You can search for "Dou Luo Zhi Endless Fusion Search Novel (" in Baidu to find the latest chapter!"Eating it can increase your soul power."

Luo Chuan said lightly.

When I said this, the pangolin king's eyes glowed, and he didn't care about the uncomfortable smell of eating grass, so he ate the herbs selected by Luochuan in a few mouthfuls.

Soon, it felt a surging force released in its body.

"Go and absorb it. I'll send you back to the Star Dou Great Forest when it's over."

The pangolin king got into the ground and began to absorb the medicine.

Luo Chuan continued to recover. After he was full of energy again, he released his spiritual realm and isolated his surroundings.

After doing this, he took out the fire dragon king's soul bone.

A dazzling flame appeared in the sky and the earth, Luo Chuan's hands were hot, and he was burned again.


Luo Chuan silently looked at the soul bone that released terrifying energy in his hand. This was the first time he had seen a soul bone that was so terrifying that it could hurt people.

Where is the soul bone, it is simply a small volcano.

Not to mention absorption, it is difficult to hold it in your hand.

Looking at the meaty palms, Luochuan reluctantly put them away.

"The strength is not enough, even if you get a spirit bone, you can't absorb it in a short time."

Luo Chuan had to urge Jiuxin Begonia to recover his scorched palm again.

At the same time, he is also considering.

He looked strange: "The fire dragon king's soul bone does not seem to belong to the sixth thigh bone, but it is actually an attached soul bone."

Recalling the soul bone that I saw through the flame just now, it looked like a wing, which shows that most of the soul bone is a soul bone with wings attached.

However, it is strange that there is only a single wing, so it is impossible that the other wing is the soul bone of the Ice Dragon King.

He took out the ice dragon king's soul bone with a thought this time, and in an ice blue light, he really had the other half of its wings.

The corners of his mouth twitched.

Seeing this, if you want to have a pair of wings, you have to absorb both of the attached spirit bones.

Wouldn't it be that he is carrying a volcano and an iceberg on his back, how can he bear it?

Not to mention two completely different powers, just one of them, he couldn't bear it at the moment.

Suddenly, his eyes changed.

"Perhaps, this is not a soul bone, but... a divine weapon!"

"Yes! It's a divine weapon, otherwise it shouldn't be so terrible. After all, my physique is comparable to Title Douluo."

Luo Chuan reacted.

The two dragon kings were originally gods, and the things they left behind were naturally god-level!

No matter if it is called a divine bone or an artifact, it is no ordinary thing anyway.

"God-level dragon soul, god-level soul bone, I really found a treasure!"

Luo Chuan showed excitement.

He was burned and frostbited when he went out. He didn't take too much risk this time, so he got this treasure.

It is estimated that the gods have heard it, so they have to envy and hate it.

"Haha, you have made a lot of money, even if you don't absorb it now, you can absorb it after becoming a god."

Luo Chuan excitedly put away the soul bone of the Ice Dragon King.

These things form a pair, probably because the two died together, forming a complement.

He believed that after being absorbed together, the power would be stronger than a single soul bone.

Maybe it can be comparable to the top artifact.

Thinking of this, he was excited for a while before he gradually calmed down.

"After all, these two spirit bones are comparable to divine weapons, and they can't be absorbed for the time being. Don't be happy all the time, let's accept the dragon soul first."

Luo Chuan focused on the dragon soul and turned on the system.62 Novel

"You are signing a pet. It will cost 100,000 energy. Do you want to continue?"

Seeing this prompt, Luo Chuan did not blink his eyelids.

Now the cost of signing a pet is really too low for him. If it weren't for the follow-up training that would require a lot of energy, he estimated that he already had a pet army.

Without any hesitation, he chose to continue, and soon added a name in the pet pen.

Fire Dragon King!

He suppressed his excitement and summoned it.

A huge white beam of light fell from the sky, and a fiery red dragon appeared in it.

Even the incomplete and weak dragon soul is very large, exceeding ten feet, exuding a fiery and violent aura.

"So strong!"

Luo Chuan showed an unexpected look and hurriedly checked the situation of the dragon soul.

Name: Fire Dragon King

Level: 88

Potential: first-class beast

Description: This is the remnant soul of a powerful mythical beast that has been condensed after millions of years. If you continue to cultivate it, you can restore its strength.

Luochuan's pupils shrank when he saw the first-level beast.

This means roughly that the Fire Dragon King was equivalent to a first-level god during his lifetime.

At the same level as Angel God and Sea God.

After all, the dragon god on it was the strongest at the beginning of the God Realm. Not only did he produce his own gods, he could also directly control the five gods later.

If it were not for expansion and consolidation of the God Realm, the Dragon God would distract his energy, causing his power to lose control and being divided into two by the Shura God, otherwise humans would definitely not be the Dragon God opponent.

Even if they were split, the Golden Dragon King and the Silver Dragon King were still very powerful. In order to kill the Golden Dragon King, it was the three kings who jointly launched the sword of judgment.

As the fire dragon king second only to the dragon god, even if the strength is not as good as the gold and silver dragon king, it is certainly not much worse.

Comparable to a first-level god, fully qualified.

However, after all, the dragon soul is very mutilated, and its power is neither weak nor strong, equivalent to a Contra.

If it recovers for tens of thousands of years, it should be comparable to Title Douluo.

"Is level 88? That's enough. It can be raised to level 91 by spending millions of energy."

Luo Chuan muttered.

"It's just that this dragon soul is a bit dull."

Looking at the Fire Dragon King who was stupidly hovering in the air after coming out, Luo Chuan felt that the dragon soul was not smart at all.

His other pets are comparable to human wisdom, and this dragon soul is a bit like a brain damage.

"Forget it, it's a remnant soul after all. As long as you can be obedient, you can help me fight."

Luo Chuan felt that he was too greedy.

This thing has been dead for so many years after all, it would be nice to have a broken dragon soul.

Unless he can travel through time and space and directly touch the corpse when he falls, that would be more complete.

He subconsciously spent energy to upgrade the Fire Dragon King, only to upgrade to level 2. After reaching level 90, his energy was not enough.

The third time he needs 9 million energy, he has less than one million energy at the moment.

"The energy is getting insufficient."

Luo Chuan had a headache, so he could only stop his ascension, put the Fire Dragon King away, and let him slowly absorb the power of heaven and earth.

He then transformed the Dragon Soul of the Ice Dragon King into a pet. Like the Fire Dragon King, he was level 88 after the transformation. He was really a pair of difficult brothers who died in one place with the same strength.

"Even if you upgrade to level 4 in a row, the two dragon souls will spend about 200 million energy, and I will be able to get two level 92 pets without any loss at all."

Putting away the Ice Dragon King, Luo Chuan touched his chin, showing the color of thinking.

The White Tiger King and the two Dragon Kings were both able to easily reach the Title Douluo level. What they lacked was energy.

Now, where to get energy.

Slaughter is good, but there is Tang Chen who is close to a demigod. Without sufficient preparation, he doesn't want to take risks.

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