Endless Fusion of Douluo

Chapter 230 Hidden Weapon Legion

You can search for "Dou Luo Zhi Endless Fusion Search Novel (www.soxscc.com)" in Baidu to find the latest chapter!"Now we must solve internal problems first, otherwise we can't fully respond to the attack of the Star Luo Empire."

Xue Ye solemnly said.

"Children understand that they are willing to lead the team to solve these anti-skeletal boys."

Luochuan took the initiative to invite Ying.

In order to fight against the Star Luo Empire, the internal instability must be resolved first.

"This is also the purpose I asked you to come over. Next, I will go to the border to impose a personal conquest. You will lead a part of the troops to deal with these traitors. Even if it can't be solved, you must suppress them."

Xueye told her own arrangements.

At first, he was a little hesitant to let the prince do this, after all, the child was still young.

But when he heard that this kid had inherited the power of the gods, he no longer hesitated.

"Yes, father, my son will solve them as soon as possible!"

Luochuan took the lead.

The battle with the Star Luo Empire won't start for a while, he can solve these guys with Thunder, and then rush over.

"The army of the Star Luo Empire will be deployed in about a month, so there is not much time left for you."

Xue Ye said: "Except for my guards, other masters who can be mobilized, you can transfer away, and Qing Ming can also follow you. Remember, suppression is the main thing. As long as they don't make trouble, they can kill as little as possible."

"Children understand."

Luo Chuan nodded and murmured in his heart, these kingdoms and principalities had long been interested in the Spirit Hall. Even if they were temporarily suppressed, they would probably continue to rebel with the roar of the Spirit Hall in the future.

Rather than being troublesome at the time, it's better to solve it completely now and provide him with more energy.

"Oh, I forgot about another thing. Based on the hidden weapons you got out, in addition to the equipment secret guards, I also specially formed a hidden weapon army. You can mobilize half of your hands to deal with these troubles."

Xueye thought about something, added it, and then took out a token: "This is a military order, keep it well and don't lose it."

Luo Chuan solemnly took it.

"Qing Ming will tell you the specific situation. Don't take a break and work hard. Let's go directly to the Barak Kingdom and solve them first!"

Snowy night waved.

Luo Chuan nodded, Barak Kingdom and location are very important. It is located at the border of the Heaven Dou Empire and the Star Luo Empire, which can be said to be the gateway of the Heaven Dou Empire.

Now that there is a problem with this portal, not to mention whether it will surrender to the Star Luo Empire, just not doing anything is equivalent to a broken door.

Moreover, among the four great kingdoms of the Heaven Dou Empire, the Barak Kingdom’s military strength is still the strongest. Once something is done, it will have the greatest impact on the Heaven Dou Empire.

The most important thing is that King Kundera of the Barak Kingdom is Xueye's cousin. He has a lot of involvement with the royal family and easily affects the royal family.

Dealing with this point is now the most important thing. As long as the Barak Kingdom solves it, other kingdoms will be relatively easy to solve.

Luo Chuan walked out of the palace and Qing Ming followed him.

"Commander Qing Ming, tell me the general situation."

Luo Chuan said as he walked.

"His Royal Highness, now the four major kingdoms and one major duchy in the country have rebelled. According to our intelligence, their rebellion has nothing to do with the Star Luo Empire, but has a certain connection with the Spirit Hall."

Qing Ming said the most critical message.

"Well, go ahead."

This secret Luochuan qualification, not to mention the principalities and principalities in the Heaven Dou Empire, even in the Star Luo Empire.

It's just that Wuhun Palace didn't let them betray now.

"Besides these, the Elephant Sect has also betrayed, but in general, the Barak Kingdom is the most threatened. These threats are not that they have the most powerful men, but that they have the most troops."

Qing Ming said in a deep voice, suggesting: "If you want to solve them, the subordinates suggest sneaking in secretly, getting rid of their royal family members, and controlling the forces to resist the Xingluo Empire."

"Well, this is good, then let's solve them first."

Luo Chuan nodded: "However, I don't recommend keeping them because they can still rebel."

"This is okay, but our military strength is limited, with only 5,000 troops, while the Barak Kingdom has more than 30,000 troops, and there are thousands of soul masters, which is difficult to achieve."

Qing Ming didn't agree.

"Isn't there a hidden weapon? It's not difficult to solve."

Luo Chuan smiled confidently, these people didn't know the power of the Hidden Weapon Legion, and they needed a chance to prove it.

"This... alright."

Qing Ming didn't go against Luochuan, he just played a supporting role. The military order was in Luochuan's hands, and how to fight would be determined by him.

"Send my order, the hidden weapon army will gather immediately."

Luo Chuan said solemnly.

At night, Luochuan came to the barracks.

On the square, five thousand people gathered together in black, neatly and uniformly.

These are all elite soldiers, all of them tall, with bright eyes.

Among the soldiers in the first few rows, they were not holding traditional knives and guns, but a long metal pipe.

The end of the tube is curved. This is the rifle made by Luochuan. It is not as powerful as a modern rifle for the time being.

Behind them, there were two rows of shield soldiers, holding huge shields, and hanging around their waists was the gunpowder weapon Iron Tribulus made by Luochuan, which was similar to a grenade.

The soldier holding the standard hidden weapon of Zhuge God's Crossbow has flying claws in his sleeves and is mainly responsible for assassination.

The last row is the cavalry. In addition to their guns, they also hold another special gunpowder weapon, gunpowder arrows, which can carry out long-range strikes and are much more powerful than ordinary bows.

Of course, the most protruding ones are still a few huge iron pipes. These are the artillery he made. I don't know if they can be used this time.

Luo Chuan glanced with satisfaction at his hidden weapon and the hidden weapon army equipped with flame weapons.

This army is equipped with not only organic hidden weapons, but also a large number of gunpowder weapons. He believes that these people's combat power is enough to fight against an ordinary army that is ten times that of them!

"Your Highness!"

Shen Jinming was also here, and came to salute respectfully.

He has been arranged to be the commander of this corps, responsible for Luochuan.

"These people have mastered the grasping hand and ghost fans, right?"

Luo Chuan asked.

"His Royal Highness, in accordance with your request, the Hidden Weapon Legion has already learned initially."

Shen Jinming answered.

"It's okay, so people, go now!"

Luochuan ordered.

"set off!"

Shen Jinming turned around and arranged for other subordinates. Five thousand people ordered and prohibited them. He turned and marched quickly towards the Barak Kingdom.

Luo Chuan sat in the carriage behind and opened the map to observe.

The territory occupied by the Barak Kingdom is very fertile, and several major cities are also very prosperous, of which King City and Soto City are the largest.

"The city of Soto is a granary. It must be taken down first to ensure sufficient food and grass."

Luochuan did not go to fight Barak City first, but decided to attack Soto City first.

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