Endless Fusion of Douluo

Chapter 245 The fear of the elder hall

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Luo Chuan didn't care, and took back the physical martial arts soul and rested with others.

When he was almost resting, he said, "Buried the bones and turned them into mass graves."

The next day, they set off for their next destination.

The news of the destruction of Barak Kingdom and Elephant Sect spread in the dark.

The other forces that jumped around were all shocked when they heard it, and for a while they thought it was false news.

They hurriedly sent spies to confirm in person, and Luo Chuan had already led people to kill.

Before it can be confirmed, the legion has already killed outside the city.

Waiting for them is naturally a nightmare, because Luochuan does not accept surrender.

He at least does not accept the surrender of the authority, that is, the royal family.

Quite simply, this kind of people can surrender today, and they can also betray tomorrow.

So it's the easiest way to get rid of it, lest there be any changes.

Of course, he also has selfishness.

These guys surrender, how does he collect enough energy?

Therefore, both emotion and reason must be destroyed, not only can it be forever eradicated, but also energy can be collected.

Therefore, he was very cruel and killed him to the end.

Of course, he will not take care of other unrelated people.

Killing all the way, Luochuan's reputation spread throughout the Tiandou Empire.

This reputation is not so good, but bad.

Since Luochuan had to kill tens of thousands of people every time, and every time he directly killed all the betrayers, he gained the title of a ruthless prince.

His Royal Highness, wherever he went, would bring ruthless killings, and the betrayers were basically wiped out, which made many people who support the Heaven Dou Empire feel very happy.

As for some people who were originally ill-intentioned, they were so scared that they did not dare to show it again, and even changed some thoughts, and no longer dared to rebel.

As for the remaining betrayers, they are panicked and live like years. Many people cannot bear the psychological pressure and directly choose to escape.

This severely weakened the strength of the betrayal forces and made it easier for Luochuan to resolve.

Basically, he can solve a force in two days, and the closer one can solve it continuously.

After going back and forth, eleven days passed, and all the betrayers on the bright side were wiped out by Luochuan.

And the people around him, there are only dozens of secret guards left.

It's certainly not that all of his men are dead.

With Jiuxin Begonia, the death rate of the Hidden Weapon Corps was very low, with fewer than a hundred deaths from beginning to end.

The rest of the people who were not dead remained guarded by the kingdoms and principalities.

In other words, the hidden weapon army he brought out before had to stay because of the need to maintain the stability and notification of these areas.

There is no alternative.

Although Luochuan wiped out these rebel forces almost, but there are always some people fleeing, and some relatives are still alive.

These people were so scared by him that they shrank.I dare not show up, but if they leave, I am afraid that someone will jump out.

Therefore, he must leave the army under management, not only to deter these people, to deal with follow-up matters, but also to prepare for re-ruling these areas in the future.

Of course, the Hidden Weapon Corps are all elites, and he will not let them stay forever. Next, some ordinary regiments will replace some of them, leaving only a small part of them as managers, and firmly control these areas, which can be regarded as one of his. Root base.

And he took the secret guard and rushed to the border for the first time.

Wuhun Hall.000 literature www.000wxxs.com

Luochuan suppressed the rebels and wiped out the Four Kingdoms, the Great Duchy, and the Elephant Sect, one of the seven sects. The Wuhun Palace officials naturally knew about it.

Even because of this incident, the Palace of the Elders had a meeting for the third time.

These three times, each time was because of Luochuan.

Once it was a hidden weapon, once it was the inheritance of the gods, and once it was Luochuan's suppression of the rebels.

The object of their attention has become stronger and more influential.

Especially the power revealed this time made them a little afraid.

Above the long table, there were all high-level members of the Spirit Hall. On both sides were the two most powerful people in the Spirit Hall, representing the two poles of the Spirit Hall.

On one side was Qian Daoliu, the lord of the Elder Hall, and on the other side, Pope Bibi Dong of Wuhun Hall.

One is unfathomable, and the other is unfathomable.

At the moment the atmosphere is a bit solemn.

Qian Daoliu sat in the main seat and looked at the elders present and Bibi Dong on the opposite side.

He broke the silence and said: "Xueluochuan's action to destroy the rebels has ended. It took only eleven days. It used a 5,000-man hidden weapon army, a team of secret guards, and five Titled Douluo ranks. The strong."

After recounting the basic situation, he said: "What do you think about this information?"

"The old man can't do it anyway. The Star Luo Empire can't do it. Our Soul Palace can do it with all our strength, but the old man previously thought that the Heaven Dou Empire couldn't do it."

Golden Crocodile Douluo said inexplicably.

What he meant was actually very obvious. The Heaven Dou Empire had done what they could do, which to a certain extent showed that its strength was already more terrifying.

"Yes, on this continent, excluding us, who can destroy so many forces so quickly?"

Qian Jun Douluo on one side sighed.

"Yes, it's OK. The Clear Sky Sect who can't go out behind closed doors can do it, but if Xue Luochuan doesn't reveal these things this time, it will definitely be possible for us Spirit Hall and Clear Sky Sect. After all, only the titles of our two major forces Douluo is more than five fingers."

Jiang Mo Douluo shook his head and nodded.

"The key is another question that I didn't understand even after thinking about it for three days and three nights. Why do their four mysterious existences all have a hundred thousand year spirit ring?"

The porcupine Douluo touched the back of his head, looking confused.

"Have you forgotten one thing? This kid is the object of creatures' favor, and he has obtained the inheritance of the god position. These 100,000-year spirit rings should have something to do with gods."

Ghost Douluo, who has followed Luochuan the most, explained.

"Yes, there are several hundred thousand year spirit beasts in the Star Dou Great Forest. We still have counted them. It is absolutely impossible to provide so many hundred thousand year spirit rings. Except for the gods, under normal circumstances, there would not be so many spirit rings."

Snake Lance Douluo nodded.

"Moreover, the first spirit ring of those guys is one hundred thousand years old. If it is absorbed normally, it is absolutely impossible."

Ju Douluo showed jealousy and hatred.

He doesn't have a 100,000-year spirit ring now, and there are eight Contras in his family. It's really more maddening than people.

Bibi Dong's eyelids twitched on the opposite side, and she also inherited the position of God, knowing that the power of God is unimaginable.

So this is possible, otherwise this phenomenon cannot be explained.

She now only has one hundred thousand year spirit ring, if she becomes a god in the future, she should be able to raise other spirit rings to the hundred thousand year level.

However, before this, her spirit ring could not reach that level.

Could it be that those people are God's guards?

This Xue Luochuan's treatment is too good, why doesn't she have such a guardian?

For a while, she, the dignified pope, the secret inheritor of the Rakshasa god, was also a little jealous.

It seems that the whole elder hall is filled with a sour taste.

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