You can search for "Dou Luo Zhi Endless Fusion Search Novel (" in Baidu to find the latest chapter!Amidst the white light, a pink flower appeared, and eight black spirit rings were placed on Luo Chuan's body, causing Jiuxin Begonia to emit amazing spirit power fluctuations.

When Luo Chuan thought, all eight spirit rings lit up!

Each spirit ring has only one effect, and that is healing.

Jiuxin Begonia's own abilities were completely released immediately, and a powerful healing power fell on Luo Chuan himself.

His burned flesh and blood squirmed and reborn at a terrifying speed.

Soon, a layer of dead skin appeared on the surface of his body, and after splitting, there was new flesh and blood underneath, just like a newborn baby.

Feeling his own changes, Luo Chuan sighed secretly: "With this martial soul, as long as I don't blast me into dregs, I can continue to be reborn, and I can be said to have an immortal body!"

This is the first time he has treated with all his strength, and the effect is horrible, somewhat unexpected.

No wonder such soul masters are scarce, and their abilities are too high. If there are more, the status of the Seven Treasure Glazed Glass Sect will not be guaranteed.

In just a moment, as the soul power was consumed, all the cooked flesh and blood of Luochuan was reborn.

He exerted a slight force, and all the dead skin was shaken off with a clicking sound, revealing delicate white skin.

At this moment, he turned white and became much more perfect.

Glancing at the dead skin on the ground, this is really handsome!

With a wave of his hand, he shakes the soil to cover the dead skin. Luo Chuan closes his eyes and begins to recover.

In the past half day, Luochuan's spirit is full again.

He breathed out a suffocating breath, turned on the system and took a look. In the warehouse, there were two more light balls.

A dragon soul, a soul bone.

The dragon soul was comparable to a god before his death, and after being transformed into a pet, his growth value is definitely the highest today, surpassing the White Tiger King.

However, this dragon soul is incomplete and weak, and it is estimated that it will consume a lot of energy to recover, and it will not play much role in a short time.

But the soul bone is different, it can be used now, but it is a million-year-old soul bone, and it is hard to find.

Thinking of this, Luo Chuan's face showed satisfaction.

After taking off his skin and getting these things, he made a lot of money.

Without rushing to deal with it, he prepared to take the ice dragon king's dragon soul and soul bone.

He got up and walked to the Bingyan in the eyes of Binghuo Liangyi and said: "A Jia, let's continue, and go down from here near Bingyan."

"Yes, National Teacher."

The king of pangolin was resting underground, and when he heard Luochuan's words, he took Luochuan into the ground.

Compared with Huoyan, the feeling this time is completely different, the surrounding soil is cold, like frozen soil.

The speed of the Pangolin King has obviously slowed down, because the soil here is harder, even with the assistance of the talent field, it is somewhat difficult.

Similar to the underground situation on the Fire Eye, after a layer of frozen soil was drilled, the bottom was empty again, all with ice water.

The water was similar to the hot spring water outside, but the temperature was lower, and the pangolin shivered immediately.

"Guo Shi, it's cold here."

The pangolin king couldn't help saying.

"Just wait for me in the frozen ground, and I will go down by myself."

Luo Chuan thought for a while. It was estimated that the situation below was similar to that of the Fire Dragon King. It was all ice water. As long as he didn't burrow into the ground, he could swim on his own.

"Teacher, be careful."

When the pangolin stopped, it felt that if it went down, it was protected by the national teacher, and there was no need to share the power of the national teacher.


Luo Chuan didn't say much, and took the initiative to leave the pangolin king, the spiritual barrier and the holy dragon were urged to dive deep.Three Chinese Website

The temperature is getting lower and lower, and the surrounding water is more terrifying than ice, just like freezing the human soul.

In fact, the Ice Dragon King is also called the Water Dragon King and controls the water element. Since water belongs to Yin, it can naturally also control the power of ice.

It looks like this is water, but it actually contains a lot of ice attribute energy, which is far more terrifying than the hot spring at the outside spring.

The Fire Dragon King is full of fire elements, and here is the opposite, Luo Chuan feels physically uncomfortable.

After all, he was only half-cooked, and he initially adapted to the high temperature. Now when he came to a low temperature place, he felt that he was about to crack.

He thought of the scene where the weapon was forged with ice water. If the material of the weapon is not good, it will easily crack under extreme strength.

At this moment, his body is equivalent to a weapon, undergoing different strengths and tempering.

"This is even more extreme than the spring water quenching body above."

Luo Chuan felt helpless when the blood flow rate slowed down and his muscles became stiff.

This is still a separate experience. If he goes between the skeleton of the Ice and Fire Dragon King, the extreme power there is estimated to be difficult for the gods to bear.

"I have to speed up, I can't be frozen."

Worried that he might be left here, Luo Chuan also urged the Eight Winged Angel Martial Soul.

Eight-winged angels and golden sacred dragon martial spirits all possess light attributes and can resist the cold. With the cooperation of the two, the chill around them is greatly reduced.

He gritted his teeth, speeding up.

In the cold water, he was like a firefly, shining with light, shaking in the dark.

When Luo Chuan's body became stiff again, a white light appeared in the darkness, dazzling.

At the light source, a huge skeleton lay quietly, emitting light.

Most of Luo Chuan's spirit rings lit up. With the blessing of dozens of spirit rings, three martial spirits, his cultivation base spurred to the extreme, his speed exploded, turning into a light, and falling in front of the dragon bone in a flash.

He touched off the two light balls, he turned and left without any pause.

As he approached in just a second, Luo Chuan's spirit power was frozen, a layer of frost emerged, and his flesh and blood was frozen to death.

Unlike the pain of being burned, there was no feeling this time, and the body directly lost a lot of sensation.

Luo Chuan was even more worried. He speeded up and left, with a frozen body, away from the Ice Dragon King skeleton in one breath.

This time, he did not wait to go out to urge Jiuxin Begonia to heal. He summoned it halfway and began to heal the frozen flesh and blood.

By the time he returned to the soil layer, his injury was almost half healed.

"A Jia, let's go back!"

After half an hour, Luo Chuan appeared outside.

He breathed a sigh of relief and looked down at his body.

After this rebirth of flesh and blood, he obviously felt that his physical body had become much stronger again.

Taking a look at the system panel, the attribute of physique actually doubled again, reaching more than 20,000 points, almost four times the mental power!

Today's physique is comparable to a titled Douluo in the power attack category.

This is only once.

However, it is estimated that everyone was tortured to death.

He has Jiuxin Begonia. After his body is reborn, he is reborn twice.

It is normal for the physical body to become stronger again.

He couldn't help but gratefully said: "A Jia, I have worked hard for you, this medicinal material is for you, and eating it can increase a lot of soul power."

This time I was able to go down to get the dragon soul and soul bone, and the Pangolin King helped a lot, and Luochuan couldn't let him go for nothing.

He specially picked a top-quality medicinal material suitable for the king of pangolin from the surrounding medicinal materials, which was regarded as his gratitude.

"Thank you soul master, but I don't eat grass?" The Pangolin King said in embarrassment, it didn't realize the benefits of herbs in front of him.

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