You can search for "Dou Luo Zhi Endless Fusion Search Novel (" in Baidu to find the latest chapter!"Qing Ming, you take others to wait for the signal. Once the signal is sent, immediately lead them to attack with all their strength, first attack with rockets from a long distance, and then rush to the vicinity to kill people with Iron Tribulus and Zhuge God's Crossbow!"

Luo Chuan looked at Qing Ming and arranged: "We will cooperate inside and attack at the same time. They won't last long."

"Yes, Your Highness!"

Qing Ming took the lead.

Without this blood pupil, he might still hesitate, but now he is not worried.

Very simple, with the strength of Title Douluo, he is qualified to slaughter the city.

"Come with me!"

Luo Chuan didn't say anything, and set off straight away, and Xuetong quietly followed him like a person who didn't like to talk.

After leaving the large army, a hundred people moved silently in the dark and quickly approached the city of Soto.

In the night, Soto City is like a giant beast crawling on the ground.

Luo Chuan glanced, and the dark night couldn't affect his vision.

Outside the city gate, teams of soldiers patrolled past from time to time.

Above the city gate, there were rows of defenders standing still, even at night, they did not slack off.

He looked in one of these directions, a flash of light in his eyes.

The blood pupils by his side walked towards the defenders outside the city, and the blood in his eyes was bright.


Among the hundreds of defenders in this direction, they only had time to ask, and they all fell into a sluggish state.

Shen Jinming thoughtfully, this strong man seemed to be good at spiritual spirit skills, and he could control hundreds of people in an instant.

This is the strong one.

"While the other defenders don't find it, go!"

Luo Chuan spoke.

"His Royal Highness, do you want?"

Shen Jinming made a wipe of his neck.

"Of course, the blood pupil just hypnotized them. If they are too far away or stimulated, they can wake up."

Luo Chuan nodded.

Even if he can hypnotize these people to attack other defenders, there are still more defenders, so the pressure will be less after a while.

They approached quickly.


The hypnotized soldier was quickly twisted off his neck without making much movement.

The energy of hundreds of people was collected by Luo Chuan with thoughts. These were ordinary soldiers. As long as Wuhun could provide hundreds of energy, the harvest was not much.

To quickly resolve the enemy, Luo Chuan and others rushed to the city wall through this gap.

Everyone took out the flying claws, ejected them against the wall, and went up easily.

There were relatively few defenders on the wall. In front of the blood pupil, they couldn't react to each one, they were hypnotized, and then killed silently.

Luo Chuan quickly approached the gate with the people, and once again took down the enemy in the middle of the gate.

There are two gates in Soto City, with the largest number of defenders on the east, reaching 800.

With so many people, it is difficult to control them all by hypnosis alone.

This time, Luo Chuan also had to activate the other spirit abilities of the blood pupil.

Compared with hypnosis, there are more people controlled by Bloodthirsty Rage and Dead Mountain and Blood Sea.

Last time he could control thousands of people with two spirit abilities. This time the spirit ring was upgraded to one hundred thousand years, even a single skill could control thousands of people.

As the first red one hundred thousand year spirit ring lit up, the bloodthirsty frenzy skill was activated.

Under a burst of purple light, before the eight hundred defenders on the tower had time to think, their eyes were red, their blood boiled, and they fell into a frenzy.


"Die to me!"

The originally well-organized situation was instantly broken, and the defenders began to kill each other strangely, with the sound of fighting.

The defenders in other areas heard the movement and noticed something was wrong, and rushed over here.

"Do it, open the city gate first!"

Luo Chuan knew that he couldn't cover up the movement and announced his hands.

A hundred people quickly dispersed, and some of the defenders rushed to other areas and took out the Zhuge god crossbow.678 reading novel

A large number of arrows shot out from high ground, and a scream suddenly sounded. The defenders who came over fell down like cutting wheat, and many people were shot into hornet nests.

Shen Jinming took out a gunpowder arrow and shot it into the sky.


A fire blew in the air, which was a signal to the outside.

Soon, a fire appeared outside, making a sizzling sound, and then fell on the defender and exploded.

Boom boom boom!

The explosive power of the gunpowder arrow is not too large. Generally, it can only exert greater lethality when it hits the crowd, but it is full of deterrence. A burst of shooting disrupts the camp of the defending army.

Especially the soldiers who originally gathered on the tower were difficult to avoid, and many people were killed on the spot.

After a round of shooting, the other side of the city wall was removed, and near the city gate on this side, all the lights were beating. The defenders scurried like headless flies in the flames, unable to organize a full counterattack.

Quite simply, they have not yet determined that the attacker is located everywhere, let alone what the explosion was.


"What the hell is this?"

The screams and uncertain voices fluctuated. They were all seeing this weapon for the first time, and the panic of being attacked intensified.

However, there is no problem in figuring out the situation.

"Enemy attack!"

"Notify the city lord!"

The senior officer yelled to remind the others.

However, all the defenders who wanted to return to the city were shot to death by Zhuge God Crossbow Random Arrow.


The sound of wood rubbing sounded, and the huge gate was opened directly from the inside!

Many generals paled.

The city gates have been opened, how can they be guarded?

"Shen Jinming, bring a group of people, and another group of people will follow me to solve the other towers!"

When Luo Chuan saw a round of gunpowder arrows, the defenders were all dumbfounded, and he seized the opportunity to take advantage of the chaos.

They separated and attacked with Zhuge God's crossbow. One round of shooting could kill most people and easily take down a tower.

Outside, a hooves sounded.

Cavalry rushed over in the dark.

Then, one by one, the things that burst into flames were thrown to the panicked patrol army outside the city.


This is Tribulus terrestris, which is more lethal than gunpowder arrows.

Especially the fragments formed after its explosion can kill or wound everyone in the range.

With less than two thousand patrols outside the door, they couldn't stop the 900 men from attacking, and they were quickly disintegrated.

At this time, the rapid sound of footsteps sounded, and this was the rotation of the defenders in the city hurried over.

Among them is the lord of this city.

He looked at the wide open gates, the corpses all over the ground and the burning towers, and his body trembled with anger.

"Damn, damn!"

He didn't expect to be attacked so quickly, or sneak attack in the dark, so that he didn't have any preparation.

In fact, even if he stayed at the gate of the city, he would just die.

"Damn it."

A cold voice came from a tower on the side.

His face changed and he turned to look.

Scarlet pupils looked at him like a demon in the night.

This glance was the last real world he saw.

The next moment, his body trembled, his eyes instantly reddened, and he turned and smashed his hands with a palm.

Not only him, but the defenders who came to support their eyes turned red.

The nearly three thousand defenders who came in the first time all attacked their own people and fought frantically.

Luochuan spurred the bloodthirsty rage and paired it with the corpse mountain and blood sea, affecting three thousand people in one breath!

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