believe you can stop it!"

In his opinion, this time he was careless, and he didn't know that these people were so fast that he gave the opportunity.

The promotion game is a single-player battle. How long can you hide?

"Since I can win you once, I can naturally win the second time. Next time, don't be in a daze in front of me and give a chance."

Luo Chuan was expressionless.

With him, who can stop their team from advancing?


The irritation flashed past, and the latter had no face to pull it off, and hurriedly left with his teammates.

There was boos in the audience.

If you don't know it, you think a group of people are peeing.

"This is the end?"

"It's so boring, you actually lost the game in this way, the Thunder Academy teacher is estimated to be angry with you."

The audience's words can only accelerate the pace of the seven members of the Thunder Academy, and finally leave in despair.

"It's boring, I thought it would be deadlocked for a long time."

Yu Tianheng curled his lips, his spirit bones hadn't been used yet, and they were not as fierce as the previous battle.

"Uh, how do I feel that I have already spent a lot of effort."

Yu Feng was a little embarrassed, he felt a bit difficult just now.

"The situation on the battlefield is changing rapidly, and the tyrannical opponents you don't necessarily encounter will fight hard."

Luo Chuan carried his hands on his back: "I will end early today, so let's take you to eat baby later."

The eyes of the few people who were still unfinished suddenly lit up.

On the VIP stage.

Both Ning Fengzhi and Bishop Baijin's faces were slightly solemn.

They saw a lot of depth.

Other viewers thought it was an accident, but they were sure there was a doorway in between.

"The people on this team seem to have a unique style."

Ning Fengzhi touched his chin, looking thoughtful.

He had faintly seen it in other people before.

However, this time even the defense system spirit masters who are not good at speed can reveal these effects.

This completely highlights how powerful it is!

"When did the Royal Academy have such an outstanding physical fitness? This time the title of champion, Wuhun Palace, I am afraid it will not be easy to get."

Ning Fengzhi thought to himself, and glanced at Bishop Baijin, who was also surprised.

After all, flexibility is a very important ability.

The easiest way to use it is to dodge, even if it dodges an attack, it can consume more of the opponent's soul power.

In theory, if you can stay away, you can directly exhaust the opponent's spirit power.

Today's game was just one game. After it was over, Qin Ming led the team back to his residence.

"Today's performance was very good, Luochuan, you seized the opportunity, and the Shi family brothers also used the ghost fans better."

Qin Ming exclaimed: "However, after today, other teams will probably pay attention to our ghost fans. Everyone should be careful not to be targeted."

"Except for the Control Department, who can target the ghost fans? I guess only the finals will be in trouble. After all, the Five Elements Academy does not have a control department."

Yu Tianheng said indifferently.

"You should also pay attention to the range attack, after all, the range of the ghost fans is not too big to avoid."

The master added.

Qin Ming nodded and said: "That's it, you guys rest. What baby did you bring Luochuan, show it to the teacher?"

"Fairy grass."

Luo Chuan smiled meaningfully: "I brought Xianpin herbs, which are very rare. Blessed are you all."

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