You can search for "Dou Luo Zhi Endless Fusion Search Novel (" in Baidu to find the latest chapter!This time, the palace was brightly lit.

But Xue Ye's face turned black, like an extra layer of shadow.

At the same time, there was fatigue and some anxiety in his eyes.

Seeing the second son come in, he sits slightly upright.

"My son has met my father."

Luochuan salutes.

"You led the team in Wuhun City to win the championship of the All-Continent Soul Master Academy Competition. It is very gratifying for my father, but..."

Xue Ye's face sank and said: "You shouldn't send soul bones in front of the Pope. Let's not say where your soul bones came from. Don't you know your behavior is provoking the authority of the Spirit Hall?"

"Father, don't worry, I was forced to do this."

Luo Chuan said calmly.

"Forced, who forced you. People from the Spirit Hall? How could it be, the people of Star Luo Emperor? Do you think it is possible?"

Xue Ye couldn't help but sneer.

"Erchen is for the Heaven Dou Empire."

Luo Chuan said sternly: "In the Holy Land of Soul Masters, in front of countless soul masters to reward us, this can announce to the world soul masters that our Heaven Dou Empire treats soul masters preferentially, which will help us attract more soul masters to join."

"Hmph, a strong word, you know how precious spirit bones are, what will be rewarded in the future?"

Xue Ye's expression eased, but she was still very dissatisfied.

"Father, the battle is about to come. You don't need to think about rewards, as long as someone is willing to join."

Luo Chuan said lightly.

"Even so, it won't have much impact on the battle situation. First, tell me how did so many soul bones come from, and why did your team suddenly improve?"

Xue Ye said coldly, his son suddenly had so many secrets, but he felt very uneasy.

"Father, I was going to tell you this secret when I came back. Now that you ask, I will tell you directly."

Luo Chuan considered it for a moment, and then said: "Whether it is the soul bone or the rapid progress of my teammates and me, it has something to do with the Xuantianbao record I got back then."


Xue Ye frowned, "Why did you pull the stuff inside?"

"Has the father ever thought about the special nature of Xuantian Baolu? The hidden weapon inside has never appeared in Douluo Continent."

Luochuan said meaningfully.

Xue Ye's eyes flickered, and he nodded slightly: "It's really weird. This thing is completely unfamiliar to us, and I have never heard of it on the mainland."

"Douro Continent does not have it, nor did it before."

Luo Chuan shook his head, "As for why it hasn't, it's very simple. It's not something of this world."


Emperor Xueye shrank his pupils and couldn't help but put his hands away, and said, "You mean, it's not from our world?"

"Well, it's not in our world, but in another world, it's something of a god."

Luo Chuan nodded and said a earth-shattering message.


Xueye couldn't calm down anymore, she couldn't help but exclaimed, and then she was surprised and wondered: "Are you sure it was the gods?"

"Yes, at the same time, I also got the inheritance of the gods. It is these inheritances that have allowed my cultivation level to advance by leaps and bounds. At the same time, it has helped my teammates improve a lot. Of course, this Xuantian Baolu is also part of the inheritance." Ambiguous 43 Novels

Luo Chuan once again said the shocking words.

Xue Ye stood up in shock this time, looked at her son in amazement, feeling more and more strange and mysterious.

He swallowed his saliva, slightly disbelief: "Inheritance of the gods?"

"Well, the power of the gods is unbelievable, so the children's cultivation is quickly improved, with a large number of spirit bones, and can also help teammates improve."

Luo Chuan nodded. He said this deliberately. Not to mention that too many unusual things have been revealed in Wuhun City. Even in this battle, he will definitely be forced to participate in the war, and more secrets will be revealed by then.

Rather than explain it at the time, it is better to push it directly onto the god, even if the god does not exist.

But it was enough to explain all kinds of unreasonable things, at least now let Wuhundian believe this unreasonable, and let Xueye believe it more easily.

Sure enough, the latter heard this, his face changed for a while, and his gaze toward Luo Chuan changed.

Fortunately, there is also joy, and there is a trace of awe and worry, which is quite complicated.

Xue Ye sighed: "I didn't expect the gods to exist. I only heard of them in legends before. I didn't expect to appear by my side now. It seems that God blessed my Heaven Dou Empire."

"Perhaps, at least with these inheritances, the children can improve our empire's strength more in the next war."

Luo Chuan smiled faintly, these words are to make preparations in advance for the next unthinkable things.

Xue Ye turned her eyes and couldn't help but said: "Son, what do you call the deity you inherited?"

"How to call it?"

Luo Chuan thought for a moment, and said nonsense: "He is called Guang Chengzi, and he claims to be one of the twelve golden immortals."

"Golden Immortal? Is this also a kind of gods? Maybe gods are divided into different ranks."

Xue Ye was stunned for a moment, and explained to herself.

"I don't know, the younger generation has got some inheritance, and has not directly communicated with this fairy."

Luo Chuan shook his head and exchanged farts, which was all nonsense by him.

"Where mortals can come into contact with these gods, you can get the inheritance, it is already a blessing from the cultivation of the previous life."

Xue Ye didn't doubt that in his heart, the gods were high above the world and looked down on the world. How could they communicate with mortals too much?

"But with these means of inheritance, I believe that we will not lose in this war."

Luo Chuan changed the subject and couldn't keep talking about the source of his power. It would be better to talk about war.

"It's hard to say. Although you are favored by the gods, it is still difficult to influence the war between empires."

Xue Ye sighed: "Xingluo's emperor has personally conquered. Only when we ask the elders of the Qibao Glazed Glass Sect to take action, we can stop them. In fact, all of this is okay. The key is that a few anti-bones are very troublesome."

Luo Chuan squinted his eyes: "How many principalities really want to rebel?"

External enemies are easy to deal with, but internal rebellion is the trouble. If one is not handled properly, it may be a mess.

"I haven't told you yet. In fact, the major duchy has already rebelled. When the Wuhun Temple news came out, they directly rebelled. Not only them, but the next four elephant sects."

Xue Ye looked ugly.

Luo Chuan was speechless, this was clearly the control of the Spirit Hall.

Are you afraid that the Star Luo Empire dare not attack?So let them have civil strife first?

This can weaken the influence of the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile School, greatly facilitating the attack of the Star Luo Empire.

He felt that Wuhun Palace had secretly controlled the situation, and the two empires were nothing but chess pieces, no, it should be said that they were chess boards.

Those principalities, the sects and royal families of both sides are the chess pieces.

"In other words, even if we have the support of the Seven Treasures Glazed Glass Sect, it will be difficult to face the attack of the Star Luo Empire even if we are internally involved. It is very likely that we will lose both."

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