Endless Fusion of Douluo

Chapter 233 Invincible

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Thousands of people fought each other immediately.

The weird scenes made Shen Jinming and others creepy.

They didn't know what happened at the border. This was the first time they saw it.

He glanced at the scarlet figure in fear.

What kind of weird ability is this that can actually make an army kill each other.

"What do you dare to do, cooperate with others, and kill the remaining defenders!"

Luo Chuan said solemnly,

In order to influence these three thousand people, he has fully urged the blood pupil martial soul at this moment.

If it weren't for the increased spiritual power, it would be difficult for his spirit ability to achieve this effect.

With all his strength now, he has no energy to deal with other people for the time being.


Shen Jinming and the others came back to their senses, clearing a part of the defenders on the upper tower, and turned around to cooperate with the others to wipe out the soldiers patrolling outside.


A tall soul king appeared, and he gritted his teeth and said: "Damn, who are you guys!"

He thought it was a sneak attack by the Heaven Dou Empire army, but after being bombarded by a round of gunpowder, he was a bit suspicious.

When did the Heaven Dou Empire have this thing?

"I don't even know who we are, so let's send you on the road."

Shen Jinming didn't bother to do it, and directly fired Zhuge God's Crossbow.

The latter subconsciously released his spirit power to block, but only blocked part of it, and then was shot by the remaining arrows,

"what is this?"

He looked down at the arrow, then glanced at the strange thing in Shen Jinming's hand.

"For you to popularize it, this is called Zhuge God Crossbow."

Shen Jinming said proudly, then his figure flashed, and he took off his head easily with a chuckle.

Not only this soul king, but other soul masters mixed in the army, without sufficient strength, could not stop Zhuge God Crossbow.

Even someone with the Soul Sage level was quickly killed by the stronger Shen Jinming with hidden weapons, or was directly killed by the Contra-level Qing Ming.

Their offensive force is like a broken bamboo. With the main force trapped by Luochuan, no one can resist the fully armed hidden weapon army.

So easily hit inside and outside, Soto City's defense was quickly disintegrated.

Although they only have a thousand people, they have powerful weapons, and one person is comparable to ten people.

In particular, these weapons basically don't require much effort.

Regardless of whether it is a Zhuge god crossbow or a gunpowder weapon, you only need to aim.

And the hidden weapon carried by each person is enough to kill more than ten people, like gunpowder weapons, if used well, one person is enough to defeat a small team.

They are like heavenly soldiers, invincible, even if the number of enemies is far more than them, they can't stop their attack.

At the beginning, under the leadership of Luochuan, he killed thousands of people. The cavalry outside killed another two thousand in one round of impact. Luochuan alone contained three thousand. There were not many soldiers left near the east gate.

And the three thousand people that Luochuan contained were constantly decreasing in the fight.

These people have no shortage of soul masters, and it is the existence of soul masters that Luo Chuan had to go all out.

In particular, this city lord is still a spirit Douluo, and there are hundreds of other spirit masters, and theoretically the difficulty of controlling is not only ten times that of the last time.

Last time, he was in charge of Contra, and most of the others were ordinary soldiers.Meishuba www.meishuoba.com

This time there were five or six hundred soul masters, which was comparable to five or six thousand ordinary soldiers. In theory, Luo Chuan was equivalent to controlling eight or nine thousand ordinary soldiers.

If it weren't for the increase in mental power more than three times, the spirit ring was upgraded to one hundred thousand years, it would be difficult to control this army in one go.

Fortunately, he did. Five or six hundred soul masters, more than two thousand soldiers, all killed each other, blood stained the ground, and everyone did not wake up to death.

The city lord who was originally the most powerful, fought against the other five or six hundred soul masters alone, was besieged and broke his hands and legs and did not wake up.

In Shishan Blood Sea World, he attacked the surrounding corpses, and didn't know that he was killing his own people.

When Qing Ming led the team from outside the city to the city, seeing the tragic scene in the city, he couldn't help taking a deep breath.

It's terrible, this blood pupil, one person killed the most elite army in Soto City!

This is all one person serving as an army, much stronger than him.

"Is this Title Douluo? It's terrible."

He murmured in his heart, "Even other Title Douluo does not necessarily have this ability. After all, this is a group control."


Being besieged by many soul masters, even the Soul Douluo couldn't stop it, and his head was smashed.

Fighting to build calm down.

Taking a look at the dead city lord, Qing Ming walked towards Luochuan: "His Royal Highness, the people outside have already been resolved, and now there are still defenders in the other direction who are being wiped out."

"Well, now you send someone to stabilize the other people in the city and tell them that we will only kill the rebels and will not hurt them."

Luochuan glanced at the city, and until now, with such a big movement, even the sleeping children were awakened.

In order to avoid conflicts between other spirit masters and their people, it is necessary to explain.

Although they used concealed weapons to kill the defenders, the concealed weapons were almost used after the battle.

In fact, if he hadn't solved the four thousand defenders by hand, he would not win so easily, and his people would inevitably lose.

"Yes, Your Highness."

Qing Ming knew the importance of comforting other people, and immediately acted.

And Shen Jinming continued to lead the team to deal with the other defenders. Since the main force had been destroyed, the others knew that the situation was gone, and either flee or surrendered.

After half an hour, the whole city of Soto gradually calmed down, only the smell of blood permeating the air showed that a tragic war had taken place tonight.

Luo Chuan stood up to the tower slightly tired, watching the dawn in the distance, and said nothing for a long time.

Killing so many people for the first time, the next war will kill more people.

Shen Jinming came over with blood all over: "His Royal Highness, what about the soldiers who surrendered?"

"Incorporate it and let them continue to manage Soto City."

Luo Chuan retracted his gaze and said the arrangement.

"Will there be any more problems?"

Qing Ming was a little worried.

"The city lord has been killed, and the original high-level officials are almost destroyed. You give them the courage to dare not. Even if you really want to betray them, I don't mind killing them again."

Luo Chuan said coldly: "Our main enemy now is the Star Luo Empire, not some people in Soto City. Let's just do it. When the processing is over, we should take a short rest. We will attack Barak City by lightning."

Qing Ming didn't object any more, he just expressed his opinion, whether Luochuan would accept it, he couldn't force it.

Luo Chuan finished managing Soto City, and then sat down, closed his eyes, and began to recover.

In the previous battle, the blood pupils used to influence thousands of people to fight, which consumed a lot of mental power. Killing someone to collect energy also consumes his mental power.

At this moment, he was extremely tired and needed a rest.

After he practiced, the blood-colored figure next to him turned into a stream of light and dispersed. The others only acted as the mysterious powerhouse left, and did not know it was taken back by Luochuan.

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