You can search for "Dou Luo Zhi Endless Fusion Search Novel (" in Baidu to find the latest chapter!"Herbs?"

The master frowned slightly: "Are there any side effects after taking it?"

"If you don't eat more, it's okay, and even if you want to eat more, you don't have that much."

Luo Chuan shook his head, flipped his palm, and took out a chrysanthemum from the soul guide.

This chrysanthemum is hairy, the center stamen is extra long, the petals are purple, and the stamens are golden.

The flowers have no fragrance, they are very delicate and look like works of art.

"What a beautiful chrysanthemum."

As the only girl present, Ye Lingling couldn't help but exclaim.

"It is called Qirong Tongtianju. The effect is to pass the meridians, strengthen the blood, and is suitable for melee soul masters."

Luo Chuan said briefly and threw it directly to Yu Tianheng: "Eat the stamens first, then the petals, not the roots."

"Eating this chrysanthemum, I can also make rapid progress like the boss?"

Yu Tianheng looked expectantly.

"Of course, it's easy for you to break through to level 40. The key is that its medicinal effect can enable you to become the impeccable body of King Kong."

Luo Chuan nodded. The Qirong Tongtian chrysanthemum is the top fairy grass. The main effect is to increase the body strength, but the soul power increase is the second.

"Eat, I will eat it, haha."

Yu Tianheng jumped up happily, holding the fairy grass and ready to swallow dates.

"and many more."

Qin Ming stopped Yu Tianheng and asked, "This fairy grass won't be absorbed for too long, right?"

"No, just eat with confidence."

Luo Chuan smiled, and then looked at Ye Lingling: "What I have prepared for you is a kind of herbal medicine called Eight-petal Immortal Orchid. This immortal grass can consolidate the essence and make up for your slow cultivation as an auxiliary soul master."

Ye Lingling's beautiful eyes were bright.

She is now in the team, with the lowest cultivation base, only level 33, and she feels a little bit behind her.

However, she was an auxiliary soul master after all, and was irreplaceable, so naturally nobody cared.

Luo Chuan took out a jade box, didn't talk nonsense, and said: "Just eat it directly, there is nothing particular about it."

Ye Lingling opened the jade box, a burst of orchid fragrance permeated.

She glanced at Luo Chuan with affection, took the box and absorbed it.

"This girl, I am afraid that there is no misunderstanding, but I have prepared herbs for everyone."

Luo Chuan muttered in his heart, then took out six boxes in one breath and threw them directly to other teammates.

"I'm too lazy to introduce these immortal grasses. They are all for improving soul power. You need to pay attention to individual eating methods..."

Luo Chuan reminded a few that these six herbs are relatively ordinary, and the main effect is to enhance their strength.

He did not take out the Acacia Broken Heart Red, Cockscomb Phoenix Sunflower, Qiluo Tulip and Narcissus Jade Muscle.

The way of eating Acacia Heartbroken is too weird, he doesn't need to let these guys shed blood to recognize the master, but also to test their feelings.

As for the cockscomb and phoenix sunflower, this is a Yang attribute herbal medicine, and there is no suitable Wuhun among several people.

So he is still going to leave it to Ma Hongjun, who can integrate a Phoenix Martial Spirit in the future.

Qi Luo Tulip is similar, he is still very interested in the Nine Treasure Linglong Tower.

These were all prepared for his many spirit positions, after all, there were not many top spirits in Douluo Continent.

The Narcissus Jade Muscle is for Dugu Goose. Among the current teammates, Ye Lingling, Yu Tianheng and Dugu Goose must have the best relationship with him, so naturally there is a difference in treatment.

But the six fairy grasses he gave were not bad, they were all top quality, and they gave birth to plenty of energy in the environment of ice and fire.

After six people were absorbed, it was easy to upgrade to level 40 without mentioning it.

And the lower the cultivation base, the more the upgrade level, so it is not difficult for these teammates to catch up with other top teams.

He looked at the two teachers and said with a smile: "You two also have them. Although they are not as good as what they eat, there are some effects." The latest novel

"We have it too?"

The master showed an unexpected look, where there are so many babies.

"It's not an immortal product, I guess it can improve your cultivation base by one or two levels at most."

Luo Chuan smiled and took out two herbs, one of which was the 9th grade Ganoderma lucidum, which could help him break through the limitations of his talent.

"I'm sorry."

Qin Ming was a little uncomfortable. It was not very good for a teacher to accept gifts from students.

"Eat, it's nothing."

Luo Chuan shook his head.

He is also willing to give herbs. The two teachers have been serving them seriously in recent years. What does it mean to eat a top herb?

The number of this thing in the eyes of Binghuoliangyi is much more than that of Xiancao, he will not be stingy.

"Thank you."

Qin Ming solemnly said.

"Is it a waste to eat? You know it's hard for me to break through level 30 in my life."

The master hesitated.

"Eat, there will be surprises."

Luochuan said meaningfully.

He gave the master the 9th grade Zizhi, mainly because he felt that the master's cultivation level was too low.

This was what he found. Although the Academy didn't dare to say much because of his face, he would definitely laugh at the master's cultivation in private.

After all, even the most common teacher at the Royal Academy is the Soul Sect, and the master is only level 30, which is indeed a lot worse.

The master hesitated, and finally nodded, without rejecting Luo Chuan's kindness.

"You go and get baptized, I am here to protect you."

Luo Chuan walked to the door. Although this was their resting place, they had to avoid being disturbed.

In the end, Qin Ming and Master also ate the herbal medicines and absorbed the medicinal power to improve.

Soon, all kinds of light circulated throughout the lounge.

The blue electric tyrannosaurus gleaming thunderously, exuding a domineering aura, and its aura continues to increase.

The wind chimes circling around in the whirlwind faintly uttered a crisp bird's song, which appeared light and graceful.

Oslo's ghost leopard exudes a faint black aura, a vague aura, and a little unpredictable.

Chris ate the herbs of the Yang attribute, and the flame of the Wuhun lava magic pig burned more and more fierce, like a magma mouth.

The Shi family brothers and Xiong Zhenglin were very quiet, turning into two big black tortoises and a black bear, both of them hibernating, and their spirit power continued to grow stronger.

Of course, the most beautiful one is Ye Lingling's Jiuxin Begonia, which releases pink brilliance and sets it off like a fairy in a flower.

The strongest and weakest aura happened to be the two teachers, the master was not as good as his own student, and Qin Ming's cultivation base was approaching the Soul Emperor.

Excluding him, the martial arts lights of the ten people present intertwined, making the entire lounge become colorful.

The cultivation bases of eight students have improved extremely quickly, but within an hour, most of them have improved by one level.

This kind of speed can be called open hang.

Seeing nothing unusual, Luo Chuan sat cross-legged at the door to guard.

Although someone may not bother you, it is necessary to be prepared.

Their resting place is in a hotel suite.

As a top hotel, this suite is naturally very large, and there are many similar, among which people from various universities live.

Living next to them was Canghui Academy. One of the old men in white clothes suddenly opened his eyes, showing a look of surprise.

"What's the matter, why are there so many breakthrough fluctuations next to it?"

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