You can search for "Dou Luo Zhi Endless Fusion Search Novel (" in Baidu to find the latest chapter!"This guy."

Luo Chuan was a little speechless. There was nothing at all, but Xiong Zhenglin seemed to say something was wrong.

Ye Lingling blushed and ran away.

She didn't know why, she was very shy when she stayed with Luochuan now.


The master walked out with a complex expression: "Luo Chuan, thank you, without you, I would never be able to break through."

"Nothing. Now the teacher thinks how much chance we have to win the championship?"

Luo Chuan smiled indifferently.

The master pondered.

He did think that Luochuan and others could not win the championship.

But now that so many cultivation bases are improved at once, something that was almost impossible has indeed become a chance.

"Twenty percent. If they can get the fourth spirit ring before the finals, they can also increase their chances by 20 percent."

Qin Ming smiled and said nothing.

He knew this was a conservative estimate, but unfortunately he didn't know his true strength.

He only needs to use a small part of his ability to be sure of winning the championship.

"Time is too tight. It is difficult to obtain the fourth spirit ring."

Qin Ming stepped out and said the problems he was facing now.

"Yes, if you want to get a suitable spirit ring, even if you want to explore and find it in advance, it takes ten and a half days. If you go to find it temporarily, it may take more time."

The master sighed, "Now, what we lack is time. The competition schedule is very tight. It is impossible to spend too much time to find a suitable soul beast."

"You can ask the academy teacher to look for it on your behalf. Maybe you can get one or two spirit rings before the finals."

Qin Ming thought about it for a moment and then came up with a solution.

After all, the Royal Academy was run by the royal family, and there were a lot of resources that could be mobilized, so people could be arranged in advance to find a suitable soul beast.

Just like the first spirit ring absorbed by Yu Tianheng, it was found in advance, just turn around and kill it.

Of course, that soul beast riot was purely an accident, not every time.

"This is the only way. If there are two more soul sects, it will be very good."

The master nodded.

Now, excluding Ye Lingling, Shi Family Brothers, and Xiong Zhenglin, Yu Tianheng and the other five have reached level 40, and it is difficult to obtain all spirit rings.

"I have a way to quickly obtain spirit rings so that they will all become soul sects."

Luo Chuan suddenly spoke, with a confident expression.

"You want to mobilize the royal power?"

Qin Ming was stunned, "Even so, it is difficult to guarantee that the five people will be able to absorb the appropriate spirit ring within two months, right?"

"It's really difficult. After all, this is the fourth spirit ring. The requirements are more than 3,000 years, preferably 5,000 years. Are you really good?"

The master had some doubts, after all, this was not a hundred-year soul beast, nor was it an ordinary thousand-year soul beast.

"Teacher, please rest assured that within two months, I guarantee that Yu Tianheng and the others will have suitable spirit rings to absorb. If Xiong Zhenglin and the others also break through, they will also be killed by spirit beasts."

Luochuan has a clear path in mind.

He is the national teacher of the Star Fighting Spirit Beast Empire, and several suitable thousand-year spirit beasts can be selected quickly with a single order.

"I'm going to trouble you again. If they can absorb the right spirit ring, we might really win the championship!"

Qin Ming showed excitement.

Yu Tianheng and the others all absorbed the fourth spirit ring, and they had six soul sects. This kind of lineup, even the Wuhun Palace team, was not necessarily comparable.

"Our time is only between the qualifiers and the promotion match, and the rest time after the promotion match to the final. Luochuan, you have to arrange it."

The master chose to believe in Luochuan, he believed that a prince was qualified to do this.

If he were replaced by another person, he would definitely not believe it.

"Well, then I will handle this first, let the other teammates continue the game first."

Luo Chuan also realized that the time was a little short, so he had to prepare as soon as possible.

"You can go without worry. Their cultivation level has improved a lot. Even if they don't absorb the spirit ring, there is no problem in the promotion game."

Qin Ming promised.

Luo Chuan didn't say much, he immediately left the hotel, and after arriving outside Tiandou City, he took the lightning bird into the Star Dou Forest.

Compared to a few years ago, the Star Dou Great Forest today does not seem to have changed much, but if you go deeper, you will notice some abnormalities.

However, human beings never thought that the high-level spirit beasts in the Star Dou Great Forest had been ruled, and if they wanted, they could mobilize thousands of spirit beasts at once.

Basically, the core area of ​​the Star Dou Great Forest is already an iron bucket.

If Bibi Dongruo invades like last time, it is not so easy to retreat.

Some senior spirit masters have suffered here, but they don't know the existence of the spirit beast empire.

Luochuan would come secretly once a month, and the soul beasts patrolling and exploring here knew him.

Therefore, he went unimpeded all the way to the small lake inside.

A large number of Ten Thousand Years Soul Beasts have been stationed nearby, guarding the small lake in an orderly manner, and a squad of Soul Beasts is constantly patrolling.

Among these spirit beasts, there are birds and beasts, flowers, plants, insects, and fishes, and the species is very complete, it can be said that there are no dead ends.

Outsiders want to break in, it is as difficult as heaven!

Looking at the spirit beast organization that had been running smoothly, Luo Chuan had to sigh the strength of the team.

The soul beasts that were scattered in the sand were gathered by Da Ming and Er Ming. After training, the order is no less than that of humans!

As for the strength, even the human soul master legion may not be comparable.

"Guo Shi, here again."

The Red Flame Demon Bull King who was patrolling came over with a polite expression.

"Well, something is wrong, are both the emperor and the king here?"

Luo Chuan asked, the emperor refers to the sky green bull python, and the king is the giant giant ape.


The Red Flame Demon Bull King nodded.

"You continue to see them for some other things."

Luo Chuan waved his hand to let Lightning Bird play, and white wings appeared behind him and flew towards the small lake.

In the small lake, the Titan Great Ape was sitting on the ground, while the Sky Blue Bull Python was soaking in the water, looking very leisurely.

They now enjoy the feeling of ruling the entire Star Dou Great Forest.

Every day, there are spies who tell them what happened in the entire forest so that they can control most of the situation.

If they wish, they will be able to destroy certain human groups entering the Star Dou Great Forest with a single order.

"Master, when will I bring Sister Xiaowu back to see? I miss her a little bit."

When the Titan Great Ape saw Luo Chuan coming, he buzzed.

"Isn't it a holiday to come back? What's the hurry, now there is something for you to help."

Luo Chuan spoke directly to the topic, and he asked Ming Erming to help him find some suitable soul beasts.

Compared to letting humans enter the Star Dou Great Forest to find a soul beast suitable for Yu Tianheng and the others, it is definitely easier for the two soul beast masters to find it.

"Small, isn't it just five soul beasts with a life span of five thousand years? I will ask the young ones to explore them and have as many as they want."

The Titan Great Ape is generous, in his eyes, soul beasts less than ten thousand years old are rubbish, and he doesn't care about life and death.

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