Endless Fusion of Douluo

Chapter 175 Let them shock

You can search for "Dou Luo Zhi Endless Fusion Search Novel (www.soxscc.com)" in Baidu to find the latest chapter!The screams spread, Luo Chuan hurriedly formed a realm with mental power to isolate the voice, and it did not affect the people who absorbed the medicine.

In the realm, there was actually nothing on the surface, just an old man twisted his body, screamed again and again, and twisted on the ground in horror, looking like he was about to get rid of something.

The old man's eyes were red and bulging, bloodshot, and he seemed to explode at any time.

It didn't take long for this person to be wet with sweat and limp to the ground, only shaking constantly.

When his spirit was about to collapse, Luo Chuan's skills changed.

The fifth spirit ring of the blood pupil lit up.

Hypnosis skills, activate!

The old man's pupils contracted for an instant, then he was sluggish and stopped screaming.

"What is your name?"


"What are you doing here?"

"Want to see why there are so many breakthrough fluctuations."

Hearing this, Luochuan's mouth twitched.

This guy came to take a look really out of curiosity.

He thought there was something tricky.

"It's a waste to kill directly, and it's easy to attract attention after all in a game."

Luo Chuan touched his chin, and the corner of his mouth showed a playful meaning: "Just keep it as a puppet, maybe I will use it later."

A purple light flashed in his eyes, his eyes changed over the years, and he got up from the ground, turned and jumped out of the window.

After being completely hypnotized, he returned to his room like a walking corpse, and then sat cross-legged to practice.

After a long time, he suddenly shook his whole body and woke up from his cultivation.

He opened his eyes, blood still remaining in his eyes.

After a moment of stunned, he hugged his head and frowned and said, "Why my head hurts so much, I seem to have nightmares?"

The people next door gradually absorbed the medicine and woke up one by one.

They look excited because their cultivation level has improved too much!

The pair all looked at Luochuan, their eyes were fiery and full of gratitude.

Seeing a group of people rushing forward, Luo Chuan hurriedly avoided: "I understand your intentions, so there is no need to express it with actions. Now let's talk about how much you have improved."

Seeing that they couldn't reach Luochuan, several people had to give up and turn their attention to their own cultivation base.

"I have reached level 40!"

Yu Feng was the first to speak excitedly..

He was originally level 35, but this time he was upgraded to level 5 in one breath, which happened to reach level 40.

"Me too, it's incredible."

Oslo looked in a trance, he felt like a dream.

"I'm not only level 40, I should be able to improve a bit."

Yu Tianheng said, he was originally level 37, and he reached the bottleneck when he increased to level 3, but his spirit power exceeded the level of level 40.

"me too."

Chris smiled, he and Yu Tianheng were the same, so he easily reached level 40, and if it weren't for the next spirit ring, he would have improved a little.

"I'm a bit short, only level 39."

Xiong Zhenglin touched his head. He was originally level 34, but this time he was only upgraded to level 5.

"I think I can reach level 40 by practicing for a while."

Graphite said.

Their brother is also at level 39, but not far from level 40.

"I...I'm one level worse than you."

Ye Lingling was a little embarrassed, she still had the lowest cultivation base, only reaching level 38.

"Don't be greedy, your Xianlan will continue to exert its effect in the future, and it will speed up your cultivation before the soul sage. Sooner or later you will catch up with them."

Luo Chuan comforted.

"Yeah." Tiantian Novel www.tiantianxs.com

Ye Lingling nodded obediently, she could feel that there was still a medicine in her body that had not been completely digested.

"Everyone improves so much at once, it's easy to scare people."

Qin Ming frowned slightly.

He only improved by one level, but he was still very satisfied.

If this level is a normal practice, it will take half a year to talk less.

"Yes, although I didn't raise a major rank at once, but it also improved a lot, and a master can detect it."

The master spoke. At this moment, his whole body was drained of stains, which became smelly.

"If you can't cover it up, let them be shocked."

Luo Chuan said indifferently, that was the case after taking the immortal medicine. Other people did not have his ability to disguise, and it was impossible to hide these levels of cultivation.

Simply shocking.

It's just a few levels, as long as you don't upgrade a few levels, it's not a big problem.

"That's the only way. We can never stop playing because of this."

Qin Ming nodded.

"I'll take a shower."

The master glanced at his dirty self slightly embarrassed, and hurriedly left to deal with the stains on his body.

Except for Qin Ming, the others had more or less similar conditions, and they all went back to the room to wash.

Qin Ming looked at Luo Chuan and sighed: "These things must be precious. If you take out so many at once, will there be any problems?"

"Teacher, don't worry, these are just a batch of medicinal materials, and they will grow after they are used up. They are not orphans."

Luo Chuan smiled indifferently.

Binghuoliangyi eyes are in a special situation. The growth rate of the medicinal materials in it is more than ten times that of the outside. You can eat this one and the next.

"Well, the teacher doesn't want you to be under any pressure to help us."

Qin Ming breathed a sigh of relief. He was mainly afraid of trouble, such as Luo Chuan took it from the royal treasure house.

"Teacher also officially thank you for doing this for me and other people. I believe everyone will remember it for a lifetime."

"Haha, we are all our own people, don't you give it to anyone."

Luo Chuan smiled.

He really doesn't have many friends now, basically here.

Fortunately, he chose to join back then, otherwise he is mostly alone at the moment.

Before long, Yu Tianheng was the first to walk out after washing. Seeing that the teacher was not there, he mysteriously said to Luochuan God lying on the sofa in the hall: "Boss, tell me about the situation of Yanyan."

"Want to know, go find him yourself."

Luo Chuan curled his lips and asked him if he had a fart. He hadn't seen a lone geese in a few days.

"It makes sense, I will tell the teacher."

Yu Tianheng reacted, somewhat eager to try.

"Bring this thing to him, you all have eaten the fairy grass, you can't miss her."

Luochuan took out a jade box and threw it to Yu Tianheng. This guy was going, and he didn't bother to run.

"Just know that the boss will not be partial."

Yu Tianheng smiled, Pi Dian Pi Dian left.

The second person who came out was actually Ye Lingling. After eating the fairy grass, her skin became more shiny, and it was so tender that she could pinch water.

The key is that I have just finished the shower at the moment, my cheeks are reddish, and my hair is watery, like a lotus in the water. It is watery and pure and beautiful.

Luo Chuan couldn't help but glanced a few more times. If Qian Renxue is sacred and bright, she is a high angel, this girl is cold and quiet, a begonia flower that can be approached.

As Luo Chuan's piercing gaze looked at, Ye Lingling's face couldn't help but turn red.

She said softly, "Thank you for the eight-petal fairy orchid."

"Ah, so comfortable."

The door on the other side was pushed open, and Xiong Zhenglin walked out with a lazy waist, and found that the atmosphere was a bit wrong.

He glanced at the team leader and Ye Lingling, and hurriedly retracted.

"You guys continue."

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