You can search for "Dou Luo Zhi Endless Fusion Search Novel (" in Baidu to find the latest chapter!They are all jealous, and Bibi Dong is no exception.

"This shows that it is correct that we did not make a shot against him before. Once the gods are offended, the old man may not necessarily be the opponent."

Qian Daoliu continued, this is the viewpoint he had advocated before, so it should be maintained.

"But have you ever thought that when he is strong enough, our spirit hall will be very dangerous!"

Bibi Dong sneered and said the biggest threat of this kind of thing.

The pupils of everyone else shrank. This is very possible. Now that Xue Luochuan can destroy the major kingdoms, it may not be against them in the future.

"So the old man asked Xiaoxue to marry him to avoid this kind of thing, but you don't seem to agree. Otherwise, why bother to eat the war between the two empires?"

Qian Daoliu means a lot.

He disagrees with the matter of instigating divorce, but Bibi Dong has already implemented it, and he can no longer restore it.

The expressions of the major elders changed, their expressions were different, and some of them did not agree with Bibi Dong's approach at the moment.

Bibi Dong frowned when he saw this scene, "I am doing this for the Spirit Hall. If they are allowed to develop, the threat will be even greater in the future, and most of them will take the initiative by themselves."

"It makes sense. This time the Dou Empire quelled the rebellion. Except for the mysterious strong, the weapons of their soldiers are also terrifying. At least they can beat the rebels."

Golden Crocodile Douluo nodded. He was the one who supported the Pope in the elders' palace, and he also had his resistance to fight Bibi Dong and Qian Daoliu.

"Everyone must understand that it is the strong, not the weapons, that decides the outcome."

Qian Daoliu was slightly dissatisfied. He regretted making Bibi Dong grow up at the moment. Now this Wuhun Palace, his words are not very useful.

"Great worship, I didn't choose to be hostile to the Heaven Dou Empire, as long as he has the ability, everything is easy to say, if he doesn't have the ability...what about the inheritors of the gods who dare to stop our Spirit Hall, you can't kill them!"

Bibi Dong was extremely cold and confident.

So what if Xueluochuan had guardians, it was just some Contras.

And her cultivation base is higher at this moment, and she must become a god earlier than Xue Luochuan.

As long as she becomes a god, no matter how many guardians there are, is it possible that her opponent will fail?

Qiandao squinted his eyes and looked at the woman opposite.

At this moment, Bibi Dong's hair was windless, his robe fluttered in the wind, his eyes were killing intent, and the evil and cold aura made him shiver.

As for the other elders, except for those with high cultivation bases such as Golden Crocodile Douluo, the other elders have shown awe.

This woman, becoming more and more unfathomable, even made him feel dangerous!

How could it be possible that he was a Level 99 Peak Douluo.

It was like being stimulated, suddenly, the angel statue in the hall brightened.

Qian Daoliu received a response, his body was shaken, and he looked at Bibi Dong in surprise.

The latter seemed to be aware of it, looked at the statue of God with fear, and restrained his breath.

"In short, we can't pin our hopes on marriage in the future, otherwise the spirit of Wuhun Palace will be put into running water for many years."

Bibi Dong said blankly.

She is a tough woman, unwilling to give up her future choice.

Even if that person is her daughter's man!

She must take the initiative, otherwise Chihiro Ji would not be killed.

"The old man agrees with the Pope's point of view. No matter how powerful Xue Luochuan is, it is still not as good as our Wuhun Temple. Why should he let him develop?"

The Golden Crocodile Douluo had a look of admiration, and their Spirit Hall needed this kind of enterprising pope who took the initiative to control the situation, not a compromiser.

"I also agree, whether there is a guardian in Xueluochuan or not, we don't have to be too afraid of him." Wuyou Literature Network

Qianjun Douluo nodded, as long as Xue Luochuan is not a god, what are they afraid of?

"When did the old man ever be afraid, but it's just one more step."

Qian Daoliu felt being ridiculed, snorted, and had to be tougher.

"In this case, don't oppose me to weaken the strength of the Heaven Dou Empire."

The corners of Bibi Dong's mouth rose.

Due to lack of qualifications and strength, she is temporarily unable to completely lead.

But she has a way, and that is to get the support of the major elders.

Now with the support of the elders headed by Jin Crocodile Douluo, many of her strategies can be implemented, even Qian Daoliu can't oppose it.

"The old man has no objection, but I just hope that the Pope will not do too much so that there is no way out."

Qian Daoliu got up, turned around and said, "The meeting is over."

A smile appeared on Bibi Dong's beautiful face, "I know how to measure."

After speaking, she took a step with her long thighs sideways, and left in a clattering sound.

Qian Daoliu clenched his palm slightly, then released it.

The other elders left one after another, but Golden Crocodile Douluo remained.

"Brother, you don't seem to be tough anymore."

Qian Daoliu looked at the angel idol: "It's not that I am tough, but she is extreme, don't you think?"

"The Pope is indeed a bit cruel, but such a person can lead our Wuhun Temple to glory and unify the mainland."

Golden Crocodile Douluo said lightly.

"Yes, it is indeed possible to do this, but if it is too extreme, once a mistake is made, it will be a catastrophe, and it is likely to lead our Spirit Hall to the abyss of destruction!"

Qian Daoliu said solemnly.

Golden Crocodile Douluo was silent, and he pondered for a moment and said, "So you support Xiaoxue to control the Heaven Dou Empire from the inside, instead of directly doing it like her. Unfortunately, a Xueluochuan appeared in the middle and all failed."

"Accidents can happen at any time, so I don't really support her extreme approach. There is no way out. Success will allow the Spirit Hall to overtake the mainland, but it fails..."

Qian Daoliu sighed and said, "The Martial Spirit Hall that we have inherited for so many generations is likely to be destroyed in our hands."

Golden Crocodile Douluo's eyes condensed and he was silent again.

"I know you have always been more aggressive, but there are some things you shouldn't be too anxious about. After all, the other party has a relationship with God, and the power of God is not what you and I can imagine."

Qian Daoliu means a lot.

"I know."

Golden Crocodile Douluo nodded: "I'll be more cautious, but why did the pope's breath just make the angel idol react? She is not a martial soul in your line."

"Yeah, it's not an angel Martial Soul, but it made this god react, and even obviously resisted her."

Qian Daoliu walked to the idol and put his hand over.

The hall was quiet again, and Golden Crocodile Douluo waited quietly. He felt that today he might learn a very special news.

She also felt trembling with the breath that the Pope had just released.

After a few breaths, Qian Daoliu opened his eyes, and a sense of shock appeared in the golden pupils.

"What's wrong?" Golden Crocodile Douluo couldn't help asking.


Ps: I chased the spirit cage in one breath for these two days. Because it was so good-looking, I couldn't control myself, so I broke...

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